‘I’d like to ask the president or whoever writes his talking points what was this damage is if you had the lowest black unemployment rate in history, what was the damage if you had the second lowest Latino unemployment rate in history, why wasn’t that something to celebrate rather than to feel bad about?’
This [proposed] tax legislation would make it harder for Americans to compete in the world market and in effect is one more contribution from the Biden family to the victory of the Chinese Communist party. So let’s take a serious look at the most fun part of it which is towards the end when they finally get around to what they call the made in America tax plan. It actually should be called the tax plan guaranteed to reduce the amount of things made in America. When Reagan campaigned on supply-side economics cutting taxes creating economic incentives a model which worked so brilliantly that we left behind the stagflation of the 1970s, and literally within three years turned the entire economy around launching an economic boom which lasted basically up to about 2008 which is a pretty long boom and Republicans in particular learned that you should cut taxes, and we worked very hard at it when we got a majority in 1994 with the Contract with America we had the largest capital gains tax cut in history which launched an entire boom in the high-tech industry and led to a tremendous amount of new investments which created new jobs.
Well what we have with Biden is a reversion to the Keynesian pre-supply-side economic model, a reversion to a model that says if I raise your taxes enough then somehow magically good things will occur because I would have transferred money from these incompetent Business Leaders to these wonderfully competent bureaucrats and the competent bureaucrats are much smarter than the Business Leaders and therefore they’re going to do great things for us. You could consider the Baltimore school system as an example of great things. The fact is that what President Trump did with the tax cut of 2017 was create an enormous explosion of new wealth new productivity, such that liberals who you would think care about the poor, care about African Americans, care about Latinos, that at the peak of the Trump economy just before covid-19 we had a moment where you literally had the lowest African-American unemployment rate in American history you had the second lowest rate of unemployment for Latinos in American history, poor people were rising from poverty the old-fashioned way they actually got a job and worked you didn’t need as much welfare, you didn’t need as many food stamps because people were rising, they were doing better and why were they were doing better because the tax cuts had liberated entrepreneurs to go out and create jobs.
For the left this is a terrible thing because it took money away from the government employee unions and the various left-wing groups and they’re very straightforward here, they’re saying their tax quote reform will reverse this damage and fundamentally reform the way the tax code treats the largest corporations. I’d like to ask the president or whoever writes his talking points what was this damage is if you had the lowest black unemployment rate in history, what was the damage if you had the second lowest Latino unemployment rate in history, why wasn’t that something to celebrate rather than to feel bad about? Those who make this claim, this tells you how much they live in Alice in Wonderland. This will also make United States a leader again in the world. Well the United States economy before covid-19 was the leader in the world, we were beginning to pull away from China again….
‘ They [Communist China] were looking at 2050 for Taiwan, but now with perceived weakness on the part of the United States they are moving now. They are taking what they think is rightfully theirs — world leadership, economic superiority, and certainly Taiwan.’
Sayings gathers remarks worth remembering. Casual and spontaneous in style, yet with a depth of thought and experience. I add punctuation, remove introductions and repetitions, and insert brief contextual notes in brackets. Otherwise I leave the Joycean flow of thought, with its stimulating range of association, as it is.
Transcripts of remarks worth remembering — casual and spontaneous in style, animated by historical understanding and experience, lightly edited for continuity and context.
[On the diplomatic meeting in Alaska] The Chinese came ready with a prepared statement that they wanted to criticize the United States and humiliate us on our own soil and in doing so they wanted to use the words of the American woke media and the cancel culture and the people who say that American is a racist nation, that it was conceived in evil et cetera yadda yadda, so they quoted those those people back to the American leadership. It was meant to be humiliating and so when The American Secretary of State had an opportunity to respond, instead of saying this is outrageous and walk out which is what I would have done, he said well you know we’re trying, we’re not perfect, we’re going to get there someday. And it was that not only the fact that the Chinese said it in such a brazen in-your-face way on American soil, quoting the Americans back to our leaders, but then our leaders instead of acting strong and tough and respond, just a rolled over. The second part of it was that for the Chinese this is a new Cold War, Cold War 2.0, and it’s going to be different this time, it’s not going to be like the old first Cold War nuclear arms race around the world. In a different sphere it’s going to be economic competition it’s going to be technology leadership and competition it’s going to be cyber it’s going to be all in a no-holds-barred — there’s no international law that’s going to prevent technology theft and acquisition and a lot of the things that the Chinese have already been doing but now it’s out in the open. The Chinese to my mind have now concluded that there rise is and America’s decline is inevitable and they think that they are or at least soon will be in a more dominant position in the world than the United States economically technologically diplomatically they plan to replace the United States as the global world leader and then rewrite the liberal World Order The Rules of Order Rules to order and to have quote Chinese characteristics. In Alaska nothing was accomplished but it was significant because it showed the Chinese intentions and I think it showed the United States that the Biden administration is in a position of great weakness which will reverberate around the world to our disadvantage.
We should bring up these issues that are neuralgic for the Chinese. They give you a red line, cross them and mention the Uyghur camps and say you can’t even bring them up. The Chinese involvement in the coronavirus I think that we should have brought that up. The whole world is suffering from a pandemic the Chinese knew they were unleashing on the world and the consequences are probably in a lot of ways more devastating than a World War would have been and so why not bring it up. You work with your allies and in this case in Asia Japan Australia particularly in the United States and you form a relationship with these countries to stand up to China. You use American technological superiority and you really double down on American investment in STEM education. They’ve had a couple of meetings [with India and Australia] but they’re not to the point yet where we’re having these four countries in Asia stand up and maybe do military operations together maybe do intelligence-sharing maybe do co-investment. The United States has an opportunity right now with India where we could invest in India the same way we invested in China 20 years ago. India is soon going to have a larger population than China and India is a democracy. Why not talk about covid-19. That’s been recently up in the news again with Robert Redfield former CDC director basically having expressed again the position of the previous administration basically that the most likely scenario was that it escaped from the lab.
It [Redfield’s statement] doesn’t bring any information as much as it brings it together all in one place. His background is actually in viruses he spent his whole career so when he says it I pay attention to this guy. I don’t care if he’s a Republican or a Democrat or an independent or whatever he’s got a lot of credibility in the field and then secondly let’s look at the pieces of this puzzle. Number one we now know that the Chinese knew the lethality and the contagion of covid, and they knew it well enough and soon enough so that they closed down the city where it came from — all travel for people traveling around other parts of China shut down. However at the same time they opened up travel kept open travel from Wuhan to the rest of the world and when countries like the United States and others tried to close that travel down the Chinese accused them of racism. So in other words in China they didn’t want it to happen in their own country. Another piece of evidence that I think is significant is that when it was first discovered it was World Health Organization scientists and doctors in Wuhan who raised the alarm and they talked about it but early on those same scientists and doctors they were disappeared they were told to be quiet and they were never heard from again, and at that point early on before before it became a pandemic internationally the Chinese government and the scientists in the World Health Organization in China had to turn everything over to the Chinese military. They passed a National Security Law saying that anybody who was going to talk about this virus has to get permission from the central government from the military before they talk about it. What are they trying to hide? They wouldn’t even let and they still haven’t let American scientists in. It’s been a year and now they are finally letting scientists come in and have a look, but you know a year is a long time to cover up the evidence and if the Chinese have nothing to hide why did they not let people in and why do they not help the world prevent a pandemic that they caused? Maybe it was just bats but it almost doesn’t matter because it’s what the Chinese did once they realized the lethality, the contagion and let it spread around the world and here we are today.
[Nobody talks about it.] It’s almost like the attitude is well we don’t want to embarrass them some so let’s just move along here, and what they’re doing now is they are using with a cold war diplomacy they’re using all the elements of Chinese National Power to punish countries which are disagreeing with them. Australia for example Australia early on a hundred other countries asked the World Health Organization let’s get to the bottom of the origins of the coronavirus and the Chinese government says to Australia don’t talk about that. Australia wouldn’t stop, so the Chinese have now set out to destroy some of the agricultural exports to China. It has already wreaked havoc on their economy. With a lot of countries that dare to cross their red line and a big element of this I was just reading about recently is their extensive disinformation and misinformation operations. I was just reading recently about how US Special Operations Command is creating a task force basically to specifically deal with Chinese disinformation operations. This seems to be a key area of this warfare, not the nuclear mutually assured destruction doctrine anymore, it’s all these other ways which are typically not thought of as warfare. These disinformation campaigns are so powerful and frankly so effective because they can get us all going after each other. And the other part of their disinformation campaign — let’s be nice and call it diplomacy — they are looking at the rest of the world and saying okay America you’re where you are but we want to lead the the next world order, we want to be the leaders of a non-white world of Asians and Central America Latin America and the subcontinent and Africa and that’s one of the reasons that they can continue to sort of parrot those in the United States who are talking about America is racist. I don’t think they care about whether Americans are racist or not. But they want to portray America as morally flawed as they try to ascend to diplomatic dominance around the world.
The Chinese Communist party has been fanning the flames of this very actively yeah of course they are because it suits their advantage. I graduated years ago, at Oxford University I studied communism and revolutions, I read Marx and Engels and Lenin had a phrase or he called them useful idiots, those are the people in free societies or in other countries who kind of buy into the Soviet disinformation and propaganda campaign and then from within those countries they tried to tear down the leadership. I look at America and see there are a lot of useful idiots here, the people in the cult of the cancel culture, in the Twitter mob who go after political leaders or anybody in the conservative movement to try to destroy them. Well you know if the Chinese are going to be running the world — I hope they won’t, I don’t think they will — but if they do, the first people that they get rid of are the useful idiots.
The Chinese leaders basically said you know the Korean War and the 1950s that cost us Taiwan the real country we cared about was Taiwan and bringing Taiwan back into what they thought the greater China and by the Korean War it got the whole world turned against China so China could not make its move. China has made it very clear they said it to us in the beginning of the Trump Administration. They go through their list of what they call their core interests or red lines or non-negotiable demands so that’s what they told Biden and that’s what they told us: hands-off Hong Kong and at that point there were no Uyghur concentration camps [their existence was not well-known] but those were their two things; they consider Taiwan be part of China, it’s a domestic Chinese issue what happens to those countries. They were looking at 2050 for Taiwan, but now with perceived weakness on the part of the United States I mean they are moving out now. They are taking what they think is rightfully theirs — world leadership economic superiority and certainly Taiwan. So I don’t think that these are all precursors to some kind of an invasion or a war but they are trying to put down the marker of think twice everybody in the world if you want to criticize us over Taiwan. I think they assume that most countries will back down and probably even Taiwan will back down.
[On sanctions against products made in forced-labor concentration camps] The Chinese response was to come back and you know double down and issue economic sanctions of their own on international corporations and in addition to that, they’re doing in China a PR campaign internally so that all celebrities TV stars personalities are wearing all cotton fabrics and cotton clothing made from these camps in part of western China. So the Chinese again from their perspective they think they’re there or they’re already there that they are already in the position of dominance and therefore any concessions to be made are not going to be made on their part, they’re going to be made by other countries and to show how powerful they are they use this economic weapon. And it’s a very powerful weapon especially in a democracy. What country is going to have an economic disadvantage to their own people in order to make a point? The Chinese can do this because they have an authoritarian government. You can’t do the same thing in the West because we’re a democracy. So they’re very clever. We have to get the free democracies of the world to band together because the Chinese plan long-range plan is to pick us off one at a time, pick off Japan pick off South Korea and use the Chinese leverage and their trade weapons to get these countries to do China’s bidding. However if all these countries are banded together, you know united we stand divided we fall, then why I think we do have an opportunity and are in a very strong position to go back to China and say well you may want this but we’re not going to let you get away with it.
What it looks like is these people in China being stirred up around these issues — look at how unfairly we were being treated here. An authoritarian government can do this, they passed a law a couple of years ago if the government or the Chinese military or the Chinese intelligence Services asked you for information or asks you to cooperate with them on something, you have to do it, it’s against the law if you don’t. You could put him in jail for life and so yes of course they’re able to mobilize. The other thing though and I guess I worry about this for a long time is that China has a population that has been nurtured on this notion that they were treated unjustly for about 200 years, that China was always the dominant most successful most powerful most just country in the world through the history of the world. But they had a lousy 200 years after the Industrial Revolution and they blame the West, blame the United States, they blame Europe. They have a chip on their shoulder about this, to a certain extent what they’re trying to do is payback time, they feel that they’re just resuming their rightful place in the world, that all these countries and companies who want to criticize them for forced labor camps or Hong Kong democracy, well you know you’re just little pipsqueaks. So the Chinese have stirred up this nationalist sentiment internally to say that this is the great Chinese history, this is the patriotic thing to do to other countries [like Taiwan and Hong Kong] and at the same time they’ve got this all-of-government approach where they’re using every aspect of government, not just a Chinese businessman or the Chinese military but they’re now disappearing H&M stores on Apple or Google Maps because China has an application that somehow in the middle of your when you try to find a location of Google maps, it disappears. I mean they’re really playing hardball, and they’re going to an enormous effort to have even the most what we would think kind of an insignificant thing. That’s why they’re such a formidable adversary. We’ve never had such a strategic threat to the peace and prosperity of the United States and to the world. This is much more serious than the Soviet Union or even Nazism. China is trying to, plans to remake the world in its own image and it is at our expense, make no mistake it will be at our expense.
[The Chinese sanctions are not exactly mirror images of the EU sanctions which are for crimes against humanity, while the Chinese sanctions are literally for saying stuff.] That’s a very insightful point, right. The West applies sanctions for crimes against humanity, but for China it’s all about you can’t say bad stuff. You can’t even criticize criticize China internally, we know that they have the world’s first total surveillance, but they’re not even allowing people outside to criticize China. It’s going to be a very difficult decade because China thinks they could replace the United States as the dominant world power by mid-century but with a pandemic and I think with the dysfunction in Washington they feel that they’re going to get there within the decade. This is going to be a very difficult decade that tries men’s souls.
[The prospects] We have the right to a political revolution and we go through this with great regularity every 40 or so years and the reason why is because American society is dynamic it’s always changing technologically sociologically religiously ethnically, all of the above, and revolutions where we kick the old party and ideas out, old leaders of both parties, and we have a new set of leaders and then that’s where America recreates itself, we reinvent ourselves and we do it time and time again and that I think is the definition of American exceptionalism. So how do you combat what I see is a growing threat to the peace and prosperity. I think America reinvent itself, it’s in the process of doing that now. And the technologies that we can’t even dream of are probably just around the corner and we’re going there again.
America has always reinvented itself and I think that that’s what we’re going through now it’s a process of sort of re-birthing and reinvention. The second wave of this virus is not going to be a physical viral disease it’s going to be in the economy and the destruction this is making on the economy and the United States becoming not only a debtor Nation but a debtor Nation that’s just borrowing all around the world including from China. The United States is going to look at the Chinese model and say no it doesn’t work here what works here is let’s find a cure and to keep our society open. From the Chinese perspective they are thrilled at the thought that we are raising a generation of kids who aren’t going to be socializing, not going to be educated, and we’re indebted we’re borrowing borrowing borrowing. Disinformation is a pretty effective way of getting America to lockdown forever, and you’re not going to manufacture stuff anymore, you’re just going to be in service, suspended animation. The American people aren’t nuts. At a certain point people just are going to look around and say hey I’m in California it’s not working for me, I’m going to Idaho. Or I’m in Manhattan, this isn’t working, so I’m going to Florida. It’s already started happening in the free states that have succeeded in battling the coronavirus, they’ve succeeded in vaccinating their populations, and they’ve succeeded in having their economies remain open. I’ll take that any day of the week over the lockdowns and certainly over the system that China has. People have worried about America for what two or three centuries, that we’re always just about to lose it to some other countries, they’re going to replace and take over and some other system is better than ours. At the end of the day I really believe in democracy and I really believe in free market capitalism and even though we’re going to have a rocky couple of years ahead I think ultimately the American people, the American system, and the American way of life and democracy and free market capitalism will survive and will indeed thrive.
§9. Hijacking the Presidency, March 2020 – Jan 2021
March 6, 2020: Georgia loosens ballot signature-matching tests to require only one instead of two matches, and forbids rejection of absentee ballots unless agreed by a majority of registrars or clerks.
March 2020: Georgia installs 30,000 Dominion voting machines in all 159 counties, at a cost of $107 million, despite warnings of vulnerability to vote tampering. || Source
March 17, 2020: Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and 200 other organizations send letter to every member of Congress, State Governor, and State election administrator demanding same-day voter registration, extension of deadlines for voter registration, in-person voting two weeks before Election Day, mail-in ballot option for all registered voters, extension of deadlines for returning mail-in ballots, and information campaigns. The letter is not sent to State legislatures, which are constitutionally charged with exclusive responsibility for setting the time, place, and manner of elections. || Source
March 24, 2020: Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announces mailing of absentee ballot request forms to all of Georgia’s 6.9 million active voters, whether requested or not. Source: Navarro Report II, p 11.
March 27, 2020: Pennsylvania extends deadline for ballot counting three days beyond Election Day. || Source: Navarro Report II, p 10.
April 2020: Georgia Election Board changes rules to allow ballots to be deposited into unsupervised 24/7 drop-boxes.
April 10, 2020: George Soros gives $28 million during first three months of 2020 to groups seeking to influence presidential election, primarily by increasing turnout of infrequent and disaffected voters. || Source
April 13, 2020: Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and 150 organizations send letter to every member of Congress urging diversion of $2 billion to $4 billion of tax funds for relief of economic distress due to Covid-19 lockdowns, to election administration. Organizations signing the letter include AFL-CIO, American Federation of Teachers, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Brennan Center for Justice, Common Cause, Council on American-Islamic Relations, League of Women Voters, Planned Parenthood, Sierra Club, Union of Concerned Scientists, United Mine Workers. The letter asks ‘Congress to pass additional measures that would fully fund and direct states and counties to administer the 2020 elections in a safe, fair, and accessible manner, through the implementation of vote-by-mail and the expansion of early voting and in-person voting options.’ The letter cites reports that some states have been using covid relief funds for covid relief: ‘Some cash-strapped states have dipped into their election security funds provided to them by the $2.2 trillion stimulus package to help pay for their responses to the coronavirus outbreak.’ Congress allocates $400 million in Federal tax funds to states for election administration. || Source1 ; Source2
May 2020: Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe instructs municipalities that they ‘are not required to contact voters’ requesting absentee ballots who claim ‘indefinite confinement’. In 2019, ‘indefinitely confined’ voters numbered 72,000, while in 2020 that number is 215,333. Covid concerns cause many who go out for shopping and recreation to declare themselves ‘indefinitely confined’ for voting purposes. || Source
May 18, 2020: AG Barr states that he does not expect the Durham investigation to lead to criminal indictments of either Barack Obama or Joe Biden. Barr distinguishes ‘abuse of power, however outrageous it may be, from Federal crimes’, citing a strict DOJ standard requiring evidence of all elements of a crime before entering an indictment. This statement of Barr’s is later cited in the political campaign to claim that neither Obama nor Biden did anything wrong. || Source
May 19, 2020: Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announces that applications to vote by mail would be sent to all of the state’s registered voters, whether requested or not, and that signatures would be presumed valid. Benson issues instructions that vote-counters ‘must perform their signature verification duties with the presumption that the voter’s [absent voter] application or envelope signature is his or her genuine signature.’ Benson was elected in 2018 with large donations from the Soros-funded Democracy Alliance. Michigan Court of Claims Chief Judge Christopher Murray rules on March 9, 2021 that this violates Michigan’s Administrative Procedures Act: ‘Nowhere in this state’s election law has the Legislature indicated that signatures are to be presumed valid…. A ‘rule’ not promulgated in accordance with the APA’s procedures is invalid. MCL 24.243; MCL 24.245; Pharris v Secretary of State, 117 Mich App 202, 205; 323 NW2d 652 (1982).’ He does not order an audit, however. || Source: Genetski v. Benson, No. 20-216-MM
May 22, 2020: Allegheny County (Pittsburgh) Pennsylvania settles lawsuit with Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILG) with agreement to maintain more accurate voter registration lists. PILG finds 1,600 dead voter registrants, 1,500 aged 100 or more, 7,500 with erroneous birth or other information, and duplicate registrations. || Source
May 28 – Aug 2, 2020: New York City: 458 police officers are injured, including seven admitted to hospital, 303 treated and released from hospital, five treated by EMS, and 150 refusing medical attention. || Source, Sgt. Mary Frances O’Donnell
May 30, 2020: China CDC Director Gao Fu states seafood market is NOT the source of the SARS-2 virus, denying earlier claims of inter-species infection. || Source
May 31, 2020: Chicago records a one-day record of 18 murders, surpassing its previous high of 13 set in 1991. Police respond to 73 incidents in which 92 people are shot during that weekend, including 27 who died as a result. Crime researcher Max Kapustin says ‘We’ve never seen anything like it at all‘. || Source
May 31 – June 27, 2020: In Atlanta 14 people are murdered, up from six during the same period in 2019. Shootings number 93, compared to 46 the previous June. || Source
June 3, 2020: From an $18 billion gift by George Soros to Open Society Foundation (OSF), OSF funds Borealis Philanthropy, which in turn distributes grants to Black Led Movement Fund and Freedom, Inc. and Freedom, Inc. for ‘general operating support’ and other nebulous purposes. Freedom, Inc. also receives grants from State and Federal tax funds of $3.6 million during the 2015 – 2020 period. from Jan 2019 to June 2020, Federal DOJ funds given by Wisconsin AG Josh Kaul through the State’s Dept of Justice total $876,674. During the same period, Wisconsin’s Dept of Children and Families, directed by Governor Tony Evers, gives $732,403 to Freedom Inc. Freedom, Inc. organizes violent demonstrations in Madison Wisconsin to demand release of all Black prisoners from jail and cutting off public funding of police. After three days of riots, Freedom Inc. ‘power building coordinator’ Mahnker Dahnweih says ‘Thank all the youth freedom fighters who were in the streets fighting (Sunday) night and Saturday night. Every action is a contribution to liberation.‘ || Sources: Daniel Bice, Milwaukie Journal-Sentinel, and Jeff Reynolds, PJ Media.
