The Kamakura Print Collection, Photogravure Etchings by Peter Miller



ホームページで、下にスクロールして一番右の列 (#6) を見つけてください。この列には、選択された個展の作品とコレクションへのリンクがあり、どの版画が展示され、どの版画が選択された美術館の永久コレクションに含まれているかが示されています。

Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, U.S.A.
National Museum of Asian Art (Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution), U.S.A.
National Museum of American Art, U.S.A.
Houston Museum of Fine Arts, U.S.A.
Cleveland Museum of Art, U.S.A.
New York Public Library, U.S.A.
Gilkey Center for Graphic Art, U.S.A.
Robert Hull Fleming Museum of the University of Vermont
Victoria and Albert Museum, U.K.
Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Russia
National Museum of Oriental Art, Russia
Russian State Museum and Exhibition Center, Russia
Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts, Russia
Lumiere Brothers Center, Russia
Museum of Urban Electric Transport, Russia
Roerich State Museum of Art, Russia
Musée Jénisch, Vevey, Switzerland
Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Musée des Beaux Arts, Tours, France
Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica, Rome, Italy
Collezione Internazionale de Grafica, Cremona Museum, Italy
Lahti Museum of Art, Lahti, Finland




  • Conrad R Graeber Fine Art, Box 264, Riderwood, Maryland 21139, Tel+1-410-377-6713、; Member, International Fine Print Dealers Association
  • Japonesque, San Francisco, California, 824 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California 94133; Tel: +1-415-391-8860

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