June 14 – July 12: Chicago records 116 murders, up from 41 during the same period in 2019. || Source
June 17, 2020: Wisconsin Elections Commission votes unanimously to send mail-in ballot applications to the state’s registered voters. The ballots themselves are to be mailed only to voters who request them, and may be used only by those in ‘indefinite confinement’ (meaning nursing homes, hospices, and home life-support).
June 24, 2020: DC Circuit Court of Appeals orders District Court Judge Sullivan to sign DOJ Motion to Dismiss all charges against Michael Flynn.
July 4, 2020: After NYPD disbands its 600-person plainclothes anti-crime unit, the number of shootings in the city during the last two weeks of June is triple the number during the same period in 2019. || Source
July 5, 2020: George Soros gives $40 million to his super-PAC, Democracy PAC, $5.5 million from personal funds and $35 million from Soros’s Fund for Policy Reform. Democracy PAC distributes Soros’s $40 million to Senate campaigns, a Biden PAC, State campaigns, and another Soros PAC devoted to electing District Attorneys committed to reducing criminal penalties, releasing imprisoned criminals, and refraining from prosecuting certain kinds of crime. Soros’s Democracy PAC’s donations since its founding in 2005 total $1.85 billion. || Source1 , Source2
July 8, 2020: A group called #StopHateForProfit, represented by Rashad Robinson, organizes a corporate ad boycott of Facebook, demanding censorship of what it describes as ‘hate speech and misinformation‘. Leadership Conference president Vanita Gupta meets with Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg to direct their content selection rules against ‘voter suppression and misinformation‘ and toward removal of contrary messages. Gupta says ‘it was really important, given the level of official disinformation, that they had those rules in place and were tagging things and taking them down‘. Gupta is later appointed Associate AG on April 21, 2021, despite a conflict of interest involving her $14.5 million investment in Avantor, a company supplying chemicals used to manufacture narcotics. Gupta has previously called for decriminalization of heroin and methamphetamine. Her father Rajiv Gupta is CEO of Avantor. || Source1 ; Source2
July 13, 2020: Soros Foundation gives $220 million to BLM and black-led justice organizations, to help ‘end policing as we know it.’ || Source
July 20, 2020: Accountable Tech, a group formed to influence social media content publishing practices, urges Facebook to delete all posts questioning the legitimacy of mail-in ballots, and other posts it characterizes as ‘misinformation’ furthering ‘voter suppression’. || Source
July 24, 2020: Portland Oregon: Rioters barricade front of courthouse, aim lasers at officers inside. DHS officers leave building to repel mob. ‘Around midnight rioters attempt to set the courthouse on fire, as they have done numerous times before. They also throw smoke bombs into the flames causing the interior of the courthouse to fill with smoke’. As officers leave the building, rioters throw fireworks at them, causing chemical burns. || Source: Day 54 Portland Oregon Police Report
July 28, 2020: Google eliminates Breitbart content about Joe Biden, and most other content, from its coverage, reducing the site’s search-rank visibility by 99.7% since 2016. An SEO expert who wishes to remain anonymous says ‘I’ve never experienced such a wholesale removal of rank and visibility on specific concepts on a site as I have seen being applied to Breitbart. Removal is the key, not dropping in rank, which would be an organic devaluing. These ranks are just simply gone, overnight, while other topics have been untouched. The sheer fact that there are thousands of pages of Breitbart content that reference Biden that were ranking before May 6 [2020], that now have no rank or impressions on search is a sign of manipulation, not algorithmic devaluing.‘ || Source
July 29, 2020: U.S. Customs officials seize 1,513 shipments containing 19,888 fake driver’s licenses at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, most from Hong Kong and China. Driver’s licenses are often used as identification for banking, voter registration, and other purposes. || Source
Aug 2020: Wilmington computer repair shop owner delivers copy of Hunter Biden hard drive to Giuliani associate Robert Costello. Stephen Bannon arranges for New York Post to publish contents.
Aug 3, 2020: DOJ puts unofficial ’90-day rule’ into effect, suppressing information about criminal and tax investigations of Hunter Biden during the three-month period before Nov 3 election. • Nevada legalizes universal mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, extends deadlines for receiving ballots and for curing disqualified ballots, and relaxes signature matching requirements. || Source: Navarro Report II, p 10
Aug 8, 2020: National Association of Secretaries of State Communications Director Maria Benson instructs Twitter to prioritize censorship requests from employees of State election officials. Twitter establishes a ‘Partner Support Portal’ to ensure quick response to such censorship requests. || Source: O’Handley v Padilla, California Case 2:21-cv-04954 Document 1 Filed 06/17/21.
Aug 2020: Advised of the insufficiency of the $400 million allocated by Congress to assist states in election administration, Mark Zuckerberg gives $350 million to Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which in turn dispenses grants to selected cities and counties to pay election officials and judges and purchase voting machines and other election equipment. The grants are made subject to conditions involving numbers of polling places, ballot collection methods, and changes to rules governing absentee ballots. All jurisdictions agree to Zuckerberg’s conditions, in effect privatizing election administration. The largest grants are made to Dallas County Texas ($15 million), Philadelphia ($10 million), Harris County Texas ($9.6 million), Fulton County Georgia ($6 million), Cobb County Georgia ($5.6 million), DeKalb County Georgia ($4.8 million), Detroit Michigan ($3.5 million), Minneapolis Minnesota ($2.3 million), Delaware County Pennsylvania ($2.2 million), Milwaukee Wisconsin ($2.2 million), Allegheny County Pennsylvania ($2.1 million). || Source
Arizona bans private funding of election administration: ‘Notwithstanding any other law, this state and a city, town, county, school district or other public body that conducts or administers elections may not receive or expend private monies for preparing for, administering or conducting an election, including registering voters.’ State Rep Jake Hoffman (R-Queen Creek) says ‘HB 2569 is common sense legislation that will ensure Arizona’s elections are free from outside influence and that our voters can have confidence in the integrity of the process. Nearly half a billion dollars in private funding was spent by out of state Democrat billionaires to influence the administration of county and state elections operations nationally, including millions here in Arizona. The Arizona legislature doesn’t want billionaires from any Party, or of any kind, attempting to influence our election system.’ || Source
Aug – Sept 2020: Voter Participation Center (VPC), a private non-profit describing itself as ‘the rising American electorate—young people, people of color and unmarried women’, sends ballot applications with pre-filled-out names to 15 million people in states with large numbers of same. VPC mailings, designed to look like official forms, typically cause confusion and often have misleading, inaccurate, deceptive information, and lack essential elements such as a signature field. VPC receives funding from the Clinton Foundation. Of the initial 15 million tranche, 4.6 million absentee ballot applications are returned. || Source1 ; Source2
Aug 5, 2020: U.S. District Judge Sarah Netburn requests testimony of Belmarsh (U.K.) Prisoner Julian Assange on any contacts between Seth Rich and Wikileaks prior to Rich’s murder in July 2016.
Aug 6, 2020: Portland Oregon: Rioters attack police station, smash windows, try to burn it down, try to run over police with truck, throw rocks and fireworks at police officers while aiming lasers at them. Journalist Andy Ngo films the attacks, posts them to YouTube. || Source
Aug 7, 2020: Center for Voter Information reports that it sent more than a half-million inaccurate applications for absentee ballots to recipients in Virginia, including dead people, missing relatives, and pets. The non-profit Center had obtained the inaccurate information from official Virginia voter lists. || Source
Aug 18, 2020: FBI Attorney Clinesmith pleads guilty to altering a CIA memo by adding the phrase ‘not a source’ in reference to Carter Page, in order to conceal the fact that Page had previously cooperated with the CIA. DOJ in Jan 2021 excuses him from jail time.
Sept 2020: House passes bill to ban import of goods made with forced labor of Uighurs from China’s Xinjiang Province. The vote is 406 to 3.
Sept 1, 2020: Twitter bans ‘misleading claims that cause confusion about the established laws, regulations, procedures, and methods of a civic process, or about the actions of officials or entities executing those civic processes‘, in reference to unauthorized changes to election procedures expanding the use of mail-in ballots, loosening of voter verification requirements, and other 2020 innovations.
Sept 1, 2020: Mark Zuckerberg, under pressure from advocacy organization Accountable Tech, agrees Facebook ‘will attach an informational label to content that seeks to de-legitimize the outcome of the election or discuss the legitimacy of voting methods, for example, by claiming that lawful methods of voting will lead to fraud‘, in reference to unauthorized changes to election procedures.
Sept 3, 2020: Pelosis purchase between $500,000 and $1M of the stock of Crowdstrike, the firm that failed to find evidence of hacking of DNC servers. CrowdStrike’s valuation increases from $1 billion in 2017 to $6.7 billion after going public in 2019, and $31.37 billion in 2020. Annual revenue is $481 million in 2020. || Source
Sept 10, 2020: California Secretary of State Alex Padilla awards sole-source $35 million contract to Democrat political consulting firm SKDK for non-partisan voter education, claiming ‘emergency‘ as the reason for canceling competitive bidding procedure. California Controller Betty Yee on Oct 20 refuses to approve payment, citing a ‘legally insufficient‘ budgetary appropriation, meaning the Secretary of State lacked budgetary authority to award the contract. SKDK sends daily summaries of censorship requests to Twitter, Facebook, and others. California Legislature overrules its Controller in Feb 2021 to pay SKDK all disputed amounts. || Source1: O’Handley v Padilla, California Case 2:21-cv-04954 Document 1 Filed 06/17/21; and Source2
September 10, 2020: District Judge Douglas Reyes extends by five days after Election Day the Arizona deadline for absentee ballots missing signatures to be signed.
Sept 15, 2020: Pennsylvania Secretary of State Boockvar directs local election officials to omit signature analysis of absentee and mail-in ballots. Boockvar was elected in 2018 with large donations from the Soros-funded Democracy Alliance.
Sept 17, 2020: Pennsylvania State Supreme Court approves change of election rules allowing counting of ballots returned within three days of the Nov 3 election, in place of the Nov 3 Election Day deadline.
Sept 17, 2020: Census reports median household income grew 6.8% by $4,400 in 2019, resulting in an all-time record of $68,700. This is the largest one-year increase in median income on record.
Sept 2020: Zuckerberg’s CTLC gives $36 million to 14 urban counties in Texas for mail-in ballot sorting equipment, polling place rental, masks and gloves, temp-employee expenses, and voter education. Seven counties received more than one million dollars: Dallas ($15,130,433), Harris ($9,600,000), Webb ($2,820,960), Bexar ($1,900,000), Cameron ($1,853,729), Tarrant ($1,678,522), Travis ($1,144,709). || Source: Public Interest Legal Foundation:
Sept 21, 2020: DOJ labels New York City, Portland Oregon, and Seattle Washington ‘anarchist jurisdictions’, ineligible for Federal grants, for their refusal to stop rioting and violence for more than three months. AG Barr says ‘When state and local leaders impede their own law enforcement officers and agencies from doing their jobs, it endangers innocent citizens who deserve to be protected, including those who are trying to peacefully assemble and protest. We cannot allow federal tax dollars to be wasted when the safety of the citizenry hangs in the balance. It is my hope that the cities identified by the Department of Justice today will reverse course and become serious about performing the basic function of government and start protecting their own citizens.‘ Barr cites New York’s disbanding of the 600-person plainclothes unit and one billion dollars cut from the NYPD budget, Portland’s 100 days of continuous rioting, and Seattle’s passive acquiescence to rioters taking over a section of its downtown business district. || Source
Sept 24, 2020: Michigan establishes more than 700 unsupervised drop-boxes for absentee ballots: || Source
Sept 26, 2020: Madison Wisconsin public employees financed by Mark Zuckerberg’s Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) hold absentee ballot-harvesting events in parks throughout the city. Thousands of absentee ballots are collected, placed in unsupervised bags, and carried to unknown places by city workers. CTCL gives the following amounts to Wisconsin cities: Milwaukee: $2,154,500; Madison: $1,271,788; Green Bay: $1,093,400; Kenosha: $862,779; Racine: $942,100. Zuckerberg’s CTCL donates a total of $350 million to $500 million for these activities in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and other states. Florida bans private donations to election officials in May 2021, ballot harvesting, mass mailing of ballots, and strengthens voter-identification requirements. || Source
Zuckerberg spokesman Ben LaBolt announces on April 12, 2022 that the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) will no longer donate funds to election officials, because the 2020 election donations totaling $350 million to 2,500 election offices in key Democrat precincts were due to a one-time emergency. At the same time, CTCL launches a new five-year, $80 million program called the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence to assist election offices across the United States. || Source
Sept 30, 2020: Univ of Utah Law School Prof Paul Cassell estimates de-policing in June and July 2020 result in 710 additional murder victims and more than 2,800 gunshot victims across the U.S. Cassell writes ‘major cities across the country have suffered dramatic spikes in homicides. These spikes are remarkably large, suddenly appearing, and widespread’. In Minneapolis, homicides increase by 87 per cent, from 30 in 2019 to 56 in the same period in 2020. || Source Comprehensive reviews of effects on crime of reducing policing, by Christopher Rufo; and by Heather MacDonald
Sept 30, 2020: In response to a question to former FBI Director Comey from Sen Lindsey Graham in testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, on whether he (Comey) would have signed the three FISA warrant applications that he had signed had he known the information they cited was false, Comey says ‘No‘.
Oct 1, 2020: New York City reopens public schools.
Oct 6, 2020: Michigan extends ballot-counting time for cities over 25,000 population. || Source: Navarro Report II, p 10.
Oct 8, 2020: Staple Street Capital, an investment fund that had acquired Dominion Voting Systems in 2018, files statement with SEC disclosing $400M share subscription by UBS Securities LLC. SEC notice is filed and signed by Hootan Yaghoobzadeh (sic). UBS Securities, formerly a subsidiary of Union Bank of Switzerland, is owned, after a series of transactions, by Beijing State-owned Assets Management, a sovereign wealth fund of the Chinese Government. || Source1 , Source2
Oct 10, 2020: New York Post publishes April 17, 2015 email from Burisma Advisor Vadim Pozharskyi to Hunter Biden ‘Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together‘. Twitter and Facebook censor the Post story, which quickly makes it one of the most widely-read stories in circulation. Widespread denials of the authenticity of the Hunter Biden computer, and censorship of the New York Post reports, prevent this information from reaching most voters and the general public. One and a half years later, New York Times concedes the authenticity of the Hunter Biden computer and its contents || Source
In April 2022, Hunter Biden pays one million dollars in back taxes on income he never claimed. The income was documented only in emails in the computer which the New York Times and 51 former intelligence officials asserted was inauthentic or Russian disinformation. || Source
Oct 15, 2020: Election Integrity Project California finds nearly 400,000 ballots are sent to non-residents or dead people. Non-residents include one who had moved to Tennessee 16 years previously, another who had moved to Texas 15 years previously. || Source
Oct 16, 2020: Judicial Watch finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with voter registration rates exceeding 100%, based on official State records. These 353 counties collectively have 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. Eight States have statewide registration rates exceeding 100%: Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Illinois refuses to disclose its voter registration list. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton says ‘The data highlights the recklessness of mailing blindly ballots and ballot applications to voter registration lists. Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections.‘ || Source ; full list
Oct 19, 2020: Former CIA Director John Brennan and more than 50 other former intelligence officials sign and publish a ‘Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails’ asserting ‘the arrival on the US political scene of emails purportedly belonging to Vice President Biden’s son Hunter, much of it related to his serving on the Board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, has all the classic earmarks of a Russian misinformation operation…. It is high time that Russia stops interfering in our democracy.’ || Source
Oct 19, 2020: AG Barr appoints John Durham Special Counsel under same Special Counsel statute that had authorized previous Mueller appointment. Barr states the purpose is ‘to provide Durham and his team some assurance that they’d be able to complete their work regardless of the outcome of the election’. Durham is authorized ‘to investigate whether any federal official, employee or any person or entity violated the law in connection with the intelligence, counter-intelligence or law enforcement activities’ directed at the 2016 presidential campaigns, anyone associated with the campaigns or the Trump administration. A special counsel can be fired only by the attorney general and for specific reasons such as misconduct, dereliction of duty or conflict of interest. An attorney general must document such reasons in writing. || Source
Oct 21, 2020: USPS driver Jesse Morgan delivers 280,000 marked ballots from Bethpage New York to Lancaster Pennsylvania. ‘I saw ballots with return addresses already filled out, thousands of them, loaded them onto my trailer in New York and headed for Pennsylvania. At first I thought this was cool, I’m doing something for the presidential election. But as things became weirder, I got to thinking, and wondered why I was driving complete ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. In Harrisburg, I was made to wait for roughly 6 hours, from 9:15 am to nearly 3 pm. All of this was weird. I went inside and asked to see the expediter. I was told to wait for the transportation supervisor. He’s a top guy, he’s the kind of guy that would speak to my boss. The supervisor told me to drive to Lancaster without being unloaded in Harrisburg. I knew the ballots were loaded for Harrisburg. I then drove to Lancaster, unhooked my trailer in its normal place, and then drove my truck to where I always park it. The next day, it just got weirder. As I arrived at Lancaster, my trailer was gone, not there anymore. Since I started driving that Bethpage route, I’ve always had trailer 10-R-1440. I really liked that trailer. I know this doesn’t mean nothin’ to you that don’t know about trucking…. What happened on October 21 was a series of unusual events that cannot be a coincidence. I know I saw ballots with return addresses filled out, thousands of them, thousands. Loaded onto my trailer in New York and headed for Pennsylvania. As things became weirder I got to thinking and wondered why I was driving complete ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. I didn’t know why, so I decided to speak up.‘ || Source and Pennsylvania legislative hearings.
Oct 22, 2020: Presidential candidate Joe Biden claims letters and emails recovered from son Hunter Biden’s computer on bribery and extortion of Ukranian and other foreign officials are ‘Russian disinformation’. One and a half years later, then-AG Bill Barr says ‘I was very disturbed during the debate when candidate Biden lied to the American people about the laptop [computer]. He’s squarely confronted with the laptop, and he suggested that it was Russian disinformation and pointed to the letter written by some intelligence people that was baseless — which he knew was a lie.’ Barr adds that suppression of this information amounted to ‘election interference’. || Source
Oct 27, 2020: Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski rejects Rep Adam Schiff’s accusation that reports of Hnter Biden’s emails on illicit financing are ‘a smear on Joe Biden [that] comes from the Kremlin’. Bobulinski says he has his own copy of a message detailing distribution of money to ‘H’ (Hunter) and ‘the big guy’, meaning Joe Biden. || Source with Tucker Carlson interview of Bobulinski on Fox News
Oct 28, 2020: Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies finds 87% of California voters ‘worry that many Americans will not respect the outcome of this year’s presidential election’. 40% of California voters are ‘skeptical that the election will be conducted in a way that is fair and open’. 81% of California voters intending to vote in person express no confidence in mail-in ballots being counted. || Source
Oct 30, 2020: Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley calls Chinese Communist Party counterpart General Li Zuocheng to inform him, ‘We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.‘ The Joint Chiefs are not part of the military chain of command; they are staff advisers to the President, who was not advised of the call. While Milley’s call fits the definition of treason, there are no moves to prosecute or court-martial him. || Source , and Bob Woodward & Robert Costa, ‘Peril‘ (published Oct 2021).
Oct 31, 2020: Pennsylvania enables absentee voting for any reason or no reason, extends period of absentee voting, extends voter registration period, and extends deadline for return of absentee ballots. || Source: Navarro Report II, p 10.
Nov 1, 2020: Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar issues guidance County Election Boards to change deadline for receiving ballots from 8:00 pm on Election Day to three days after Election Day.
Nov 3, 2020: Election Day. At midnight of Nov 3, Trump leads by 555,000 in Pennsylvania, 357,000 in Georgia, 293,000 in Michigan, 112,000 n Wisconsin. • Georgia counts 1.3 million absentee ballots, rejecting 0.34% of them in 2020, compared to a 6.8% rejection rate in 2016, due to relaxation of signature-matching requirements. • Georgia election includes 2,056 felons, 66,248 persons under 18 year of age, 2,423 who had never registered to vote, 10,315 who had died, and 55,979 non-residents. • Fulton County Registrations Chief Ralph Jones reports water leak to clear staff out, then re-scans, during midnight hours, ballots already scanned, doubling the vote count. • U.S.Chamber of Commerce staff Neil Bradley calls AFL-CIO assistant to president Michael Podhorzer to coordinate post-election strategy. The two traditional adversaries issue a joint letter signed by CofC president Thomas Donohue and AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka, plus clergy, urging acceptance of additional time for vote-counting ‘even if it requires more time than usual‘. Chamber of Commerce had previously rejected President Trump’s call to look for alternatives for operations in China. || Source1, Source2
Michigan: Poll challenger Daniel Gustafson submits affidavit under penalty of perjury stating that about 40,000 unsecured, irregular ballots arrive in vehicles with non-Michigan license plates at Detroit’s only vote-counting location, TCF Center, at about 4:00 am on the morning of Nov 4 during a shift change in election workers. Eyewitnesses submit affidavits affirming under penalty of perjury that all of these 40,000 ballots are counted orally and attributed only to Biden. Poll challenger Robert Cushman attests that on Nov 4, 2020 at about 9:00 pm, he sees what he estimates to be several thousand more ballots arriving at the TCF Center, all processed without verification of voters’ names as required. After credentialed poll challengers call attention to these violations of law, election officials and workers lock them out of the counting room so they could not observe the process, during which time tens of thousands more ballots are processed. || Source
Michigan: Post-election, Allied Security Operations Group, Russell Ramsland performs forensic review of Antrim County results, ‘concludes that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.‘ Errors constitute 68% of the total, requiring bulk adjudication by election workers secretly filling in ballot choices with no supervision and no audit trail. Voter adjudication logs, which were available for prior elections, are missing in the 2020 election, evidently removed manually to complicate detection of fraud. • 16 cities and towns, including Detroit, report voter turnout of 100% or more. Top turnout reported by Michigan is North Muskegon, with 781.91% of registered voters voting. • Affidavit of computer forensics examiner Ramsland states: 3,276 precincts in Michigan where Presidential Votes Cast were 84% to 350% of Estimated Voters based on census data. There were 431,954 excess ballots. ‘In the data are four spikes totaling 384,733 ballots allegedly processed in a combined interval of only two hours and 38 minutes. This is physically impossible given the available equipment at the four referenced locations.‘ • Kayleigh McEnany cites 234 pages of sworn affidavits of Wayne County eyewitnesses who saw: a batch of ballots, 60 percent of which had the same signature, a batch of ballots scanned five times, provisional ballots (those that were not supposed to be counted yet until verified that they were legal) put in a tabulation box, poll watchers physically pushed away from counting tables by election officials, election officials covering windows so challengers were unable to observe counting.
Pennsylvania: Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt rules on Nov 12 that ballots received after 8:00 pm on Election Day may not be counted, in accordance with Pennsylvania law; and that instructions from the Secretary of State to extend the deadline for three days ‘lack statutory authority’. However, because Pennsylvania election officials do not in fact separate late ballots from on-time ballots, they are all counted in defiance of the court’s order.
In Pennsylvania and Michigan, poll-watchers are physically blocked from observing ballot-counting. || Source
Pennsylvania disqualifies 0.28% of absentee ballots in 2020, compared with 4.5% in 2018. || Source
Pennsylvania: Testimony of Rudy Giuliani to Pennsylvania Legislature Nov 26, 2020: ‘We have calculated, and the evidence will show, that 682,770 mail-in ballots were entered into your [Pennsylvania] votes, that were not observed by any single Republican…. We could ask, and you could subpoena, all of the outer envelopes. Under the law of your State, which is set by you [legislators], those ballots are illegal. You sent out in the State — the Commonwealth — of Pennsylvania, 1.8 million absentee ballots. You received back 1.4 million. However, in the count for President, you counted 2.5 million [mail-in ballots]. I don’t know what accounts for that difference in the number of ballots you sent out, and the number of ballots that ended up in the count. That number, 2.5 million, was on your Government website until yesterday. I can’t imagine you could possibly certify without knowing the explanation of that; as well as the explanation to the 22,686 mail-in ballots that were returned on the day they were mailed. How about 32,591 that were returned the day after they were mailed? Another 20,000 were returned BEFORE they were mailed. This is kind of a low count. I guess the crooks in Philadelphia are disappointed in this. They only submitted 8,021 mail-in ballots from dead people.‘ || Source
Pennsylvania agrees on April 8, 2021 to remove the names of 21,000 registered voters who had died, in a settlement with the Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF), and to pay $7,500 in legal fees to PILF. || Source: U.S. Dist Ct Mid-Pennsylvania case number No. 1:20-cv-01905.
Pennsylvania: ‘My name is Gregory Strenstrom, I am from Delaware county, former Commanding Officer in the Navy, veteran of foreign wars, CEO of my own private company, a data scientist and forensic computer scientist and an expert in security and fraud…. In all cases the chain of custody was broken. It was broken for the mail in ballots, the drop box ballots, the election day USB card flash drives, in all cases they didn’t follow any of the procedures defined by the Board of Delaware County of Elections. I personally observed USB cards being uploaded to voting machines by the voting machine warehouse supervisor on multiple occasions. I saw this personally. I brought it to the attention of the deputy sheriff who was there stationed as a senior law enforcement officer and I brought it to the attention of the clerk of elections — I objected. I personally observed USB cards being uploaded to voting machines by the voting machine warehouse supervisor on multiple occasions. This person is not being observed, he’s not a part of the process that I can see, and he is walking in with baggies of USBs‘. Result is 120,000 extra votes. || Source: Testimony to Pennsylvania Legislature, Nov 25, 2020
Arizona: Voter Integrity Project (Matt Brainard) researchers find that 44% of a sample of people who allegedly requested an early ballot in Maricopa County say they never requested it. Applying that percentage to all eligible voters would result in a total of 500,000 ballots mailed to people who did not request them. || Source
Nov 3, 2020 (evening): Fox News declares Biden wins Arizona vote.
Nov 6, 2020: Federal Election Commission Chair Trey Trainor states ‘I do believe there’s voter fraud going on [in Pennsylvania], otherwise they would allow these observers to go in. Observers have not been allowed into the polling locations in a meaningful way. State law allows those observers to be in there, and if not, then the law’s not being followed, making this an illegitimate election‘. || Source
Nov 8, 2020: Associated Press declares Biden wins Pennsylvania vote and with it, a majority of electoral votes.
Nov 9, 2020: President Trump fires Defense Secretary Esper, appoints Christopher C. Miller, National Counterterrorism Director, Acting Secretary of Defense, with immediate effect. • AG Barr sends letter authorizing federal prosecutors across the U.S. to pursue ‘substantial allegations’ of voting irregularities. DOJ official in charge of voter fraud investigations, Richard Pilger, resigns.
Nov 10, 2020: Trump Campaign sues Pennsylvania and Michigan in Federal District Courts for voter fraud, tabulation and counting of invalid ballots, exclusion of election observers, seeking injunction against Certification of preliminary election results. Courts decline to issue injunctions.
Nov 12, 2020: Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt rules that the secretary of the commonwealth had illegally extended the deadline for mail-in voters to provide missing proof of identification after submitting their ballots. Leavitt bars election officials from counting ballots for which proof of identification was provided after the statutory deadline of November 9, 2020.
Nov 12, 2020: Psychologist Dr Robert Epstein estimates Google switched 6,000,000 votes in the Nov 2020 election due to targeted messaging. Epstein had previously testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee on the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME). Effects of SEME in 2020 are not yet known. || Source
Nov 13, 2020: Wilmington Delaware computer shop owner Mac Isaac closes shop and disappears due to death threats. When a computer owned by Hunter Biden left for repair was not picked up, Isaac inspected the contents to see if he could find Biden. Isaac grew concerned about criminal activity revealed by the computer’s contents, and provided the computer to the FBI, which did nothing, then provided it to Rudy Giuliani. Isaac kept a copy of the computer’s disk because he feared for his life, from awareness of what had happened to Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas. || Source; and Delaware News Journal Nov 24, 2020
Nov 14, 2020: Associated Press declares Biden wins Georgia.
Nov 17, 2020: Cybersecurity director Chris Krebs is fired. Krebs had previously asserted the 2020 ‘election was the most secure in American history’. • Florida Gov Ron DeSantis certifies the state’s 29 electoral votes for Trump.
Nov 17, 2020: California OEC asks Twitter to ‘flag’, or downgrade the credibility of a post by Rogan O’Handley about auditing election results. After reaching 440,000 followers on Twitter, O’Handley posts a picture of the Capitol with a barbed-wire fence, for which Twitter suspends his account in Feb 2021. || Source: O’Handley v Padilla, California Case 2:21-cv-04954 Document 1 Filed 06/17/21.
Nov 18, 2020: Two Wayne County Michigan Canvassers (vote-certifiers), Monica Palmer and William Hartman, vote against certifying Wayne County vote-count due to hundreds of thousands of ballots of unknown origin having been delivered to the TCF vote-counting center, and other illegal election practices. Fellow Wayne County Canvasser Abraham Aiyash warns Palmer in a virtual meeting that her children would suffer repercussions at school: ‘You Miss Monica Palmer from Grosse Pointe Woods, which has a history of racism, uh, are deciding to enable and continue to perpetuate the racist history of this country. And I want you to think about what that means to your kids -– who probably go to Grosse Pointe North –- and when they see all their Black classmates…‘ Palmer and Hartman reverse their votes shortly thereafter, and agree to certify the Wayne County vote-count. || Source
Nov 21, 2020: DOJ Head of Election Crimes Richard Pilger resigns after AG Barr instructs him to investigate election crimes. • Dominion Voting Systems refuses to testify before Pennsylvania Legislative Committee on the integrity and accuracy of their vote counts. • Rasmussen Poll finds 30 percent of Democrats and 75 percent of Republicans believe reported election results not valid. • Georgia Gov Brian Kemp grants the state’s 16 electoral votes to Biden.
Nov 23, 2020: Michigan Board of State Canvassers certifies Biden slate of electors, rejecting demands for audits in Wayne County and other counties where the number of votes counted exceeded Census numbers of eligible voters.
Nov 24, 2020: Pennsylvania Gov Wolf certifies slate of electors awarding 20 electoral votes to Biden. North Carolina awards its 15 electoral votes to Trump.
Nov 25, 2020: Pennsylvania Commonwealth Judge Patricia McCullough orders state officials not to verify 2020 presidential election results until her court holds an evidentiary hearing on Nov 27: ‘To the extent that there remains any further action to perfect the certification of the results of the 2020 General Election for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States of America, respondents are preliminarily enjoined from doing so, pending an evidentiary hearing to be held on Friday’.
Nov 26, 2020: President Trump grants Lt General Michael Flynn a Full Pardon. ‘The President has pardoned General Flynn because he should never have been prosecuted. An independent review of General Flynn’s case by the Department of Justice—conducted by respected career professionals—supports this conclusion.’ || Source: whitehouse.gov website, since deleted.
Nov 27, 2020: Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose certifies the state’s 18 electoral votes for Trump.
Nov 28, 2020: Renmin University economics professor and Vice-Dean of the School of International Relations Di Dongsheng describes on Chinese TV a decades-long program of bribery of Americans ‘at the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence’. Describing President Trump as a problem that needed to be ‘fixed’, Di Dongsheng takes credit for using Wall Street and other influencers to oust him and install a more complaisant successor. || Source
Nov 29, 2020: Apple, Nike, Coca-Cola and other companies, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce lobby Congress to weaken the Uighur Forced Labor Prevention Act that would ban imported goods made with forced labor by Uighurs in China’s Xinjiang region. Adidas, Calvin Klein, Campbell Soup Company, Costco, H&M, Patagonia, Tommy Hilfiger and others use forced labor, according to a Congressional staff report. || Source1 ; Source2
Nov 30, 2020: Wisconsin Gov Tony Evers certifies the state’s award of 10 electoral votes to Biden.
Dec 1, 2020: China implements export control law to block shipments of strategic materials to foreign companies for national security reasons. || Source
Dec 1, 2020: AG Barr says ‘To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election‘, despite previous statements that mail-in ballots were inherently subject to fraud. Concerning Dominion / Smartmatic vote-switching algorithms, Barr says ‘There’s been one assertion that would be systemic fraud and that would be the claim that machines were programmed essentially to skew the election results. And the DHS and DOJ have looked into that, and so far, we haven’t seen anything to substantiate that‘. • Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs certifies Arizona’s slate of 11 electors for Biden.
Dec 2, 2020: CNN censors coverage of New York Post’s reports of Hunter Biden computer revealing extortion and bribery of Ukraine officials by then-VP Joe Biden. According to leaked recordings, CNN political director David Chalian tells staff: ‘Obviously, we’re not going with the New York Post story right now on Hunter Biden. We’ll just continue to report out this is the very stuff that the president was impeached over . . . that Senate committees looked at and found nothing wrong in Joe Biden’s interactions with Ukrainians.’ || Source
Dec 3, 2020: DNI Ratcliffe writes in an op-ed that the CCP ‘poses the greatest threat to America today, and the greatest threat to democracy and freedom worldwide since World War II. The intelligence is clear: Beijing intends to dominate the U.S. and the rest of the planet economically, militarily, and technologically. Many of China’s major public initiatives and prominent companies offer only a layer of camouflage to the activities of the Chinese Communist Party.’
Dec 4, 2020: Arizona Legislature leaders call for independent audit of Maricopa County Dominion voting machines. Arizona House Leader Warren Petersen says ‘A significant number of voters believe that fraud occurred and with the number of irregularities it is easy to understand why.‘ || Source: Arizona State Legislature
Dec 7, 2020: Texas sues Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia in U.S. Supreme Court to enjoin them from certifying presidential electors, due to State officials having changed election procedures in contravention of State and Federal law reserving this authority exclusively to the Legislature. Seventeen other States join the lawsuit as amici.
Dec 9, 2020: YouTube announces new policy of removing any video that ‘alleges widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election’. However, casual observation reveals many such videos are still freely available. || Source
Dec 11, 2020: Supreme Court rejects Texas v Pennsylvania Motion for Injunction to remand election to Pennsylvania et al for voting procedure consistent with U.S. Constitution. Motion is rejected for ‘lack of standing’ by Texas concerning Pennsylvania election procedure. • QR code inventor Jovan Pulitzer develops machine that can quickly process large quantities of ballots to determine whether they were ever folded or not. The machine can also distinguish computer-printed fill-in marks from ballots marked by human means. Millions of presumptive mail-in ballots that were pre-printed and shipped directly to counting centers in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Nevada can thus be definitively identified as never having been mailed, or handled by a living human being. Ballot images retrieved from voting machines and tabulators can also be analyzed for physical traces of whether they had ever been folded or not. Pulizter explains how the machine works and offers to make it available to election officials, who do not respond. || Source
Dec 11, 2020: FDA grants emergency use authorization (EUA) to Pfizer for injection to mitigate symptoms of SARS-2 virus. FDA grants EUA to Moderna on Dec 18.
Dec 14, 2020: Electoral College records 306 votes for Biden as President. AG Barr resigns, effective Dec 23.
Dec 18, 2020: CIA analysts objecting to DNI Ratcliffe’s characterization of China’s interference in 2020 election delay issuance of the DNI report until Jan 17, 2021, precluding any basis for seizure of foreign assets involved in election interference.
Dec 22, 2020: California Governor Newsom appoints Alex Padilla to U.S. Senate. Padilla as California’s top election official had directed questionable vote-counting in California’s 2016 primary election, coordinated social-media censorship in 2020, and had awarded a $35 million no-bid contract for non-partisan voter education to Democrat consultants SKDK for which he lacked budgetary authority.
Dec 30, 2020: 27 Pennsylvania State legislators request nullification of Governor’s certification of Electors until illegalities are investigated, for example: blocking of poll-watchers in Philadelphia and other population centers, illegal ballot harvesting, excess of 205,122 votes counted over actual number of voters, 121,000 unidentified voters, hasty installation of Dominion voting machines, sudden dumping of 573,000 ballots of unknown origin at one processing facility, with all but 3,000 for Biden, 8,120 votes by certifiably dead people recorded in Philadelphia, timeline spikes depicting ballots processed exceeding tabulator capacities, separation of ballots from envelopes precluding verification, illegal ‘pop-up’ election sites, in-person voters denied ballots by officials falsely claiming they had already voted, and extension of deadline for absentee ballots to three days after Election Day in contravention of State election law.
Dec 31, 2020: Violent criminals, taking advantage of a movement to reduce police numbers, attack police officers, demoralize them, murder more that 20,000 people in the U.S. during 2020. The numbers of additional people in big cities who lost their lives in 2020, compared to 2019, due to this campaign, are: New York, 150 more; Chicago, 274 more; Philadelphia, 142 more; Houston, 123 more. The carnage includes babies and children, women and men of all ages and races, amid an unprecedented shooting spree in zones effectively surrendered to mobs well aware their victims have no recourse.
As of Jan 2021, U.S. unemployment of 3.5% is the lowest in more than 60 years, its employment of 160 million people is the highest ever, with increased manufacturing and construction jobs, and its rates of minority unemployment and poverty are the lowest in more than 60 years. The fastest-growing incomes belong to blue-collar and low-income people, resulting in increased rates of homeownership. Business costs of regulatory compliance are reduced by $100 billion. With record production of domestic oil and natural gas and new pipelines, the U.S. becomes a net energy exporter for the first time in 70 years. || Source
Jan 2, 2021: U.S. Dep NSA Matthew Pottinger summarizes intelligence conclusion, ‘There is a growing body of evidence that the [Wuhan] lab is likely the most credible source of the virus.‘ || Source
Jan 3, 2021: President Trump activates National Guard to support law enforcement, as recommended by Acting DOD Sec and Joint Chiefs Chair.
Jan 4, 2021: Capital Police Chief Sund confirms he is not asking for DoD support.
Jan 4 – 15, 2021: In response to the question ‘are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States at this time?’, a Gallup poll finds 88 percent of Americans somewhat or very dissatisfied. The ‘very dissatisfieds’ are 3X the somewhats, the highest ratio of intense to moderate dissatisfaction ever recorded in a Gallup poll on this question. The 11% of people who report themselves satisfied is the second-lowest percentage ever, with only seven percent satisfied during the depth of the 2008 financial meltdown. || Source
Jan 6, 2021, 10:50 am – 1:10 pm: President Trump begins speaking to about 74,000 supporters at the Ellipse, who remain there through end of speech. • 12:40 pm: Capitol Police Chief Sund says unidentified people walk into Capitol building ‘with riot helmets, gas masks, shields, pepper spray, fireworks, climbing gear — climbing gear! — explosives, metal pipes, baseball bats. I have never seen anything like it in 30 years of events in Washington.‘ Capitol Police, unprepared for violence, stand aside and allow mob into Capitol building. || Source: Washington Post • 1:10 pm: Trump ends speech at Ellipse urging crowd to ‘march over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard‘. Trump supporters begin walking toward Capitol, 2.0 – 2.5 km distant, about a 45-minute walk. • 1:10 p.m. Rioters begin grappling with police on the Capitol steps. Rep James Clyburn (D, SC) states staff ‘saw people being allowed into the building through side doors, not through the main entrance where magnetometers are‘. || Source
Jan 6, 2021: 100,000 people denounce friends and family as Trump supporters to FBI. ‘Anguished Americans are turning in friends and family for their alleged involvement in the Capitol riots, contributing to more than 100,000 tips submitted to the FBI.’ In one instance ‘Leslie shared screenshots of text messages in which she shared her FBI tip ‘submission complete’ page, and another friend recounted hearing that Leslie had reported her mother’. ‘Reddit forums and Twitter threads urge users to turn in even those closest to them.’ || Source
Jan 6, 2021, 1:26 pm: Rioters who had entered Capitol building go to office of Speaker Pelosi and unmarked office of Rep Clyburn as if they had prior knowledge of office locations. They rummage through papers, steal computers and take photos of themselves in legislators’ chairs. Capitol Police Chief Sund orders evacuation of Capitol complex, following reports of scuffles, and at 1:49 pm asks DC National Guard General Walker for immediate assistance. Capitol Police officers usher actors and agents-provocateurs through open doors into the Capitol building, to mime what is later described in the media as a ‘violent insurrection‘. During the ensuing melee Capitol Police officer Michael Bird shoots and kills Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed 13-year Air Force veteran. Byrd later states that he showed the ‘utmost courage‘ in shooting the unarmed woman. At 3:00 pm Army Secretary McCarthy directs National Guard to move 150 guardsmen from Armory to Capitol, and mobilizes 1100 more to be ready to move. || Source: DOD memo • Capitol Hill Police Officer Brian Sicknick dies of a stroke, according to D.C. Medical Examiner Report April 2021, not of being stuck with a fire extinguisher as was falsely reported by NYTimes and others. Source
Jan 7, 2021: FCC advises broadcaster, cable television operators, wireless cable operators, satellite video and audio service providers and all Emergency Alert System participants of their obligation to transmit live Presidential messages during national emergencies. The Enforcement Advisory is in response to numerous EAS participants having banned President Trump or having threatened to prevent him from using the public airwaves to speak to the American people. || Source: FCC Enforcement Advisory DA 21-10, Jan 7, 2021. • Congressional certification of electoral college vote, interrupted by several objections and by the Jan 6 Capitol riot, continues to its pre-determined conclusion of 306 electoral votes for Biden, 232 for Trump.
Jan 8, 2021: Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley calls Chinese Communist Party counterpart General Li Zuocheng to reassure him that the U.S. Government is not as unsteady as it appears. Source: Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, ‘Peril‘ (published Oct 2021)
Jan 11, 2021: FBI internal bulletin provided to media warns ‘Armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols from 16 January through at least 20 January, and at the U.S. Capitol from 17 January through 20 January’. The warning appears to be based on false information spread by Antifa. || Source
Jan 13, 2021: House of Representatives led by Speaker Pelosi impeaches President Trump again, this time on charges of incitement to riot in connection with the Jan 6 Capitol riot. President Trump had urged only ‘peaceful and patriotic’ assembly while the riot was already underway before his speech ended. Senator Rand Paul, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, and others consider a Senate trial of a person not in office to be unconstitutional.
Jan 16, 2021: New Chinese regulations require prior approval for export of strategic rare-earths used, for example, in producing powerful magnets used in drones and missiles.
Jan 20, 2021: More than four years of confusing stories on Russia-collusion, Ukraine-aid conditions, impeachment, race riots, racist statues, violent crime, insurrection, arson, looting, threats against judges, justices, and state and local officials, injection of billions of dollars into the electoral process, expansion of mail-in and harvested balloting, all accompanied by highly selective publicity and near total news and online blackout of relevant factual information, culminate in installation of Joe Biden as president and Kamala Harris as vice-president, with 26,000 National Guard troops guarding the proceedings.
[On the way to belated recognition of the pathogen as an engineered bio-weapon, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its sidekick the World Health Organization (WHO) cycled through numerous fictitious origin stories. These included bats, pangolins, and snakes as host animals, with fanciful explanations of how a virus might have jumped from one species to another. Facts emerged in reverse order to that in which they occurred, like a film running backwards. (With this timeline we put them back in their actual sequence.) First a lot of people got sick and died, then we learned the virus had a particular affinity for human endothelial cells that line passageways and organs, then it became clear this was not only a respiratory illness. At the same time, the CCP did its best to cover its tracks, destroy patient records, stop publication of the virus genome, silence doctors, prevent outside inspection, hoard supplies of masks and ventilators, and censor unauthorized research — strange behavior for anyone interested in learning where the virus had come from and endeavoring to stop it from spreading. But CCP officials knew where it came from — their own bio-weapons researchers. Eventually the clues, like breadcrumbs almost intentionally dropped, led back to the Wuhan Virology Institute. Its reigning chief scientist, ‘Bat Lady’ Shi Zhengli, admitted she lost some sleep over the possibility of having caused a global pandemic, due to the lab’s notoriously lax safety practices. But her sleep has been undisturbed since re-naming and re-classifying one of the predecessor viruses so that its name was disassociated from the deadly pathogen.]
[But that was not the end of the story. Going further back in time brought the discovery that Shi and her associates in the Chinese bio-weapons group had help form an unlikely quarter — the United States and its National Institutes of Health. If you thought the job of the NIH was to protect public health — a reasonable assumption, given the name — you’d be wrong. That was not how the bureaucrats in charge of NIH and its subunit the National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), viewed their mission. If a bat virus had a hard time leaping over the species barrier from bats to humans, why not help it with a few snippets of SARS-1, a few snippets of AIDS, something to latch onto human endothelial cells with (a spike, say), and anything else to increase its virulence? That was their view — this was all a vast experiment, and if it produced some casualties, well that was all for the greater good of science. So NIH, NIAID, and other dispensers of generous U.S. taxpayer largesse, with technical assistance from another bio-weapons lab at the University of North Carolina, funded a Chinese-made bio-weapon. Like much else that came to pass as this decade drew to a turbulent close, this too had its origins at the beginning of the century, when the NIH patented the disease it had helped to engineer.]
[While a deadly pandemic terrified the American populace, the officials elected and appointed to serve them did not let the crisis go to waste. State Governors and election officials quietly changed election rules, with or without legislative approval, to loosen voting qualifications, increase the numbers of purported absentee voters, enable ‘black-box’ computerized vote tabulation and compilation, and extend deadlines for compiling final vote-counts. These changes, already well-advanced before the pandemic struck, and later justified by the pandemic and its attendant business closures and meeting-bans, effectively determined the outcome of the 2020 vote-count.]
[By the time the spy agencies, investigators, and impeachment accusers admitted they were mistaken about Russia conspiring with a presidential candidate and elected president, it didn’t matter anymore. Illegal snooping, fabrication of false evidence, lying to the secret FISA courts, striking down innocent individuals with overbearing prosecutions, media manipulation and censorship — none of this mattered anymore. Confident of their immunity from prosecution, former officials perceived it was in their career interest to allow revelations of their illegal activities. These revelations appeared years after the fact, as if inconsequential. But they enable us to fill in the blanks in our recollections of the course of events, by substituting truthful accounts for the mind-numbingly deceptive accounts disseminated at the time.]
July 24, 2019: Former SC Robert Mueller testifies to Congress that Russian Govt interfered in 2016 election to support Trump, despite lack of evidence of collusion with Trump campaign in his report.
July 25, 2019: President Trump calls Ukraine President Zelensky to congratulate him on winning an absolute majority in Parliament. He asks Zelensky to ‘find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike… I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like to get to the bottom of it.‘ Zelensky responds ‘we are hoping very much that Mr Giuliani will be able to travel to Ukraine and we will meet once he comes to Ukraine‘, implying that he does not trust DOJ. Trump then describes Giuliani as ‘highly respected’ and ‘very capable’, adding ‘There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it … It sounds horrible to me.‘ Zelensky replied the issue is ‘making sure to restore the honesty, so we will take care of that and will work on the investigation of the case’.
July 26, 2019: Ukraine-born NSC staff Lt Col Alexander Vindman provides details of President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukraine President Zelensky to anti-Trump CIA analyst Eric Ciaramella.
July 26, 2019: House Intel Committee Chair Schiff hires former NSC staffer Sean Misko to direct impeachment investigation of Trump. Misko and Eric Ciaramella were close friends at NSC where both plotted to ‘take the president out (remove him from office)’. Misko coaches Ciarmella on filing a complaint about President Trump’s policy toward Ukraine.
Aug 2019: Intelligence Community IG Michael Atkinson revises ‘Disclosure of Urgent Concern’ (‘whistleblowing’) form to eliminate requirement for first-hand information, and allow hearsay, rumor, gossip to become the basis of such complaints. Sean Misko joins Rep Schiff’s staff. || Source
Aug 12, 2019: Following a plan CIA-NSC staffer Eric Ciaramella had discussed with friend and NSC associate Sean Misko on Feb 3, 2017 to ‘take out the president’, Ciaramella anonymously files complaint, the first instance with the new form allowing hearsay. Ciaramella’s complaint objects to President Trump’s policy toward Ukraine, alleging improper ‘quid pro quo’ of Biden investigation for U.S. aid. Since Ciaramella had not directly heard either of the Trump-Zelensky calls, his knowledge came either from Lt Col Alexander Vindman, who was permitted to listen-in on the calls, or a wiretap.
Aug 24, 2019: U. S. Chamber of Commerce rejects President Trump’s call to look for alternatives for operations in China. || Source
Sept 2019: WHO writes in its annual report A World At Risk of the ‘need to have a coordinated global experience of a respiratory pathogen release‘. || Source
Sept 11, 2019: U.S. District Court, Washington DC, orders Federal Government to produce for Michael Flynn’s defense all material required by Brady v Maryland requested by counsel Sidney Powell. This includes (among many other items) a letter delivered by British Embassy to incoming National Security team after Donald Trump’s election, and to outgoing National Security Advisor Susan Rice, ‘which apparently disavows former British Secret Service Agent Christopher Steele, calls his credibility into question, and declares him untrustworthy’; ‘all payments, notes, memos, correspondence, and instructions by and between the FBI, CIA, or DOD with Stefan Halper — going back as far as 2014 — regarding Michael Flynn’; ‘all transcripts, recordings, notes, correspondence, and 302s of any interactions with human sources or ‘OCONUS lures’ tasked against Mr. Flynn since he left DIA in 2014′; ‘unredacted copies of all memos created by or other communications from James Comey that mention or deal with any investigation, surveillance, FISA applications, interviews, or use of a confidential human source or ‘OCONUS lures’ (double agents outside contiguous United States) against Mr. Flynn’; ‘an internal DOJ document dated January 30, 2017, in which the FBI exonerated Mr. Flynn of being ‘an agent of Russia”; ‘all information that underlies the several FISA applications, including any information showing that any of the assertions in the applications were false, unverified, or unverifiable’; ‘recordings, notes, and memoranda by any and all persons who participated in the planning session for the interview of Mr. Flynn, at which it was decided that the agents would not inform him that it was an actual interview or that he was under investigation — so as to keep him ‘relaxed”.
Sept 24, 2019: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi launches impeachment hearings.
Sept 26, 2019: Ciaramella complaint is released to public. Rep Adam Schiff quotes President Trump as having said to Ukraine President Zelensky, ‘I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand?… I’m going to put you with the attorney general of the United States, my attorney general Bill Barr… And I’m gonna put you in touch with Rudy, you’re gonna love him, trust me… You know what I’m asking, so I’m only going to say this a few more times, in a few more ways. And by the way don’t call me again. I’ll call you when you’ve done what I’ve asked.‘ Schiff later qualifies the summary as a paraphrase, not exact words.
Oct 2019: Pennsylvania Legislature allows mail-in balloting without voters having to specify a reason for requesting it, provided signature verification and canvassing-observer requirements are kept intact.
Oct 24, 2019: Durham investigation which started as administrative review changes to a criminal investigation with subpoena power.
Oct 25, 2019: Flynn files a motion to dismiss the case against him due to prosecutorial misconduct, including legally baseless threats to himself and his son. Among other claims, Flynn says prosecutors failed to turn over exculpatory material tending to show his innocence. ECF Nos. 151, 160.
Oct 29, 2019: Lt Col and NSC staff Vindman testifies to HPSCI and two other committees about the April 22 Trump-Zelensky phone call: ‘I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen.‘ Since call transcript does not indicate a ‘demand’, and Trump, Zelensky, Pompeo, and Pence affirm there was no demand, Rep Ratcliffe asks Vindman the origin of his opinion that a ‘demand’ was made. Vindman’s response: ‘I didn’t parse the words all that clearly…. I just wrote it the way I kind of felt it.‘
Oct 30, 2019: Former CIA Acting Director John McLaughlin (2004) responds to an expression of concern about intelligence agencies seeking to depose an elected president, ‘Thank God for the Deep State’. He praises the current and former intelligence officials calling for the ouster of Trump as ‘doing their duty and responding to a higher call’. This statement marks the first official acknowledgement something often disparaged as a ‘conspiracy theory’, a Deep State of U.S. Government agencies acting on their own behalf, not tethered to civilian authority. || Source1 ; Source2
Oct 31, 2019: Pennsylvania approves mail-in voting, without requiring voters to have a reason for making such request.
Nov 2019: Wuhan Institute of Virology researcher Huang Yan Ling contracts unidentified virus with pneumonia-like symptoms, though it is not reported at the time. Possibly ‘Patient Zero’, she later disappears and her biography is deleted from the lab’s website. || Source
Nov 17, 2019: First case of virus later identified as SARS-2 appears in Wuhan, China. This virus spreads in China but is not disclosed at the time. || Source1, Source2
Nov 15, 2019: President Trump releases transcript of April 21, 2019 call with Ukraine President Zelensky. Rep Devin Nunes reads transcript aloud in impeachment hearings.
Nov 17, 2019: First case of SARS-CoV2 identified in Wuhan, China.
Nov 20, 2019: DNA test shows with scientific certainty that Hunter Biden is the father of a baby born to Arkansas stripper and basketball player Lunden Alexis Roberts. Hunter Biden previously denied having sex with Roberts. || Source
Dec 9, 2019: DOJ releases IG Horowitz’s report detailing FBI’s lack of probable cause in submitting FISA warrant applications, and its reliance on a bogus source, Steele, who had been paid to conduct political opposition research.
Dec 9, 2019: FBI seizes water-damaged MacBook Pro (Serial # FVFXC2MMHV29) brought to computer Wilmington repair shop April 2019, but never picked up. An April 17, 2015 email from Burisma Advisor Vadim Pozharskyi to Hunter Biden is recovered from the computer.
Dec 10, 2019: Wei Guixian, one of the earliest known SARS-2 patients, starts feeling ill.
Dec 16, 2019: Patient admitted to Wuhan Central Hospital with infection in both lungs resistant to anti-flu drugs. || Source
Dec 18, 2019: House Democrats vote to impeach President Trump, but delay sending Articles of Impeachment to Senate.
Dec. 19, 2019: An investigation by Inspector General Michael Horowitz finds FBI and Justice Department officials falsified documents, and failed to verify assertions in the Steele dossier while falsely claiming they had done so, in order to obtain FISA warrants to spy on Trump associate Carter Page.
Late Dec 2019: Chinese laboratories identify a mystery virus as a highly infectious new pathogen. Caixin Global reports they are ordered to stop tests, destroy samples and suppress the news. On Jan 1, a regional health official in Wuhan, center of the outbreak, demands destruction of the lab samples that established the cause of unexplained viral pneumonia. || Source
Late Dec 2019: Chinese authorities refuse to provide individual data on early cases of SARS-2 to World Health Organization, obfuscating exact origins of the virus. Chinese authorities turn down requests to provide such data on 174 cases of SARS-2 from the early phase of the outbreak in Wuhan. || Source
Dec 30, 2019: Ai Fen, a top director at Wuhan Central Hospital, posts information on WeChat about the new virus. She is reprimanded for doing so and told not to spread information about it. || Source
Dec 31, 2019: Taiwan implements border control and quarantine measures ‘based on the assumption that human-to-human transmission was in fact occurring’, warns WHO of Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. Taiwan CDC sends email to WHO focal point, informing them of online reports from China concerning ‘at least seven atypical pneumonia cases’. || Source: Frank Chen, “WHO ‘Refused to Act‘ on Taiwan’s Virus Alert.” Asia Times, Mar 27, 2020.
Dec 31, 2019: Wuhan health officials confirm 27 cases of illness and close a market they think is related to the virus’ spread. Wuhan doctors report existence of virus to U.S. website, but not to WHO.
2019: Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP), a nonprofit operated by former Feinstein staffer Daniel Jones, pays $1,222,714 in 2019 to Bean LLC, the shell company that controls Fusion GPS, and $700,000 to Walshingham Partners Ltd, a British company co-owned by Christopher Steele, according to a tax filing (date of payment not disclosed). || Source
Jan 1, 2020: Wuhan Public Security Bureau arrests eight doctors who had posted information about the illness on WeChat. An official at the Hubei Provincial Health Commission orders labs, which had already determined that the novel virus was similar to SARS, to stop testing samples and to destroy existing samples. || Source
Jan 1, 2020: Chinese authorities close Wuhan seafood market, to support the cover story of natural origin of the SARS-2 virus. || Source
Jan 2, 2020: U.S. kills Quds Force General Qassem Soleimani in drone strike near Baghdad Airport. Soleimani, the foremost confidante of Iranian Supreme Leader Khameini, was the architect of the Iranian takeover of Iraq, of the roadside bombs (IEDs) that killed hundreds of U.S. soldiers, and of attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq.
Jan 2, 2020: Chinese researchers map the new coronavirus’ complete genetic information, release genome info Jan 9, 2020.
Jan 3, 2020: China’s National Health Commission (NHC) orders institutions not to publish any information related to the unknown disease and orders labs to transfer any samples they had to designated testing institutions or destroy them. Dr. Li is forced by Wuhan Public Security Bureau to sign letter admitting ‘making false comments’ that ‘severely disturbed the social order’.
Jan 4, 2020: Hong Kong U Infection Center head Dr. Ho Pak-leung publicly warns human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV2 likely.
Jan 9, 2020: CCP denies human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV2.
Jan 11, 2020: Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center Professor Zhang Yongzhen publishes his lab’s genomic sequencing data of SARS-2 on virological.org and GenBank, an open access online database maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information within the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
Jan 12, 2020: CCP closes Shanghai lab which had published SARS-CoV-2 genome. Labs analyzing the pathogen are instructed to destroy samples, a health center that had published the virus’s genome sequence is temporarily shut down the following day, and doctors are prevented from submitting case information to the country’s infectious disease tracking network. WHO says no human-to-human transmission. ‘WHO advises against the application of any travel or trade restrictions on China based on the information currently available on this event.‘ || Source
Jan 13, 2020: First known SARS-CoV-2 case outside China reported in Thailand.
Jan 14, 2020: Head of China’s National Health Commission, Ma Xiaowei, says in a confidential teleconference with provincial health officials that ‘clustered cases suggest that human-to-human transmission is possible,’ and ‘the risk of transmission and spread is high.‘ Commission issues secret report to this effect. Teleconference is organized in response to appearance of first case in Thailand on Jan 13. Memo: ‘With the coming of the Spring Festival, many people will be traveling, and the risk of transmission and spread is high. All localities must prepare for and respond to a pandemic.‘
Jan 15, 2020: The patient who becomes the first confirmed U.S. case leaves Wuhan and arrives in the U.S., carrying the SARS-2 virus.
Jan 15, 2020: House delivers Articles of Impeachment (abuse of power and obstruction of Congress) to Senate. House Democrats had approved impeachment Dec 18, 2019.
Jan 15, 2020: China adds an annex to trade deal with U.S. letting itself out of purchase commitments in case of ‘act of God’ such as a pandemic.
Jan 16, 2020: Mike Flynn files another motion to withdraw his guilty plea, based on disclosures of additional exculpatory material related to FBI’s ambush interview, post-interview alternation of purportedly contemporaneous ‘302’ notes, and other evidence of DOJ entrapment.
Jan 20, 2020: South Korea announces first case of SARS-2.
Jan 21, 2020: CCP flagship newspaper People’s Daily mentions the SARS-2 epidemic for the first time. China’s top political commission in charge of law and order warns that ‘anyone who deliberately delays and hides the reporting of [virus] cases out of his or her own self-interest will be nailed on the pillar of shame for eternity.‘ Presumably the advisory notice is not retroactively applicable.
Jan 21, 2020: Senate trial of Trump impeachment charges begins.
Jan 23, 2020: Wuhan and three other cities are put on lockdown. About one million people leave the city without being screened for the illness. China bans further domestic travel from Wuhan and Hubei Province, while keeping international flights on normal schedule.
Jan 30, 2020: Sen Rand Paul submits question to Senate impeachment trial, ‘Are you aware that House intelligence committee staffer Sean Misko had a close relationship with Eric Ciaramella while at the National Security Council together?’ Chief Justice Roberts, presiding at the Senate impeachment trial, rules the question out of order.
Jan 31, 2020: U.S. imposes ban on travel from China.
Jan 2020: Chinese scientists reverse-engineer SARS-2 virus to simulate natural evolution similar to a virus entered into a gene database years earlier. Virus strains newly entered into the database in Jan 2020 are recorded as having been collected years earlier. Earliest original examples of SARS-2 virus data are deleted from the database. || Source: Birger Sørensen and Angus Dalgleish paper published in Cambridge QRB Discovery.
Feb 1, 2020: Joe Biden calls President Trump’s travel restriction ‘xenophobic’. || Source
Feb 2, 2020: China Civil Aviation Administration of China states ‘In order to meet the needs of passengers in and out of the country and the international transport of supplies during this special period… airlines [are required to]… continue transport to nations that have not imposed travel restrictions.‘
Feb 3, 2020: WHO chief Tedros states ‘There is no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade‘.
Feb 5, 2020: Senate acquits President of both impeachment charges, abuse of power by 52 – 48 vote, obstruction of Congress 53 – 47.
Feb 6, 2020: First U.S. death from SARS-2 recorded in Santa Clara County, California.
Feb 7, 2020: Dr Li, who first disclosed human-to-human transmission and was forced to sign a letter admitting to ‘seriously disturbing social order‘, dies of SARS-2.
Feb 7, 2020: Lt Col Alexander Vindman, who testified that he disagreed with President Trump’s Ukraine policy, is removed from White House NSC detail and transferred to Army. EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland, who testified to his belief that President Trump had improperly conditioned aid to Ukraine on a corruption investigation, is fired, with immediate effect.
Feb 13, 2020: DOJ indicts Huawei and subsidiaries on charges of racketeering, theft of trade secrets, and violation of sanctions on trade with Iran and North Korea. DOJ Assistant AG for Criminal Div Brian Benczkowski and Assistant AG for National Security John Demers, together with U.S. Attorneys in New York, Illinois, Texas, Washington, and California cooperate in the case. DOJ alleges that Huawei entered into confidentiality agreements the terms of which it later violated, recruited employees of other companies whom it directed to steal those companies’ technology and intellectual property, paid bonuses to employees for such thefts, and formed hidden subsidiaries to sell advanced communications equiment to Iran and North Korea, which they used for mass surveillance.
Feb 14, 2020: Chinese President Xi Jinping calls for a new biosecurity law to be accelerated. Chinese government issues new regulations requiring approval before any research institution publishes anything on the origin of the novel SARS-2 virus.
Feb 14, 2020: Wuhan Virology Institute Director Shi Zhengli and military scientist Zhou Yusen publish Molecular Mechanism for Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Coronavirus Entry on enhancing entry of novel viruses into human cells, purportedly for vaccine design purposes. || Source
Feb 24, 2020: Zhou Yusen, a military scientist for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) working with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and with U.S. scientists, files a patent application for the SARS-2 virus on behalf of the Institute of Military Medicine, Academy of Military Sciences of the PLA. The Head of China’s National Health Commission, Ma Xiaowei, had admitted the fact of human-to-human transmission of the SARS-2 virus on Jan 14, 2020. WHO’s declaration of a pandemic occurs later on March 11, 2020. Zhou dies under unexplained circumstances in May 2020. || Source
Feb 2020: Molecular biomechanics researcher Botao Xiao, of South China University of Technology, publishes a paper stating ‘the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan.’ Three weeks later Xiao withdraws the paper.
Feb 2020: Iran announces its first SARS-2 case. Within one week, 12 people in Iran die of SARS-2.
March 2020: Congress renews §215 of the Patriot Act, authorizing the Federal Government to capture without a warrant all records of all people in America held by third parties, nullifying the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment. || Source: Judge Andrew Napolitano
March 10, 2020: Chinese magazine Renwu publishes interview with Dr. Ai on her first-hand account of her treatment and the CCP’s suppression of information regarding the outbreak. Within three hours, the original report is removed by CCP censors.
March 11, 2020: With the SARS-2 virus in 114 countries, WHO declares pandemic.
March 15, 2020: New York City closes its school system.
March 17, 2020: EU bans nonessential inbound travel from 26 countries.
March 2020: China expels journalists from New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post.
April 2, 2020: 10 million Americans are unemployed.
April 24, 2020: Government provides four pages of long-withheld Brady (exculpatory) material.
April 29, 2020: An FBI memo by Bill Priestap asking whether the goal with Flynn is to ‘get him to lie‘, or ‘get him fired‘, is revealed.
May 7, 2020: Federal prosecutor Van Grack withdraws from Flynn case. U.S. Attorney files Motion to Dismiss criminal case against Flynn. D.C. U.S. Attorney explains Jensen’s review had uncovered new evidence and DOJ no longer believes Flynn’s Jan 24, 2017 statements to the FBI agents — even if they were false — were material. The purportedly false statements were not material under Section 1001, the government explains, because there was no valid investigative purpose for questioning Flynn about his conversations with the Russian ambassador.
[The NSA’s data storage facility at Bluffdale, Utah, houses more than a yottabyte of data, equivalent to 500 quintillion (500,000,000,000,000,000,000) pages of text. The data comes from snooping on every form of communication, every transaction that passes through telephone lines or wireless connections, every keystroke touched by every person in America, accessed by geostationary satellites, intercepts at switching centers, and cell-phone towers.]
May 17, 2017: Deputy AG Rosenstein appoints Mueller as Special Counsel under 28 CFR §600.8(c) to take over a pre-existing counterintelligence investigation, despite statutory limitation of Special Counsel appointments to criminal investigations.
May 2017: FBI’s Flynn investigation becomes part of Special Counsel probe. Flynn case agent William Barnett informs Special Counsel team, including former Clinton Foundation attorney Jeannie Rhee, that there is ‘no evidence of a crime’ committed by Flynn.
May 2017: FBI reports about 50,000 Strzok-Page text messages between Dec 14, 2016 and May 17, 2017 are missing, either because they were deleted or due to technical flaws in the FBI collection process. FBI Inspector General Horowitz later reports recovery of the missing messages. || Source
May 20, 2017: Tony Bobulinski, a business partner of the Bidens, is warned by another partner, James Gilliar, in an email: ‘Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face-to-face, I know u know but they are paranoid‘. || Source: Twitter post of Mike Emmanuel, Fox News
June 14, 2017: Left-wing Illinois activist James Hodgkinson shoots and critically wounds U.S. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and three others during a charity baseball practice session in Alexandria, Virginia. The shooter dies in the ensuing shootout with Capitol Police. FBI Acting Director McCabe characterizes the shooting as ‘suicide by cop’. Scalise notes the shooter came to the ballpark with a list of Republics to target, that he belonged to a ‘Terminate the Republican Party’ Facebook group, and that he had worked for the Bernie Sanders campaign in Iowa. Four years later on May 14, 2021, FBI re-classifies the shooting as ‘domestic terrorism’.|| Source1 ; Source2 ; Source3 ; FBI-DHS Report
June 18, 2017: Hunter Biden sends letter to CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming extending ‘best wishes from the entire Biden family’. Letter notes Tony Bobulinski had ‘sent a request to Dong Gongwen [Gongwen Dong] and Director Zang for the funding of the $10 MM USD wire. I would appreciate if you will send that quickly so we can properly fund and operate Sinohawk.’
June 19, 2017: FBI Attorney Clinesmith falsifies a CIA memo to add that Carter Page was ‘not a source’ when in fact he had been a trusted CIA source; for the purpose of justifying a continuing FBI investigation of Page and any Trump campaign associates of his.
June 2017: Special Counsel team interviews Dep NSA KT McFarland on communications between Trump and Flynn during transition, with particular reference to the Flynn-Kislyak calls. SC team tries to prevent FBI Flynn case agent William Barnett from participating in McFarland interview. Barnett threatens to report this to Inspector General, believes Special Counsel is ‘trying to get McFarland to change her story to fit the Trump collusion theory’. Barnett: ‘There was always someone at SCO who claimed to have a lead on information that would prove the collusion only to have the information be a dead end’. Source: U.S. Attorney Jeff Jensen interview of FBI Flynn case agent William Barnett on Sept 17, 2020.
The Special Counsel’s leadership is so certain that Trump had directed Flynn to call Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the U.S., that they assume all testimony to the contrary is false. Special Counsel attorneys are frustrated that K.T. McFarland, the incoming deputy National Security Advisor, doesn’t support their theory. ‘Mueller describes McFarland as the ‘key to everything’ because McFarland was the link between Trump, who was at Mar-a-Lago with McFarland, and Flynn, who was in the Dominican Republic on vacation, when [REDACTED] were made,’ the report of Barnett’s interview says. Because of Barnett’s contrary views, members of Mueller’s team even tried to prevent him from participating in interviews with McFarland, leading Barnett to threaten to go to the Inspector General.
During a proffer interview with McFarland, the special counsel team asks no follow-up or clarifying questions, which ‘perplexed’ Barnett. He begins asking direct questions, trying to get facts directly from the subject of the interview. He asks if she knew things for a fact or if she is merely speculating. He asks if she passed information from Trump to Flynn. These direct questions and their clear answers undercut their theory of the case led Special Counsel Attorney Andrew Goldstein to call a time-out and caution Barnett against asking them.
June 22, 2017: Christopher Steele asks Bruce Ohr by email ‘any news on re-engagement yet?’, reference to Steele’s possible employment of Special Counsel staff.
Late June, 2017: FBI obtains a fourth FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page through late Sept 2017. FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein sign the renewal application. Eric Ciaramella, who had objected to the new ‘America first’ direction at NSC, returns to NSC.
July 2, 2017: Klaus Eberwein, a Haitian official who was scheduled to testify about the Clinton Foundation’s theft of five billion dollars from the Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund, is found dead in Miami, of a gunshot wound to the head. The death is ruled a suicide.
July 10, 2017: CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming responds to Hunter Biden’s June 18 letter: ‘I have arranged Director Zang and Gongwen Dong to expedite the charter capital input to SinoHawk.’
July 18, 2017: Tony Bobulinski asks Zhao in a message whether the transfer would be ‘$10 MM or 2x $5MM,’ requesting ‘that $10 MM be sent in 2 $5 MM tranches but @ the same time, $5 MM to savings and $5 MM to checking. That is what we prefer.’ Separately, Bobulinski complains to Gilliar that Hunter Biden ‘thinks things are going to be his personal piggybank’, an apparent allusion to his name-only contribution to the business. Hunter Biden responds that CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming is ‘coming to be MY partner to be partners with the Bidens, and that in this instance only one player holds the trump card and that’s me. May not be fair but it’s the reality because I’m the only one putting an entire family legacy on the line‘. || Source
July 18, 2017: Deputy AG Rosenstein signs third continuation of FISA warrant enabling Mueller to investigate almost anyone in the Trump campaign and Administration.
July 20, 2017: Facebook, having investigated political ad purchases, announces ‘we have seen no evidence that Russian actors bought ads on Facebook in connection with the election’.
July 21, 2017: National Security Advisor McMaster fires Higgins and others appointed by previous National Security Advisor Lt Gen Michael Flynn. Through Donald Trump Jr, the Higgins memo reaches President Trump, who is reportedly ‘furious’ that Higgins was fired. McMaster also fires Deputy National Security Advisor K T McFarland and Ezra Cohen-Watnick, who oppose the Iran nuclear deal, and revokes Adam Lovinger’s security clearance.
July 24, 2017: Consortium of Intelligence Professionals (VIPS) reports that there is no forensic or other evidence that Russians hacked DNC, and that the data must have been copied to an external storage device. || Source
July 27, 2017: After IG Horowitz flags bias by Peter Strzok evidenced in text messages with DOJ attorney Lisa Page, Mueller fires Strzok from SC staff, thereby removing Strzok from scope of IG Horowitz’s review.
July 27, 2017: Washington DC Police cancel meeting with House investigators looking into unsolved murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.
July 28, 2017: Judicial Watch files lawsuits seeking information on communications between FBI Dep Dir Andrew McCabe and Virginia Gov Terry McAuliffe, who gave $675,000 to Jill McCabe for her political campaign, and on related ethical issues. || Source
Aug 2, 2017: Christopher Wray is named FBI Director.
Aug 2, 2017: Email from Hunter Biden (rhbdc@icloud.com) to Gongwen Dong (gongwen.dong@gmail.com): ‘My Understanding is that the original agreement with the Director was for consulting fees based on introductions alone a rate of $10M per year for a three year guarantee of $30M. The chairman changed that deal after we me in MIAMI TO A MUCH MORE LASTING AND LUCRATIVE ARRANGEMENT to create a holding company 50% owned by ME and 50% owned by him. Consulting fees is one piece of our income stream but the reason this proposal by the chairman was so much more interesting to me and my family is that we would also be partners inn the equity and profits of the JV’s investments.‘ [misspellings and CAPS in original email]. || Source: email recovered from abandoned Hunter Biden Apple MacBook.
Aug 2, 2017: Email from RHBiden to HK investor Gongwen Dong confirms previous agreement for payment of $10M/year for three years to RHBiden for ‘consulting fees based on introductions alone‘, with ten percent reserved for Joe Biden.
Aug 2017: In meeting at Ecuadorian Embassy in London with U.S. Rep Dana Rohrbacker, Julian Assange says he can prove the DNC emails held by Wikileaks did not come from Russia. Since this contradicts the Russia-collusion narrative, FBI launches investigation of Assange in Dec 2017, resulting in an indictment on March 6, 2018.
Aug 2017: Special Counsel Mueller seeks and receives from GSA all Trump transition team records for 13 persons including then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo and Jared Kushner.
Aug 6, 2017: After being dismissed for unauthorized media contacts, Christopher Steele again seeks employment with SC Mueller to update his dossier. He writes to ADAG Bruce Ohr, ‘Whenever convenient, I would like a chat, there’s a lot going on and we are frustrated with how long this re-engagement with the Bureau and Mueller is taking. Anything you could do to accelerate the process would be much appreciated.’ Mueller needs Steele’s continued affirmation of his dossier to continue his investigation, absent other supporting info. || Source
Aug. 8, 2017: CEFC wires nearly $5 million to bank account for Hudson West III, a firm that opened by Hunter Biden with Chinese associates, apparently in lieu of $10 million requested in Hunter Biden’s June 18 letter for Sinohawk. From Aug 8 through Sept 25, 2018, Hudson West III sends payments to Owasco, Hunter Biden’s firm, for ‘consulting fees’ totaling $4,790,375.25. Source
Early Aug 2017: Facebook identifies more than 3,000 ads, costing $100,000, addressing social and political issues that ran in the United States between 2015 and 2017 and that appear to have come from accounts associated with the Internet Research Agency of Russia. Facebook contacts Senator Warner to report its findings.
Aug 10, 2017: D.C. District Court Judge Amit Mehta, in response to Judicial Watch lawsuit, orders State Dept to supply communications between Sec Clinton and staff Abedin, Mills, and Sullivan from official state.gov email accounts, related to 2012 Benghazi attack.
Aug 11, 2017: Google fires software engineer James Damore for writing a paper suggesting that the presence of fewer women than men in high-tech employment could be due in part to biological differences between men and women. || Source
Aug 22, 2017: To date in 2017, OFA pays Perkins Coie $174,725. || Source
Aug 22, 2017: Glenn Simpson testifies to Senate Judicary Committee that FBI provided intel to Christopher Steele in a meeting in Rome in mid to late Sept 2016, from ‘an internal Trump campaign source’. || Source
August 24, 2017: FBI arrests Yu Pingan at Los Angeles Airport. He is detained for 18 months in San Diego, then pleads guilty to the federal offense of computer hacking, and is deported to China.
Sept 2017: Hunter Biden rents office space at a commercial building in Washington DC called House of Sweden and requests keys for Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Jim Biden, and Gongwen Dong, described as an ’emissary’ for CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming.
Oct 10, 2017: Brookings publishes scenario for impeachment of President Trump on obstruction of justice charges.
Oct 17, 2017: With expiration of the last FISA warrant on Carter Page, legal authority for surveillance of Trump campaign associates ends.
Oct 20, 2017: Acting AG Rosenstein expands SC Mueller investigatory authority from Flynn, Papadopoulus, Page, Manafort to include Flynn’s son for ‘jointly undertaken activity’ re Turkish lobbying. This provides Mueller with additional material to coerce a guilty plea from Flynn. || Source
Oct 23, 2017 to Dec 20, 2018: Gongwen Dong receives incoming wires totaling over $114 million and sent outgoing wires totaling over $113 million, part of what investigators describe as ‘unusual movement of funds between various entities with a complex ownership structures, at times involving funds originating from Chinese state-owned enterprises, in an apparent effort to introduce foreign funds from unknown sources into the U.S. by investing in large projects and by purchasing luxury goods and properties. Total amounts $902,200,297’. || Source
Oct 24 2017: Washington Post admits Steele dossier is opposition research, not an official intelligence document, and publishes record of DNC payments to Perkins Coie law firm for ‘legal and compliance consulting’ enabling client-confidentiality cover.
Nov 3, 2017: Adam Waldman, lawyer for Oleg Deripaska, describes Fusion GPS as a ‘shadow media organization helping the government‘, funded by a ‘group of Silicon Valley billionaires and George Soros‘ in testimony to Senate Intel Committee.
Nov 5, 2017: Special Counsel Robert Mueller charges Flynn lied to FBI official Peter Strzok about contacts with Russian ambassador Kislyak during presidential transition.
Nov 6, 2017: Trump attorney John Dowd emails Dep AG Rod Rosenstein, ‘We all now know that the entire Russian drama was and is a complete concoction by the Clinton DNC buying a phony dossier with laundered money by law firms and cut outs with Fusion GPS and former WSJ reporter Glenn Simpson to nullify the results of the Presidential election…. Why are Fusion GPS and Simpson in Court trying to cover up their payments to reporters to push all the Dossier lies? Who were these reporters? How much did they get paid?‘ Dowd requests DOJ amicus brief to protect public interest in disclosure of payments.
Nov 9, 2017: Wall Street Journal editorial calls Steele dossier ‘one of the dirtiest political tricks in U.S. history‘.
Nov 18, 2017: Christopher Steele, seeking to bolster credibility of his dossier, again writes to Bruce Ohr seeking employment with Special Counsel Mueller.
Nov 30, 2017: Michael Flynn, under threat of prosecution of his son, bankrupted by the Covington Burling law firm, falsely accused of lying to the FBI, pleads guilty to making false statements to the FBI in regard to contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak. Judge Rudy Contreras, a personal friend of Peter Strzok who had interviewed Flynn, receives the plea. Contreras had previously approved FISA warrants based on false allegations in the Steele dossier.
Dec 1, 2017: Judge Rudolph Contreras, a friend of FBI official Peter Strzok, advises Flynn to cooperate with prosecutors, and presides over hearing where Flynn pleads guilty to lying to FBI in violation of Section 1001. Flynn is also influenced by Special Counsel Mueller’s threat to prosecute Flynn’s son and give them both ‘the Manafort treatment’ (solitary confinement).
Dec 5, 2017: Crowdstrike President Shawn Henry informs House Intelligence Committee in closed session that Crowdstrike has no evidence that alleged Russian hackers stole any data from DNC, and that FBI never requested access to the physical servers for forensic analysis or any other purpose. Henry states ‘as it relates to the DNC, we have indicators that data was exfiltrated. We do not have concrete evidence that data was exfiltrated from the DNC‘. Concealment of this knowledge enables persistence of false belief that the DNC breach is the result of Russian hacking, rather than insider transfer. Shawn Henry repeats in May 7, 2020 testimony that Crowdstrike has no evidence of Russian hacking.
Dec 7, 2017: ADAG Bruce Ohr, who was the primary go-between for Fusion GPS (Glenn Simpson and Christopher Steele even after Steele is disqualified as a trusted FBI source), in their dealings with DOJ, is demoted.
Dec 11, 2017: Fox News reveals Bruce Ohr’s wife Nellie was hired by Fusion GPS to create opposition research against Trump.
Dec 19, 2017: Trump lawyer Kory Langhofer informs Senate HSGA Committee by letter that GSA had provided confidential Trump transition records to Special Counsel Mueller without informing him or Trump, indicating problems with GSA’s stewardship of records. || Source: Senate HSGA and Finance Majority Staff report.
Dec 23, 2017: McCabe announces retirement, hoping to stay until March 2018 for full retirement benefits.
Dec 2017: FBI Deputy Director McCabe testifies to the House Intelligence Committee that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.
Dec 2017: On a single day in Dec, FBI conducts over 6,800 U.S. person queries using Social Security Numbers. Source: FISA Court ruling Oct 2018. FBI conducts 3.1 million warrantless searches during 2017, according to FISA Court judgment in Oct 2018.
2018: FBI opens investigation into Hunter Biden for criminal money-laundering.
Jan 11, 2018: Document dump reveals FBI not only paid Fusion GPS but also allowed the private firm to submit FISA ‘About Inquiries’. || Source
Feb 2018: CEFC founder Ye Jianming is detained by police in Beijing after falling out of favor with Chinese Premier Xi Jinping, and disappears. Ye is a partner with Hunter Biden in several energy transactions. Chinese Government agencies acquire pieces of CEFC. Payments to Hunter Biden’s law firm Owasco continue through Sept 2018.
Jan 29, 2018: FBI Director Christopher Wray fires Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for falsifying FISA applications, collecting political contributions for his wife from an ally of Hillary Clinton who is the subject of an FBI investigation, among other derilictions of duty noted in Inspector General’s Report.
Feb 2018: Wuhan Virology Institute ‘Bat Lady’ Shi Zhenling collaborates with military scientist to uncover source of swine diarrhea. She discovers it is caused by a novel cross-species bat coronavirus. Later Shi collaborates with another military scientist, Zhou Yusen, in Dec 2019. Zhou applies for a patent on the SARS-2 virus in Feb 2020 and dies under unexplained circumstances in May 2020. Shi Zhengli denies, in response to a question from Jamie Metzl on Twitter on March 24, 2021, doing any military research: ‘all our research is open & transparent…I don’t know of any military work.‘ || Source for Feb 2018 research: U.S. NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Award No. R01A 110964 to Peter Daszak and Shi Zhengli and U.S. Agency for International Development Emerging Pandemic Threats Predict Project AID-OAA-A-14-00102. || Source for Shi denial.
Feb 2, 2018: Former CIA Director Brennan joins NBC News as Senior National Security and Intelligence Analyst.
Feb 2, 2018: House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes says investigation of Brennan is warranted by inconsistencies regarding reliance on Steele dossier and a Yahoo article with information from Steele as the only basis for investigating Trump and associates. || Source
March 5, 2018: Recently retired NSA Director Mike Rogers sends classified letter to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes. Adm Rogers informs Committee that a two-page summary of the dossier was ‘added’ as an ‘appendix to the ICA draft‘, and that consideration of that appendix was ‘part of the overall ICA review/approval process‘. This contradicts CIA Director Brennan’s earlier testimony that the Steele dossier formed ‘no part’ of the ICA conclusions. || Source
March 5, 2018: Special Counsel Mueller admits to Trump lawyer John Dowd that there was no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion to influence the 2016 presidential election, but suggests Trump’s firing of Comey is obstruction of justice. Dowd explains Comey was fired for mishandling the Clinton email investigation and for violations of FBI rules.
March 6, 2018: Julian Assange is indicted for Conspiracy to Commit Computer Intrusion (18 USC 371) by grand jury in Eastern Dist Virginia, based on FBI investigation started Dec 2017. Indictment is sealed pending completion of Mueller investigation in April 2019.
March 12, 2018: HPSCI releases result of 14-month investigation into Trump/Russia: finds no ‘no evidence of collusion, coordination, or conspiracy’.
March 16, 2018: On the basis of IG Report of misconduct by FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, AG Sessions fires him for lying under oath several times and making unauthorized disclosures to news media.
April 18, 2018: Congress sends criminal referrals to Justice Department for James Comey, Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
April 2018: Treasury freezes all U.S. assets of Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and his aluminum company, under authority of Executive Order (E.O.) 13661 and E.O. 13662, authorities codified by the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), as well as E.O. 13582. ‘Deripaska has been investigated for money laundering, and has been accused of threatening the lives of business rivals, illegally wiretapping a government official, and taking part in extortion and racketeering. There are also allegations that Deripaska bribed a government official, ordered the murder of a businessman, and had links to a Russian organized crime group.’ Deripaska offers to testify without immunity from prosecution regarding these allegations, but Senator Warner blocks Deripaska testimony, claiming the purported immunity condition is unacceptable. In PBS April 16, 2019 interview, Deripaska says it is ‘absurd’ to suggest Russian Government would rely on Manafort for anything. Source1 , Source2 , Source3
April 26, 2018: European Commission proposes ‘vaccine passports’. || Source
May 2018: Maltese professor and CIA asset Joseph Mifsud, on the run, meets lawyer Stephen Roh in Zurich to record deposition. (Prosecutor John Durham later obtains Mifsud’s recorded deposition.)
May 17, 2018: Atlantic Council (Gen James Jones, Chairman) and Facebook form partnership to censor election-related disinformation, ‘inauthentic behavior’, and potentially inflammatory material by selectively removing accounts so identified, to restore the integrity of elections worldwide.
Aug 2018: Former FBI contractor and cybersecurity specialist Dennis Nathan Cain delivers documents on Clinton Foundation and Uranium One to DOJ Inspector General Horowitz staff. While seated in a pew of a church near the White House, Cain hands a double-sealed envelope containing a flash drive with the documents to the IG official. Cain alleges then-FBI Director Robert Mueller failed to investigate Clinton Foundation criminal activity (receipt of a $130 million donation) related to Rosatom’s purchase of Uranium One in 2013. An IG official personally hand-delivers the documents to House and Senate intelligence committees.
Aug 7, 2018: Google, Apple, and Facebook all remove Alex Jones and Infowars from their websites at the same time, possibly coordinated by Senator Mark Warner. || Source
Aug 10, 2018: FBI fires Peter Strzok, central figure in FBI’s counterintelligence investigation of candidate and President Trump, suppression of criminal evidence in Clinton email case, falsification of FISA warrant applications, unauthorized circulation of Steele dossier to media, ambush interview of Lt Gen Flynn, and related activities. Strzok firing indicates SC Mueller has nothing further to investigate.
Aug 15, 2018: Former CIA Dir Brennan’s security clearance is revoked.
Aug 19, 2018: Brennan states on TV he had no evidence of Russian collusion with Trump as of the date he left CIA.
Aug 30, 2018: Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and four other security clearances revoked.
Nov 6, 2018: With $100 million from Mike Bloomberg, Democrats obtain House majority, enabling impeachment of President Trump, while Republicans retain Senate majority, ensuring acquittal on impeachment charges.
Nov 7, 2018: AG Sessions resigns.
Nov 15, 2018: Federal magistrate Stephanie Gallagher in the U.S. District Court for Baltimore signs order authorizing FBI raid on home of Dennis Nathan Cain to recover ‘stolen federal property’.
Nov 19, 2018: 16 FBI agents raid Maryland home of Dennis Nathan Cain in search of documents he had previously delivered to IG Horowitz. Cain produces copies of documents he delivered to IG Horowitz, but FBI continues searching and removes work equipment without explanation.
Nov 30, 2018: Sen Grassley writes to FBI Dir Wray, asking whether FBI was aware Cain’s disclosures to the DOJ IG were lawful and protected under Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA). || Source
Dec 8, 2018: President Trump nominates William Barr Attorney General.
Dec 12, 2018: In UK court, Christopher Steele states Fusion GPS clients were DNC and Clinton campaign. ‘Perkins Coie LLP [engaged Fusion GPS] to provide legal advice on the potential impact of Russian involvement on the legal validity of the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential election. Based on that advice, parties such as the Democratic National Committee and HFACC Inc. (also known as ‘Hillary for America’) could consider steps they would be legally entitled to take to challenge the validity of the outcome of that election.’ || Source , and British High Court Filing Aug 2, 2018, Claim No. HQ18M01646.
Dec 18, 2018: Yahoo reporter Michael Isikoff, one of the first to publicize the Steele dossier, states that this dossier which stimulated investigation of Trump for collusion with Russia lacks evidence and ‘some of the more sensational allegations will never be proven and are likely false‘. || Source
Dec 18, 2018: Flynn appears with his Covington Burling attorneys for sentencing after cooperating with government investigations. District Judge Sullivan berates him for unspecified crimes, for ‘selling out his country’, threatens jail time, then asks whether he would like to postpone sentencing. Flynn agrees.
Jan 11, 2019: New York Times publishes online headline on FBI’s May 2017 investigation: ‘F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia’. Ninth paragraph reveals ‘No evidence has emerged publicly that Mr. Trump was secretly in contact with or took direction from Russian government officials’. || Source
Feb 15, 2019: Senate Intel Committee reaches bipartisan agreement that there is no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.
March 2019: IMF pays Ecuadorian Govt $4.2 billion.
March 2019: Moderna acquires rights from two Canadian companies that own patents on lipid nanoparticles, and the knowhow associated with encapsulating mRNA particles in them. Moderna amends previously rejected patent applications to refer to ‘accidental or deliberate coronavirus release‘ to boost urgency for patent approval.
March 22, 2019: Mueller concludes in final report ‘investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities‘.
March 25, 2019: Brennan says ‘Well, I don’t know if I received bad information but I suspected there was more than there actually was. I am relieved that it’s been determined there was not a criminal conspiracy with the Russian government over our election. I think that is good news for the country.’
March 28, 2019: McCabe fired, forced to leave FBI before his official retirement.
April 10, 2019: Attorney General William Barr testifies to Senate that Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had been spied upon by U.S. intelligence agencies. He says ‘the question was whether it [the spying] was adequately predicated‘ (had any factual basis).
April 11, 2019: Mueller investigation ends. Ecuador President Lenin Moreno revokes Assange’s asylum, following IMF payment of $4.2 billion the previous month. U.K. police forcibly drag Julian Assange from Ecuadorian Embassy where he had taken refuge since 2012. He is arrested for skipping bail in 2012 and held for possible extradition to the U.S. on charges of espionage and conspiracy to commit computer intrusion. || Source1 , Source2
April 12, 2019: Hunter Biden brings water-damaged MacBook computer to repair shop in Wilmington Delaware, but fails to pick it up or pay repair bill after 90 days. Repair shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac, unable to reach Biden, takes possession of computer, reviews contents, advises FBI.
April 18, 2019: Mueller releases 448-page report, finds no Trump-Russia collusion: ‘the evidence was not sufficient to charge that any member of the Trump Campaign conspired with representatives of the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election.‘ Report states unequivocally: ‘Beginning in March 2016, units of the Russian Federation’s Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (GRU) hacked the computers and email accounts of organizations, employees, and volunteers supporting the Clinton Campaign, including the email account of campaign chairman John Podesta. Starting in April 2016, the GRU hacked into the computer networks of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).’ Proof that the DNC emails in Wikileaks’ possession did NOT come from Russia, as promised by Julian Assange’s Aug 2017 statement to Rep Dana Rohrbacker, would contradict the Mueller report’s assertions. Source: Mueller report, p 9 and p 36, respectively.
April 21, 2019: Volodymyr Zelensky elected President of Ukraine.
April 22, 2019: President Trump calls newly elected Ukraine President Zelensky to congratulate him and to promise U.S. support.
April 2019: Hunter Biden resigns from Burisma Board.
May 3, 2019: BHR invests in Face++, a Chinese surveillance company using face-recognition technology to identify Uighurs and other ethnic minorities and dissidents. Face++ had previously received a $460 million from BHR and ohers in 2017. || Source
May 11, 2019: DAG Rod Rosenstein, who had appointed SC Mueller, resigns.
May 13, 2019: 13 May. AG Barr appoints U.S. Attorney for Connecticut John Durham to review FBI’s counterintelligence investigations in context of 2016 election.
May 23, 2019: AG Barr requests de-classification. President Trump’s de-classification order authorizes AG Barr to have unrestricted access to DOE documents re Uranium One and CFIUS, Treasury documents re Clinton Foundation, State Dept, and Intelligence Community documents re 2016 election.
May 31, 2019: AG Barr in interview with CBS states ‘I had a lot of questions about what was going on. I assumed I’d get answers when I went in and I have not gotten answers that are satisfactory, and in fact probably have more questions, and that some of the facts that—that I’ve learned don’t hang together with the official explanations of what happened.‘
June 16, 2019: Dr Robert Epstein (re@aibrt.org), psychologist, testifies to Senate Judiciary Committee on Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME). ‘Google’s autocomplete search suggestions can turn a 50/50 split among undecided voters into a 90/10 split without people’s awareness’. || Source1 ; Source2 ; Source3
June 20, 2019: Los Angeles removes 1.5 million inactive voters from its registration list, in response to a lawsuit by Judicial Watch pursuant to Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (‘NVRA’), 52 U.S.C. § 20507. Judicial Watch showed that Los Angeles had registered 112% of its adult citizen population. || Source
2019: Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP), a nonprofit operated by former Feinstein staffer Daniel Jones, pays $1,222,714 in 2019 to Bean LLC, the shell company that controls Fusion GPS, and $700,000 to Walshingham Partners Ltd, a British company co-owned by Christopher Steele, according to a tax filing (date of payment not disclosed). || Source
[Labeling something a ‘conspiracy theory’ is often enough to dismiss it from serious consideration. Yet denying the existence of conspiracies amounts to claiming that every official act is done in public, and that the general public knows in real time everything there is to know about it. That is clearly not the case: Covert action is the rule, not the exception. Knowledge about it takes years and even decades to emerge. That is the premise of this timeline. It is in large part a record of conspiracies unveiled.]
[Recognition-seeking delivers another source of revelations for our timeline. Joe Biden, for example, congratulated himself profusely on his own savoir-faire, before a worshipful audience at the Council on Foreign Relations, in executing a billion-dollar bribe of Ukraine President Poroshenko. The kleptocrat dutifully complied with then Vice-President Biden’s wishes, after checking that President Obama’s wishes were the same, and promptly fired Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor investigating Biden’s son Hunter.]
[Renmin University Economics Professor Di Dongsheng spoke on Chinese TV about his having used people ‘at the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence’ to ‘fix’ problems with the U.S. Administration.]
[Not to be outdone, Molly Ball wrote proudly in Time magazine, ‘There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans’ — an agreement between the AFL-CIO and the Chamber of Commerce to endorse prolonging the 2020 vote-count.]
[Former CIA Acting Director John McLaughlin was the first alumnus of the Deep State to acknowledge its existence, while also invoking Divine endorsement for a ‘higher calling’ superseding the Constitution.]
[Conspirators sometimes slip-up and inadvertently disclose secrets potentially damaging to themselves, as when Director of National Intelligence Clapper was overheard by a staff member to instruct Washington Post writer David Ignatius to ‘take the kill shot‘, meaning publish allegations of collusion between Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Kislyak.]
[The ‘insurance policy’ was a backup plan to apply the techniques of regime change used by the CIA in Libya and Ukraine to the United States. Immediately after the Nov 2016 election, the CIA and other spy agencies moved to de-stabilize the incoming Administration. Even before the new president took office, the FBI Director brought out the much-circulated dossier to remind the President-Elect ‘there’s more where that came from’. Routine transition meetings with the Russian Ambassador were characterized as collusion to reverse last-minute sanctions imposed by the outgoing Administration. These charges neutralized the Attorney General and caused the removal of the National Security Adviser, the only two officials in positions to reveal and (in the case of the AG) prosecute illegal activities. Next, bureaucratic legerdemain resulted in the appointment of a Special Counsel who staffed his office with people following the ‘insurance policy’ plan. A three-year investigation of non-existent treason paralyzed many of the normal functions of government, but failed to prevent implementation of an economic program that led to unprecedented gains in income and employment, energy independence, and improved terms of trade with China and the EU.]
[Investigations authorized by secret FISA courts, based on allegations known to be false by those requesting warrants, continued throughout most of 2017. These covered the same ground already trod by previous FISA warrants, which were renewed at three-month intervals. FBI officials altered meeting notes, violated the Bureau’s own rules for opening investigations, conflated ‘intelligence’ with ‘criminal’ categories of investigation, permitted outside contractors to search confidential files, and made illegally broad searches of NSA databases, as later adjudged by a FISA court.]
[Thus the ‘insurance policy’ developed during the previous Administration proceeded without legal or constitutional restraint. Agency officials overtly declared they had a ‘higher calling’ than ‘the consent of the governed’.]
Nov 17, 2016: FBI agent Gaeta reports Steele’s misbehavior to superiors including Bill Priestap. FBI terminates Steele for revealing his FBI relationship to reporters. Steele continues to provide information to FBI through DOJ Attorney Bruce Ohr. Ohr meets FBI on 13 occasions between Nov 17, 2016 and May 15, 2017, to provide information from Steele and maintain continuing contact with him despite his termination as a CHS. Source: DOJ IG Horowitz Report, p 7.
Nov 17, 2016: NSA Dir Adm Mike Rogers meets with President-elect Trump at Trump Tower in NY, informs him of FBI and DOJ surveillance of his email and phone communications.
Nov 18, 2016: Trump appoints Michael Flynn National Security Adviser.
Nov 2016: Steele gives copies of his dossier to longtime Clinton friend Strobe Talbot to convey to top State Department officials. Additional information from a foreign source, previously unpublished, is supplied to Steele by State Dept staff, probably Johnathan Winer. Source: Letter of Senator Grassley to DAG Rosenstein 2018.2.5, referring Steele for potential violation of 18 U.S.C.§1001.
Nov 18, 2016: Arizona Sen. John McCain and a former assistant, David Kramer, are told about the existence of the dossier by an associate of Steele’s, former British diplomat Sir Andrew Wood.
Nov 27, 2016: National Security Advisor Susan Rice requests British GCHQ to renew spy operation on President-Elect Trump, following Aug 2016 GCHQ spy operation on candidate Trump. || Source
Nov. 28, 2016: Sen McCain associate David Kramer flies to London to meet Christopher Steele for a briefing on the anti-Trump research. Afterward, Fusion GPS’ Glenn Simpson gives Sen McCain a copy of the dossier.
Dec 5, 2016: FBI analysts recognize it is not a ‘logical investigative step’ to seek General Flynn’s financial records and that ‘this is a nightmare’. Source: District Court filing in Criminal Action No. 17-232-EGS, Sept 24, 2020
Dec 6, 2016: President Obama orders CIA Dir Brennan to prepare an Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) integrating the views of all 17 intelligence agencies on Trump-Russia collusion, to be completed before President-Elect Trump’s inauguration Jan 20, 2017. Washington Post, New York Times, and other media report ICA findings three days later.
Dec 9, 2016: McCain provides a copy of the Steele dossier to FBI Director James Comey during a meeting at the latter’s office. McCain had received the dossier from his aide David Kramer, who had received it from Fusion GPS owner Glenn Simpson. This route of transmission informs McCain the dossier is opposition research and not official intelligence. Former British Ambassador to Russia Andrew Wood, urged by his friend Christopher Steele, had advised McCain in early Dec 2016 of the contents of the dossier.
Dec 9, 2016: Washington Post (Entous-Nakashima-Miller) writes ‘CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system’. New York Times (Sanger-Shane) writes ‘American intelligence agencies have concluded with ‘high confidence’ that Russia acted covertly in the latter stages of the presidential campaign to harm Hillary Clinton’s chances and promote Donald J. Trump’.
Dec 9, 2016: CIA tells Congress that they believe the Russians hacked the DNC to help defeat Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
Dec 10, 2016: An associate of Republican Sen John McCain gives BuzzFeed a copy of the Steele dossier.
Dec 12, 2016: Intelligence professionals dispute claim that DNC was ‘hacked’, as electronic signature missing; physical transmittal more likely. || Source
Dec 2016: President Obama finalizes with Executive Order 12333 rules opening raw, unedited information feeds collected by the National Security Agency to all of the 16 other agencies in the Intelligence Community before any privacy protections are implemented, giving 17 spy agencies unimpeded access to all Americans’ private information, regardless of whether they are suspected of anything. • FBI obtains confidential Trump Transition Team records. || Source: Senate HSGA and Finance Majority Staff Report, 2018
Dec 14, 2016: NBC broadcasts ‘Russian President Vladimir Putin became personally involved in the covert Russian campaign to interfere in the U.S. presidential election, senior U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News’. New York Times and Washington Post publish similar stories.
Dec 14, 2016: House Permanent Special Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) Chair Rep Devin Nunes responds to media stories by requesting asking CIA Dir Brennan ‘to clarify press reports that the CIA has a new assessment that it has not shared with us. The Committee is deeply concerned that intransigence in sharing intelligence with Congress can enable the manipulation of intelligence for political purposes’. ICA appears to include only CIA, FBI, NSA, DNI, not all 17 intelligence agencies. || Source
Late Dec 2016: ICA completed, concludes with ‘high confidence’ that Russian Govt interfered with 2016 election to assist Trump.
Dec 28, 2016: President Obama signs Executive Order 13757 applying aditional sanctions to Russia for its alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. election.
Dec 28, 2016: National Security Advisor-designate Michael Flynn talks with Russian Ambassador Kislyak by telephone. The FBI wiretaps and records these conversations. FBI and other spy agencies perform 30,355 searches of 5,288 Americans during 2016.
Dec 30, 2016: Russian President Putin announces Russia would not retaliate against the sanctions imposed by President Obama.
Dec 31, 2016: Ambassador Kislyak calls Flynn to advise him Russia will not retaliate against Obama’s recent sanctions.
2017: Bohai Harvest, an investment company 10%-owned by Hunter Biden, participates in face-recognition company Face++’s $460 million public offering. China uses the company’s products for surveillance of Uiguhrs and other minorities detained in concentration camps and elsewhere. || Source
Jan 2, 2017: Wikileaks’ Assange says he guarantees emails did not come from Russia; that Obama administration is trying to undermine Trump
Jan 3, 2017: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer says on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show, ‘You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.‘ This warning or threat proved to be prescient.
Early Jan 2017: FBI renews FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page. FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates again sign the application. Britain’s national security adviser sends letter to outgoing National Security Advisor Susan Rice and NSA-designate Flynn, disavowing former British Secret Service Agent Christopher Steele, calls his credibility into question, and declares him untrustworthy. Flynn later states he does not remember this letter.
Jan 2017: Clinton campaign manager and lobbyist John Podesta meets with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson to consider further anti-Trump research. Podesta later (Oct 2017) tells Senate Intel Committee he knows nothing about an arrangement to pay for anti-Trump research, despite his role as Clinton campaign manager and DNC fund-raiser.
Jan 4, 2017: FBI Washington field office issues official Closing Memoranum, closes its investigation of Michael Flynn, finds ‘no derogatory information’ on Flynn, and no basis to ‘predicate further investigative efforts’ into whether Flynn was being directed and controlled by a foreign power (Russia) in a manner that threatened U.S. national security or violated FARA or its related statutes. || Source: Memorandum disclosed in April 2020 pursuant to Flynn attorney Sidney Powell’s requests for all exculpatory information required under Brady rules, and U.S. Attorney Jensen’s response providing it.
Jan 5, 2017: Comey testifies to Senate Intelligence Committee that DNC refused multiple requests to examine their servers after Russian-hacking allegations. Separately, DNC denies having refused requests to examine server, claims FBI never made any such requests.
Jan 5, 2017: Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Obama, Biden, Sally Yates, Susan Rice meet in Oval Office to consider what to disclose to President-Elect Trump, and what to withhold. They must appear to cooperate with the transition while not disclosing that Trump has been and still is the actual target of FBI investigation. All those in this Oval Office meeting being subject to embarrassing exposure and possible prosecution — for fraudulent allegations Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, based on one fabricated DNC-funded dossier — they discuss what must be done to prevent discovery by the incoming administration.
Comey advises removing Flynn, who as National Security Adviser would review the FBI’s illegal Russia collusion investigation. Comey cautions against alerting Flynn, and advises not discussing Russia with him, on the grounds that Flynn is a national security risk due to his many conversations with Russian Ambassador Kislyak. While Comey does not indicate how he intends to remove Flynn, handwritten notes by FBI agent Priestap suggest ‘getting him to lie’ (which would be a crime). Biden asks whether the Logan Act could be used, apparently unaware it is only applicable to private citizens and since enactment in 1799 has never been used successfully. Obama instructs those present to inform incoming Trump Administration, while excluding information about previous and continuing secret espionage against Trump.
Strzok texts ‘Don’t do it yet [meaning don’t close the Flynn case]’. Having been informed by Strzok that the FBI case against Flynn is not officially closed despite finding ‘no derogatory information’, Comey keeps the investigation open. Strzok texts that this mistake is ‘serendipitously good’ and ‘our utter incompetence actually helps us’. Texts between unidentified FBI agents: ‘people here are scrambling for info to support certain things and its a mad house’. ‘[J]esus, [T]rump was right. [S]till not put together… why do we do this to ourselves. [W]hat is wrong with these people?’ || Source
Jan 6, 2017: CIA Director Brennan releases declassified version of Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) ordered by President Obama on Dec 6, 2016. While purporting to be the consensus of 17 intelligence agencies on Russian collusion with the Trump campaign to rig the 2016 election, only CIA, FBI, and DNI efforts are included. NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers dissents from the ICA conclusion. The ICA report concludes ‘Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him’. To protect ‘sources and methods’, proof is not supplied. Conclusions echo those provided by Brennan to Washington Post, New York Times, and NBC during the Dec 9 – 14, 2016 period. Later, on Aug 19, 2018, Brennan states on TV he had no evidence of Russian collusion with Trump as of the date he left CIA. || Source
Jan 6, 2017: Comey, Clapper, Brennan and Mike Rogers meet President-elect Trump in Trump Tower to brief him on the Intelligence Community Assessment of Russian election interference. The ICA consists of conclusions and inferences without specifications of overt acts by identifiable individuals. Separately, as planned, Comey asks for a one-on-one briefing with President-elect. Comey tells Trump of the ‘salacious’ Clinton-fabricated allegations, such as the hiring of Russian prostitutes to urinate on a bed in a Moscow hotel that former President Obama had slept in. DNI Dir Clapper had previously briefed Jake Tapper of CNN on these fabrications. Comey’s briefing omits any mention of the origin of the Steele dossier as DNC-paid opposition research (implying that it was an official intelligence report), and also omits its use to obtain FISA warrants, implying that Trump is not an object of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation. Comey also conceals from Trump the fact that National Security Adviser-designate Flynn is under FBI investigation. Surveillance of Trump staff continues under active (undisclosed) FISA warrant authorizations. || Source
Jan 6, 2017: Comey reports in a memo to Clapper ‘I said I wasn’t saying this was true, only that I wanted him to know both that it had been reported and that the reports were in many hands. I said media like CNN had them and were looking for a news hook‘. Comey’s briefing of Trump supplies the news hook.
Jan 7, 2017: Clapper and two other Obama administration officials request Flynn unmasking (access to Flynn’s communications incidentally retrieved by FISA-authorized spying on Flynn’s associates in the Trump campaign).
Jan 7, 2017: FBI interviews Steele’s primary sub-source, Igor Danchenko, who disavows much of the Russia collusion evidence attributed to him in the dossier. FBI omits this disavowal in its FISA warrant applications. ‘The government did not disclose that Steele himself had undercut the reliability‘ of his own source, telling the FBI he was a ‘boaster‘ and an ‘egoist‘ and ‘may engage in some embellishment.’ Source: FISC Chief Judge James Boasberg order.
January 9, 2017: Obama administration NIH Director Francis Collins lifts funding moratorium on ‘gain-of-function’ research to give SARS bat viruses a ‘spike protein’ precisely adapted to human ACE2 (angiostatin-converting enzyme) receptors, a design suited for use as a bio-weapon, without informing U.S. national security officials.
Jan 10, 2017: CNN reports Comey’s Jan 6 briefing of Trump on Steele dossier. Citing that reporting as justification, BuzzFeed publishes the Steele dossier. Many FBI agents and analysts purchase taxpayer-funded professional liability insurance to defend probable lawsuits on their illegal activities. || Source
Jan 11, 2017: UN Ambassador Samantha Power makes another Flynn unmasking request.
Jan 12, 2017: FBI renews FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, falsely stating that Steele’s information was still reliable because previous information he had reported to the FBI had been verified and used in criminal proceedings; and omitting information received by FBI in Nov and Dec 2016 undermining Steele’s credibility and trustworthiness. FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates again sign the application. Britain’s national security adviser sends letter to outgoing National Security Advisor Susan Rice and NSA-designate Flynn, disavowing former British Secret Service Agent Christopher Steele, calls his credibility into question, and declares him untrustworthy. Flynn later states he does not remember this letter.
Jan 12, 2017: Obama administration finalizes new rules under Executive Order 12333 allowing NSA to distribute raw intel to other U.S. intel agencies without normal privacy protections, removing longstanding restrictions on access to contents of phone calls and email, including bulk collection of satellite transmissions, communications between foreigners as they cross network switches in the United States, and messages acquired overseas or provided by allies. || Source1 , Source2 , Source3
Jan 12, 2017: Vice President Joe Biden and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew request Flynn unmasking in intelligence communications.
Jan 12, 2017: Washington Post, David Ignatius, publishes information leaked either by Obama Admin officials or by Stephen Halper, about phone calls between Russian Ambassador Kislyak and General Flynn. The article mentions the Logan Act, a 1799 law prohibiting private individuals from discussing foreign policy with foreign governments. The Logan Act has never been successfully used and is inapplicable to Flynn as a designated public official.
Jan 2017: Assistant Director of FBI Counterintelligence Division Bill Priestap writes handwritten note for meeting to plan an ‘ambush interview’ with Flynn: ‘What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?’ Source: document disclosed in April 2020, in response to Flynn attorney Powell’s request for Brady-required exculpatory material.
Jan 15 2017: VP Pence on CBS Face the Nation, in response to question ‘Did any advisor or anybody in the Trump campaign have any contact with the Russians who were trying to meddle in the election?‘ states ‘Of course not. And I think to suggest that is to give credence to some of these bizarre rumors that have swirled around the candidacy.’ Transcript
Jan 15, 2017: Bob Woodward calls Steele dossier ‘garbage’. || Source
Jan 19, 2017: State Dept European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland sends classified materials on Russia investigation to Senators Warner, Corker, and Cardin. Transmittal message ‘We made the deadline!‘ indicates urgency to provide information on Russian election-interference, anti-EU, and anti-NATO activities in Europe, before Trump is to be inaugurated as President the following day. || Source
Jan 20, 2017: Susan Rice writes a memo to herself about Obama ‘continuing to do everything by the book‘ with regard to the Flynn investigation. The word ‘continuing’ suggests Obama had already known about the FBI plan to ‘get Flynn to lie‘.
Jan 20, 2017: Donald Trump inaugurated as 45th President of the United States.
Jan 20, 2017: Wikileaks raises previous reward for information on murder of Seth Rich to $130,000.
Jan 22, 2017: Michael Flynn sworn in as National Security Adviser.
Jan 2017: FBI agent’s handwritten note on purpose of interviewing Flynn ‘to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired’. Source: DOJ documents released to Flynn defense attorney Powell.
Jan 2017: FBI Dir Comey places mole in White House, cybersecurity expert Anthony Ferrante, who retains FBI employment ‘reserve’ status, to report any incriminating info on President Trump to FBI. || Source
Jan 23, 2017: FBI places story in Washington Post stating, ‘FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit’ and ‘Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said‘. This reassures Flynn he is not under investigation, so that when interviewed by FBI the following day at the White House, he does not suspect an ambush.
Jan 23, 2017: UK GCHQ chief Robert Hannigan suddenly resigns. Hannigan had shared reports supporting the Russia-collusion narrative with U.S. spy agencies, and had cooperated with requests by President Obama to spy on and supply information about then-candidate Donald Trump in Aug 2016.
Jan 24, 2017: Noticing the case against Flynn is not formally closed, and it is therefore unnecessary to open a new case, Comey on his own initiative and without notifying his nominal superior at DOJ (Acting AG Sally Yates), sends Peter Strzok and Joseph Pientka to the White House for an ambush interview of Flynn about his phone calls to Russian Ambassador Kislyak, despite the fact these calls are unrelated to the previous case against Flynn. Comey does not ask White House Counsel because, as he later explains, he ‘thought he could get away with it‘ since the new Administration was not yet organized. Flynn, reassured based on previous day’s Washington Post article that he is not the target of an FBI investigation, answers questions in an unguarded way.
Jan 25, 2017: DOJ Chief Counsel James Baker, FBI Priestap, and other officials meet to consider options for removing Flynn. They reject Logan Act as inapplicable. Baker asks ‘how could you prosecute Flynn for lying to FBI officials when there was no underlying crime because the contact with Kislyak was normal’. They settle on stirring up a conflict with VP Pence over Pence’s assurances on Jan 15 CBS-TV interview that there had been no contacts between Trump campaign officials and Russians.
Jan 26, 2017: DOJ Yates reinforces this narrative to White House Counsel McGahn by conflating Flynn’s official contacts with Kislyak as normal transition planning, and campaign-type contacts (which had not occurred), implying these activities undercut VP Pence’s TV assurances. When McGahn asks her whether Flynn should be fired, Yates responds ‘that’s not our call’.
Jan 30, 2017: Trump fires Acting AG Sally Yates for refusing to follow the president’s Executive Order limiting travel from certain terror-prone countries.
Jan 30, 2017: Attorney Mark Zaid, who later represents impeachment source Eric Ciaramella, writes on Twitter that ‘#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow’.
Jan 30, 2017: Internal DOJ document by FBI exonerates Michael Flynn of being ‘an agent of Russia’; concealed until DOJ compelled by Court order to produce it for Flynn defense in Sept 2019. Source: Flynn Defense attorney Sidney Powell case filing 17-232-EGS Sept 11, 2019.
January 30, 2017: Foreign Policy magazine article by Law Prof Rosa Brooks titled 3 Ways to Get Rid of President Trump Before 2020 calls for Trump’s impeachment, his removal under the 25th Amendment, or a method ‘that until recently I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup.’
Jan 31, 2017: Former FBI analyst and Feinstein staffer Daniel Jones incorporates Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP) as advised by Fusion GPS’s Glenn Simpson, to reinforce Steele dossier allegations, obtain similar accusations against President Trump, and distribute them to media, Congress, and FBI. Later he registers it as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit with tax-exempt status due to its claim of being nonpartisan. || Source
Feb 3, 2017: CIA analyst Eric Ciaramella and Sean Misko, both seconded to NSC, are overheard at the first NSC staff meeting openly discussing their plan to ‘take out the president’. ‘They weren’t just bent on subverting his agenda, they were plotting to actually have him removed from office’. Misko: ‘Yeah, we need to do everything we can to take out the president.’ A military staffer seconded to NSC: ‘They meant removing him from office by any means necessary’. Military staffer, alarmed, reports Ciaramella-Misko remarks to his superiors, but nothing comes of it. || Source
Feb 9, 2017: DNI Clapper calls Washington Post reporter David Ignatius, tells him ‘take the kill shot’ on Flynn, using wiretapped Flynn-Kislyak call records. Washington Post publishes leak accusing Flynn of collusion with Russia in his calls and meetings with Ambassador Kislyak regarding sanctions: ‘National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say’. Source for ‘kill shot’: DNI staff in car with Clapper during call to Ignatius, noted in Flynn defense attorney Sidney Powell’s deposition.
Feb 2017: FBI Flynn case agent William Barnett tells unit chief that he wants to be removed from the case, because the Flynn investigation ‘is problematic and could result in an IG investigation’. || Source: Interview of William Barnett conducted Sept 17, 2020 by U.S. attorney Jeff Jensen
Feb 10, 2017: Clinton campaign manager and fund-raiser John Podesta meets secretly with Fusion GPS principals Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, who are seeking funding to continue their investigation of President Trump and alleged Russia collusion. Clinton foreign policy adviser Jake Sullivan and Feinstein aide Daniel Jones, who had recently started TDIP) also participate in the meeting. Simpson asks Podesta to verify Fusion GPS’s bona fides with donors and funding sources whom Podesta knows. TDIP hires Fusion GPS and Steele to update and expand the Steele dossier. Assisted by Podesta, TDIP raises more than seven million dollars during 2017, including one million dollars from George Soros, $2.1 million from Tom Steyer, and other payments from undisbursed Clinton campaign funds. Its operating methods closely track those developed by Simpson and Steele in 2016, simultaneously notifying media, Congressional committees, and FBI of ‘research’ supporting the Russia collusion narrative. Source1 , Source2 , Podesta testimony to House Intel Committee Dec 4, 2017.
Feb 10, 2017: FBI agent Strzok changes official records, called ‘302 notes’, of Flynn interview to indicate discussion of sanctions with Russian Ambassador Kislyak, when in fact no such discussion had occurred. Source: Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 129-2 Filed 10/24/19
Feb 13, 2017: Flynn is fired as National Security Adviser, removing him from a position where he could investigate the Obama Admin’s espionage operations against Trump.
Feb 15, 2017: Page, Strzok, and McCabe revise FBI agent Pientka’s ‘302’ Notes purportedly made during the Jan 24 Strzok / Pientka interview with Flynn, to conform with the charge that Flynn lied to FBI agents in Jan 24 White House interview.
Feb 15, 2017: GSA asks FBI whether confidential Trump Transition records should be preserved. FBI responds that records associated with recently resigned National Security Adviser Flynn should be preserved. GSA preserves all Trump Transition records without informing President Trump or his counsel. || Source: Senate HSGA and Finance Majority Staff Report, 2018
Feb 23, 2017: Tim Trevan, a biosafety consultant, warns that China’s authoritarian society may be incompatible with the free exchange of information required for biosafety. Rutgers University molecular biologist Richard Ebright warns that China’s expansion of hazardous biotech research is ‘inherently dual-use‘, meaning military applications are inevitable. || Source
March 1, 2017: Washington Post writes ‘Sessions Spoke Twice To Russian Envoy: Revelation contradicts his testimony at confirmation hearing’. (One meeting was brief and inconsequential, the other was as Senator.)
March 2, 2017: AG Jeff Sessions recuses self from Russia investigation, per advice of ADAG Dana Boente. This forecloses the possibility that as AG Sessions would investigate Obama Admin operations against Trump. Both Flynn and Sessions, the two officials with the greatest responsibility to uncover illegal spying operations by FBI, CIA, and others, are thus removed, leaving a future Special Counsel effectively unsupervised.
March 2, 2017: Clear Force, Jim Jones (former NSA Dir) publish patent US2017/0061345 A1 to electronically monitor employee behavior by coordinating legal, financial, and social media databases, using AI to identify anomalous behavior.
March 4, 2017: Trump tweets ‘Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!’
March 15, 2017: Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrel, a supporter of Clinton’s, casts doubt on the dossier and Steele’s sourcing.
March 15, 2017: FBI Director Comey testifies to Senate Judiciary Committee that FBI agents did believe Michael Flynn did not lie to them.
March 16, 2017: Former SSCI Feinstein staffer and former FBI agent Daniel Jones describes Fusion GPS as a ‘shadow media organization helping the government’, funded by a ‘group of Silicon Valley billionaires and George Soros’. Jones raises $50 million to continue paying Fusion GPS and Steele after Trump’s inauguration, distributing a daily Russia-collusion briefing paper to Congress, ‘resistors’ in Trump Admin, and media. Steele wishes to have an official written bipartisan invitation to testify to Senate Intel Committee. SSCI Vice Chair Sen Warner, in order to keep all communications with Steele ‘off the record’, texts lobbyist Adam Waldman, an intermediary for Steele in London, ‘we want to do this right private in London don’t want to send letter yet cuz if we can’t get agreement wud rather not have paper trail’. Waldman texts back ‘[I will] see if I can convince him [Steele] to speak w you directly. At the moment he seems spooked. No pun intended.’
March 16, 2017: Dan Coats confirmed as DNI, replacing James Clapper.
March 17, 2017: SSCI Vice-Chair Sen Mark Warner tells SSCI Security Director James Wolfe to give copies of Secret-classified Carter Page FISA warrant application to media.
March 20, 2017: FBI director Comey confirms to Congress that FBI is investigating President Trump, blames Priestap for previous failure to notify Congress as required by law. Comey claims to have known early on in the investigation that it was Vladimir Putin’s intention to help the Trump campaign, due to his [Putin’s] hatred for Hillary Clinton. Comey also tells Congress there is ‘salacious and unverified’ material in the Fusion GPS dossier used by FBI, in part, to obtain Carter Page wiretap. (Under FBI ‘Woods Procedures’, only facts carefully verified by the FBI may be offered as evidence to obtain FISA warrants.)
March 22, 2017: House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes demands that CIA, FBI and NSA disclose nature of unlawful surveillance he had discovered. || Source
Early April, 2017: A third FBI wiretap on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page is approved. FBI Director James Comey and Acting AG Dana Boente sign the application. CIA Director Mike Pompeo may or may not be aware of this application or its approval.
April 3, 2017: Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice reveals in an interview, despite earlier denials, that she had requested to unmask names of Trump transition officials. The unmasked names, of people associated with Donald Trump, were then sent to all those at the National Security Council, some at the Defense Department, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and CIA Director John Brennan, and Rice deputy Ben Rhodes. || Source
April 7, 2017: President Trump, advised by attorney McGahn, signs executive order 13787 enabling the third-ranking DOJ official (Dana Boente at the time) to sign FISA application renewals. The Carter Page FISA application renewal, based on the same fraudulent Steele dossier as the earlier ones, facilitates the FBI’s continued spying on the Trump Administration.
April 10, 2017: FBI Strzok text to Lisa Page: need to speak ‘about a media leak strategy with DOJ‘.
April 13, 2017: Guardian headlines ‘British Spies Were First to Spot Trump Team’s Links with Russia,’ explaining ‘US and UK intelligence sources acknowledge that GCHQ played an early, prominent role in kickstarting the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation‘.
April 17, 2017: In response to concerns in Washington about Russian social-media influence efforts, Facebook’s Alex Stamos investigates occurrences of fake news, targeted data collection, false amplifiers on its site, and reports actions the company is taking to combat these. Senator Mark Warner later visits Facebook in person to press for evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election.
April 25, 2017: Christopher Steele, in a UK court proceeding, admits the dossier is ‘unverified’ and says he is ‘shocked’ it was ever made public.
April 25, 2017: Adam Waldman in London texts SSCI Vice-Chair Sen Warner, ‘I just talked to Chris [Steele] again. I can’t convince him to do a call first. He is under a lot of duress FYI. He said Dan Jones [former SSCI Feinstein staff, current distributor of Russia-collution newsletter] is coming to see you. I suggest you explain to Dan why a call is the necessary first step rather than a letter from your perspective.’
Spring 2017: Chief FISA Court Judge Rosemary Collyer finds that the Obama administration had been abusing the NSA FISA 702 database since President Obama’s re-election in 2012, by failing to minimize queries to the NSA database, ‘unmasking’ persons incidentally identified, and allowing their names and personal information (phone contacts, email, texts, banking and any other electronic information) to be provided to private contractors.
April 26, 2017: Rod Rosenstein is appointed as new Deputy AG.
April 26, 2017: A declassified top-secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court report reveals that 85 percent of the searches conducted by FBI, CIA, and NSA consist of nebulous ‘about’ data requests impermissible according to legal minimization requirements. The FISA Court report also reveals that FBI provides raw surveillance data to outside contractors such as Fusion GPS without supervising whose privacy is violated. Unsupervised outside contractors may have engaged in political spying on Trump campaign workers, in violation of law.
April 28, 2017: NSA has decided that its Section 702 foreign intelligence surveillance activities will no longer include any upstream internet communications that are solely ‘about a foreign intelligence target. Instead, this surveillance will now be limited to only those communications that are directly ‘to’ or ‘from’ a foreign intelligence target. These changes are designed to retain the upstream collection that provides the greatest value to national security while reducing the likelihood that NSA will acquire communications of U.S. persons or others who are not in direct contact with one of the Agency’s foreign intelligence targets. In addition, as part of this curtailment, NSA will delete the vast majority of previously acquired upstream internet communications as soon as practicable. || Source
May 2017: NSC staffer Rich Higgins writes and circulates memo on political warfare aimed at de-stabilizing and ousting the Trump presidency and disenfranchising Trump’s constituency. He had also sought to declassify PSD-11, the secret blueprint for Obama’s alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood. || Source
May 3, 2017: FBI Dir Comey in Senate testimony refuses to rule out anyone, ‘including the president’ as a target of criminal investigation.
May 9, 2017: Trump fires FBI Director Comey, based on memo from Rosenstein re ‘Restoring public confidence in the FBI’. Rosenstein writes: ‘The FBI Director is never empowered to supplant federal prosecutors and assume command of the Justice Department…. The Director laid out his version of the facts for the news media as if it were a closing argument, but without a trial. It is a textbook example of what federal prosecutors and agents are taught not to do…. the goal of a federal criminal investigation is not to announce our thoughts at a press conference. The goal is to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to justify a federal criminal prosecution, then allow a federal prosecutor who exercises authority delegated by the Attorney General to make a prosecutorial decision, and then – if prosecution is warranted – let the judge and jury determine the facts. We sometimes release information about closed investigations in appropriate ways, but the FBI does not do it sua sponte‘. FBI mole Anthony Ferrante leaves joint WH/FBI employment to work for BuzzFeed, which had published the unverified Steele dossier in Jan 2017.
May 9, 2017: Andrew McCabe, as FBI Director upon the firing of Director Comey, immediately orders criminal obstruction and counter-intelligence investigation of President Trump, with the objective of having an ongoing investigation that would be ‘difficult to quash without raising scrutiny‘. CNN reports top FBI officials open investigation because Trump ‘needed to be reined in‘. McCabe informally surveys Trump Cabinet concerning willingness to declare Trump medically or mentally unfit, to force him from the Presidency under the 25th Amendment. Acting AG Rosenstein volunteers to ‘wear a wire‘ to entrap President Trump into statements demonstrating mental incapacity. || Source: CBS 60 Minutes TV interview Feb 2019.
May 16, 2017: Comey publishes memo to self in NY Times, claiming President Trump asked him to drop investigation of Flynn. The accusation of improper presidential influence on an FBI investigation prompts calls for appointment of an independent Special Counsel to investigate Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.
May 16, 2017: Rosenstein suggests to McCabe that he (Rosenstein) secretly record President Trump. Rosenstein denies the report.
[The prospect of a U.S. president prioritizing U.S. national interests sowed panic among top Administration officials, whose careers were devoted to the interests of other nations and to international bureaucracies. In the chancelleries of Europe, the groves of academe, the editorial offices and TV-news studios, and in the cloud-chambers of the technocracy, resonated the fear that such a president would be apocalyptically dangerous.]
[With the exponential growth of mass surveillance in the first two decades of the 21st century, the United States entered a new era. Vastly expanding the reach of surveillance to people without the slightest hint of enmity transformed nearly everyone into a de facto enemy of the State, to be spied upon, watched, and monitored for any sign of opposition. With universal espionage, the spy agencies adopted the role of an adversary toward the citizenry. ]
[Accordingly a British ex-spy employed by the governing political party delivered fantastic stories of Russian escapades to all and sundry — to the spy agencies, Congressional committees, State Department, newspapers, Internet aggregators, and anyone else of a mind to credit them. The spy agencies published their assertions in cooperating media, then cited these publications as evidence of their veracity. This technique of mutual verification later blossomed into a quadraphonic medley with the cloud-dwelling technocracy and bottom-dwelling investigators adding their voices.]
[As revealed by Edward Snowden, the spy agencies had in effect deputized Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, telephone companies, Internet Service Providers, and others to record email messages, telephone conversations, Web-browsing, and virtually everything else done on-line. Despite these revelations, the scope of the spying increased exponentially, and crossed national borders freely, as U.S. and British spies collaborated to eavesdrop on trans-Atlantic conversations and Internet traffic. The bulk of this enormous effort focused on ordinary citizens of whom not the slightest cause for suspicion, let alone the constitutional ‘probable cause’ standard, existed. While Chinese spies were freely helping themselves to U.S. Defense secrets and valuable industrial technology, U.S. spy agencies assessed the American populace to be their worst enemy, judging by where the spying effort was directed.]
[The staggering volume of data, measure in petabytes, hoovered up by the spy agencies was not very good for finding domestic or foreign terrorists, but what it proved to be good at was harassing political opponents like the Tea Party groups. ]
[Anglo-American cooperation materialized during this period in the unlikely person of an unemployed British spy with a penchant for self-dramatization, lacking, however, the literary talent required to supply even a hint of verisimilitude to his fanciful reports of life in Moscow. Fortunately for him, a vodka-addled Russian source in the employ of the Brookings Institution supplied the creative details needed to cobble together a series of notes sold once to a major political party, and then, enterprisingly, the revised edition sold again to the U.S. spy agencies. The cast of characters included an MI5 Director with a name LeCarré might have invented, John Dearlove, supplying a touch of British class without which any spy story would be incomplete.]
[Several occurrences with consequences that sprang seemingly out of nowhere, years later, originated during this period. Little noted or effectively concealed at the time, their later significance merits a place in this part of the timeline. These include continuing payments from China, Ukraine, and Russia to the family of the Vice-President for unspecified services, the U.S. ceding of Iraq to Iran, the shutdown of the DEA investigation of Hezbollah, NIH funding of research enabling bat viruses to attach to human airways, and the removal of hundreds of top military officers for having failed ‘micro-aggression’ training and their replacement with politically compliant officers. All of these proved extremely consequential later.]
April 30, 2013: Senator John McCain’s staff director, Henry Kerner, urges top IRS officials, including director of exempt organizations Lois Lerner, to ‘audit so many [Tea Party groups]that it becomes financially ruinous‘.
May 10, 2013: Former IRS director of exempt organizations Lois Lerner admits the IRS intentionally delays applications for tax-exempt status from conservative non-profit groups, apologizes to Tea Party groups for having pursued malicious pretexts for prosecution. || Source
June 5, 2013: Edward Snowden reveals warrantless mass surveillance and bulk collection of phone, Internet, bank, and other records without any cause to suspect crime, by NSA and other spy agencies in the U.S. He provides evidence to Glenn Greenwald of the Guardian and Barton Gellman of the Washington Post. NSA software called PRISM collects data directly from servers of Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, and others. It is later disclosed on Aug 29, 2013 that NSA pays hundreds of millions of dollars to these companies for access to their networks.
Pursuant to a top-secret memo dated Sept 15, 2009, NSA shares data, surveillance assets, and conclusions with Britain’s GCHQ, a relationship originating in WWII and maintained throughout the Cold War. The relationship enables both parties to circumvent laws limiting surveillance to domestic targets and requiring probable cause to spy on specific individuals.
Snowden is granted asylum in Russia for two months. || Source and the Intercept
June 15, 2013: Hunter Biden and other shareholders sign agreement in Beijing to form Bohai Capital together with Chinese State agencies including Bank of China, China Postal Savings Bank, China Development Bank, National Council for Social Security Funds, and China Life. The company is later incorporated in China in Dec 2015, and becomes the vehicle for Hunter’s initial $400,000 stake to expand to $1.6 billion with funds supplied by Chinese government agencies. || Source
June 20, 2013: IRS pays bonuses of $42,000 and $100,000 to two former IRS Commissioners who had directed IRS special scrutiny of Obama-opposition Tea Party groups.
June 20, 2013: Guardian (Greenwald) publishes Snowden secret documents with U.S. NSA rules for conducting mass surveillance that merge domestic and foreign targets, contrary to ‘minimization’ standards. || Source
June 21, 2013: Snowden documents show Britain’s GCHQ taps fiber-optic cables to collect and store global email messages, Facebook posts, internet histories, and calls, and then shares the data with the NSA. GCHQ works within NSA’s Fort Meade Md HQ.
July 2, 2013: DNI Clapper apologizes for lying to Congress in March 2013 testimony.
July 3, 2013: Egyptian Field Marshall Abdel Fattah el-Sisi overthrows Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi in military coup.
July 2013: FISA Court broadens scope of secret warrantless searches from terrorism cases to those involving nuclear proliferation, cyber-attacks, and other security concerns. NYTimes Eric Lichtblau characterizes the 11-member FISA Court’s expanded role as that of a ‘parallel Supreme Court’. || Source
July 31, 2013: Snowden reveals that low-level NSA analysts like himself could find the phone, email, and any Internet activity of anyone in the world through simple queries to a program called XKeyscore, which integrates highly focused content and metadata searches. || Source
July 31, 2013: Bradley (later Chelsea) Manning convicted of violating Espionage Act.
Aug 1, 2013: U.S. Government pays Britain’s GCHQ $155 million for use of its spying programs.
Aug 2, 2013: Telecom companies (owners of undersea cables) provide GCHQ secret unlimited access to all traffic through their undersea cables.
Aug 7, 2013: Russia extends Snowden’s period of asylum for three years.
2013 – 2015: Johnathan Winer distributes more than 100 memos from ex-spy Christopher Steele’s company, Orbis Business Intelligence, to U.S. policy-makers, on behalf of Steele’s client, Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. || Source
Sept 4, 2013: James Comey becomes FBI Director, succeeding Robert Mueller.
Oct 2013: FBI officially names Steele as a Confidential Human Source (CHS), in part to compensate Steele for his assistance with the a previous investigation of FIFA. Source: Senate Intel Committee Report, V5, p 856.
Oct 2013: Amazon owner Jeff Bezos purchases Washington Post, using funds from cloud services contract awarded to Amazon by CIA in March 2013.
Nov 1, 2013: Edward Snowden reveals Britain’s GCHQ and other European spy agencies work together to conduct mass surveillance. || Source
Nov 2013: Donald Trump brings Miss Universe pageant to Moscow, collecting an estimated $3 million from the local hosts billionaire real estate tycoon Aras Agalarov and his son Emin, a pop singer. || Source
Nov 20, 2013: UK government and NSA agree to share phone, internet, and email records of UK citizens, and cooperate on evading each country’s privacy laws.
Dec 2013: Trump Organization agrees to brand an Agalarov property in Moscow, but deal stalls due to Ukraine turmoil, falling oil prices, collapse of real-estate market, and sanctions.
2013 – 2020: U.S. DOD Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) provides $39 million in grants to Eco-Health Alliance (Peter Daszak, Chairman) for ‘understanding the risk of bat-borne zoonotic disease emergence in Western Asia’, for onward transfer to research organizations in China. The DOD grants are part of $123 million given to Eco-Health Alliance by various U.S. agencies, including $64.7 million from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), $13 million from Health and Human Services, which includes the National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control, $2.3 million from the Department of Homeland Security, and $2.6 million from the National Science Foundation. || Source, based on independent research by James Baratta and Marianne Everett, Independent Science News, Dec 2020.
Dec 16, 2013: BHR (Bohai Harvest RST; RS = Rosemont Seneca, T = Thornton) is incorporated in Shanghai China, one week after VP Joe Biden and son Hunter visit Beijing. BHR is financed by Chinese Government banks including Bank of China, Postal Savings Bank of China, China Development Bank, National Council for Social Security Funds, and China Life. Hunter Biden becomes a BHR Board member and receives a 10 percent share of the company. || Source: Chinese records and Riding the Dragon; and Source2
Dec 20, 2013: Chinese Government via BHR invests $1.5 billion in Hunter Biden’s equity fund Rosemont Seneca Partners. || Source: Peter Schweizer, ‘Riding the Dragon’ film
Jan 20, 2014: President Obama in New Yorker interview dismisses ISIS as ‘JV team‘ and ‘not a direct threat to us‘. ISIS leader Baghdadi later declares Caliphate in captured territory in Iraq and Syria in June 2014.
Feb 4, 2014: George Soros’ Open Society Institute sponsors riots on Maidan in Kiev, the prototype for similar operations in the United States in 2020. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland instructs U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt to have Arseniy Yatsenyuk (aka Yats) appointed Prime Minister after the soon-to-be-completed coup d’etat. When Pyatt expresses concern about EU misgivings, Nuland says ‘Fuck the EU‘.
Feb 11, 2014: DIA Director Flynn testifies to Senate Armed Services Committee re Annual Threat Assessment that ISIS would ‘attempt to take territory in Iraq and Syria‘, contradicting President Obama’s assessment that ISIS is not a significant threat.
Feb 14, 2014: Russian billionaire Yelena Baturina, widow of the former mayor of Moscow, wires $3.5 million to Rosemont Seneca Thornton, an investment firm owned by Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, incorporated on May 28, 2013 in Wilmington, Delaware, for a ‘consultancy agreement’. || Source1 , Source2 , Senate HSGA and Finance report, Oct 2020; Source3
Feb 15, 2014: Wanxiang Group acquires U.S. tax-funded Fisker Automotive and its plug-in hybrid technology in Delaware auction for $149 million. || Source
Feb 18, 2014: Snipers shoot and kill police officers and Soros activists to provoke insurrection in Ukraine.
Feb 22, 2014: Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych is ousted, flees to Russia. New U.S.-backed Ukraine Prime Minister Yatsenyuk expresses Ukraine’s intention to join NATO.
March 16, 2014: Crimeans vote to re-incorporate Crimea into Russia.
March 18, 2014: Russian Federal Assembly ratifies re-incorporation of Crimea into Russia after Crimea plebiscite.
March 2014: CIA secretly intercepts and collects communications of Congressional staff on anonymous reports of Intelligence Community abuses and on torture of prisoners through ‘routine counterintelligence monitoring of government computer systems’. Senate Intelligence and Finance Committees are two of the CIA targets. CIA Director Brennan falsely denies hacking into computer system of Senate Intelligence Committee: ‘Nothing could be further from the truth. I mean, we wouldn’t do that. I mean, that’s just beyond the scope of reason in terms of what we would do.’ IG report later confirms CIA hacking of Senate Intelligence Committee computers. Later, Brennan apologizes. || Source ; and Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson disclosure Nov 2018 in response to Sen Grassley request.
March 20, 2014: Hackers employed by Chinese Government are discovered to have broken into U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) computer systems and stolen the records of more than 22 million people. OPM does not know when the breach occurred. The theft involves anyone whose background was checked as part of their applications for government positions, since 2000. Targets of the hack include security clearances, covert activities, biometric data, birthdates, health information, addresses, and other personal information. Such data can be used to recruit future intelligence agents or to acquire compromising information about persons who may become top officials in future. || Source
March 26, 2014: World Trade Organization rules China violated trade rules by restricting exports of rare-earth minerals used for mobile phones and electric vehicles, and molybdenum (used to produce corrosion-resistant steel). China asserts its sovereign right to promote sustainable development of these materials.
April 2014: DEA concludes Hezbollah ‘has leveraged relationships with corrupt foreign government officials and transnational criminal actors… creating a network that can be utilized to move metric ton quantities of cocaine, launder drug proceeds on a global scale, and procure weapons and precursors for explosives.’ Hezbollah ‘has at its disposal one of the most capable networks of actors coalescing elements of transnational organized crime with terrorism in the world’. || Source , Jack Riley, DEA chief of operations.
April 13, 2014: Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s business partner, joins the Board of Ukranian gas-distributor Burisma.
April 14, 2014: 276 African Christian schoolgirls are kidnapped by Boko Haram, for auction by Muslim groups as sex slaves. Obama declines to designate Boko Haram as terror group or to send Special Operations forces, encourages people to tweet about the crime on social media. Boko Haram is allied with Muslim Brotherhood, protected by Obama Admin under secret order PSD-11.
April 18, 2014: Hunter Biden is appointed to the Board of Directors of Ukranian gas distributor Burisma, with compensation of $50,000/month.
April 22, 2014: VP Joe Biden travels to Ukraine, offers $50 million in aid to Ukranian Govt.
April 25, 2014: Chocolate magnate Petro Poroshenko elected president of Ukraine.
April 28, 2014: British officials seize $23 million from the London bank accounts of Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, for money-laundering.
April 30, 2014: President Obama fires DIA Director Lt Gen Flynn for ‘insubordination’ following an article calling for defeat of radical Islamic terrorists. || Source
May 2014: Ukranian Prosecutor General Vitaly Yarema receives $7 million bribe to stop the investigation of oligarch Burisma owner Mykola Vlochevsky and Burisma Board member Hunter Biden. Source: George Kent, then U.S. Embassy in Ukraine Charge d’Affaires, public testimony in impeachment inquiry November 14, 2019.
May 7, 2014: Second tranche of Chinese Government hack of OPM, with hackers disguised as employees of KeyPoint Government Solutions, a subcontractor. || Source
May 7, 2014: Burisma sends its first payment to Hunter Biden, $250,000 to the Boies Schiller law firm, for ‘Legal and Consulting Services’. || Source: Senate HSGA and Finance Committees report, Oct 2020.
May 12, 2014: Hunter Biden joins Burisma Board. Burisma Advisor Vadim Pozharskyi sends email to Hunter Biden and Devon Archer requesting urgent advice on how to use their influence to stop Ukranian government interference with Burisma’s business. || Source
May 12, 2014: Burisma Advisor Vadim Pozharskyi sends email to Hunter Biden and Devon Archer requesting urgent advice on how to use their influence to stop Ukranian government interference with Burisma’s business. || Source
May 15, 2014 – Feb 12, 2016: Burisma sends 48 wires to Rosemont Seneca Bohai totaling $3,489,490.78. Of the 48 transactions, 39 are for ‘Consulting Services’ each in the amount of $83,333.33, with the last of the payments occurring on Feb 12, 2016.
June 9, 2014: Islamic State captures Mosul, Iraq’s 2nd-largest city, Ramadi, Fallujah, and Tikrit. After one trillion dollars of U.S. expenditure and a decade of training, Iraqi Army flees, leaving territory, guns, rockets, humvees and other equipment and control to terrorists. This development is in line with former DIA Director Lt Gen Flynn’s Threat Assessment testimony to Senate Armed Services Committee on Feb 11, 2014. || Source
July 31, 2014: CIA Inspector General David Buckley reports CIA had broken into Senate Intelligence Committee computers. Senators call for CIA Director Brennan to resign. || Source
Aug 2014: State Dept turns over 15,000 pages of documents to Congressional Benghazi committee, revealing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used private server for government email. Her mishandling of classified info on this private system becomes subject of FBI probe, which is later set aside with no action.
Sept 4, 2014: IRS reports emails of staff that had targeted Tea Party for special scrutiny were lost or destroyed due to hard drive crashes and other technical problems. || Source
Sept 16, 2014: Burisma makes second payment to Hunter Biden via Boies Schiller law firm of $33,039.77, ‘for Legal and Consulting Services’. || Source: Senate HSGA and Finance Committees report, Oct 2020.
Sept 25, 2014: AG Eric Holder resigns.
2014: President Obama appoints CFIUS Staff Chair Aimen Mir Deputy Assistant Secretary for Investment Security. Mir had assisted CFIUS approval of Rosatom-owned Uranium One’s acquisition of 20 percent of American uranium resources.
August 2014: State Dept turns over 15,000 pages of documents to Congressional Benghazi committee, revealing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used private server for government email. Her mishandling of classified info on this private system becomes subject of FBI probe.
Nov 19, 2014: Johnathan Winer writes in a memo: ‘Toria [Victoria Nuland] and Paul [Jones], Three reports from Orbis. The man behind them and Orbis, Chris Steele (as previously mentioned, former MI6 Russia expert, and a trusted friend of mine) is in DC next couple of days. If you’d like to meet with him, let me know and I can put it together.’ || Source: Judicial Watch FOIA request
Dec 2014: Ukranian Prosecutor’s investigation of Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky and Hunter Biden ends suddenly, following payment of $7 million bribe to Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Vitaly Yarema, to ‘shut the case against Zlochevsky’. || Source: Testimony of former U.S. Ukranian Embassy Chargé d’Affaires George Kent to Senate
Dec 2014: BHR invests in China General Nuclear (CGN), a company under FBI investigation for stealing U.S. nuclear secrets. CGN and U.S. citizen Allen Ho, owner of Wilmington Delaware-based Energy Techology International (ETI), are charged by the U.S. Dept of Justice with stealing U.S. nuclear secrets in April 2016.
2015: Eco-Health Alliance Director Peter Daszak states publicly at a National Academy of Sciences conference: ‘We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process‘. || Source
2015: Dr. Zhengli et al ‘re-engineer HKU4 spike to build its capacity to infect human cells, with two mutations [which] demonstrate dramatic effects on viral entry into human cells‘. || Source: Zhengli S, Baric RS, et al, ‘Two Mutations Were Critical for Bat-to-Human Transmission of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus’. J Virol.2015;89(17):9199-9123. Funded by NIH grants RO1AI089728, RO1AI110700.
2015: Ye Jianming founds China Energy Company (CEFC) to acquire independent oil refineries around the world, with financing from several Chinese Government banks. || Source: Senate HGSA and Finance report, Oct 2020.
Jan 2015: Obama Admin warns Iran of imminent assassination of Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani near Damascus by Israel, enabling Soleimani to escape. Quds Force continues attacking U.S. soldiers with roadside bombs (IEDs), until Soleimani is killed by drone in 2018. || Source , Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida.
Jan 21, 2015: Hunter Biden’s BHR plus AVIC Auto, a subsidiary of the Chinese Government’s Aviation Industry Company, agree to purchase Henniges Automotive, a Michigan-based manufacturer whose vibration-dampening technology is used in the F-35 stealth aircraft, for $800 million. The Henniges technology is considered dual-use because it has both military and civilian (automotive) applications, therefore CFIUS approval is required. The stepson of Secretary of State John Kerry who chairs CFIUS is a partner of Hunter Biden in BHR (Rosemont is named after the Heinz family estate near Fox Chapel). Kerry does not recuse himself from participating in the CFIUS approval of the Henniges sale. || Source
Feb 15, 2015: Sandler Foundation executes contract to pay $7,000/month to Podesta Group. Herb and Marion Sandler had sold a bank they owned that specialized in adjustable-rate mortgages, for a $2.6 billion profit. The buyer, Wachovia Bank, having over-estimated the value of the mortgages, goes bankrupt shortly thereafter. John Podesta becomes Clinton campaign manager in late 2015. || Source
2015: Dennis Montgomery gathers 47 hard drives of evidence of NSA/CIA spying on prominent business people such as Donald Trump, Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts, FISA judges, and others, tries to alert Senate Judiciary Committee and FBI, is rebuffed.
March 2015: Susan Rice orders spy agencies to produce ‘detailed spreadsheets’ of legal phone calls Donald Trump and his aides made during presidential campaign, including intercepted phone calls to persons ‘unmasked’, that is, non-targeted individuals incidentally identified in investigations. The unmasked names are provided to CIA Director John Brennan and DNI James Clapper. Ben Rhodes assists Rice in these illegal operations. || Source and former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.
March 2, 2015: NY Times reports that Sec of State Hillary Clinton uses a secret, personal server, instead of the official State Dept server, for email communications.
March 21, 2015: Clinton associates delete thousands of emails that were under subpoena. || Source
March 31, 2015: Clinton IT specialist Paul Combetta realizes he had not deleted all of Clinton’s emails, uses BleachBit software to do so.
2015: More than 50 intelligence analysts complain that their reports on ISIS and al-Qaeda are altered by senior officials in order to support misleading administration narratives. || Source
April 17, 2015: Burisma Advisor Vadim Pozharskyi email to Hunter Biden ‘Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together‘, referring to introduction to VP Joe Biden.
May 2015: Amazon discovers the cloud storage servers it provides for CIA, DOD, HHS and many other government and private customers are infiltrated by a microchip disguised to look like a signal router. The chip, however, about the size of a grain of rice, incorporates memory, networking, and processing power sufficient to hack, upon remote command, any system in which it is embedded. The chip, designed by a Chinese military unit, was inserted into circuit boards manufactured in China and supplied to San Jose-based Supermicro, for sale to Amazon and others. || Source
Summer 2015: FBI warns DNC about alleged Russian hacking. DNC ignores the warning.
Sept 2015: FBI informant and real-estate advisor Felix Sater contacts Trump Organization lawyer Michael Cohen to propose Trump Tower project in Moscow. Sater is an FBI informant under a 1998 plea agreement with U.S. Attorney Andrew Weissman, in exchange for leniency on convictions for assault (stabbing a man in the face with a margarita glass) and racketeering. || Source
Sept 25, 2015: DOD Office of Net Assessment (ONA) awards $245,000 contract to longtime CIA informant Stephen Halper.
Oct 28, 2015: Trump Organization signs letter of intent, brokered by Felix Sater, to brand an office and residential tower in Moscow, to be built by local developer Andrey Rozov. Sater proposes obtaining funding from Arkady and Boris Rotenberg who are under U.S. Treasury-imposed sanctions since 2014, but fails to obtain commitment. Trump lawyer Michael Cohen cancels proposed deal in Dec 2015. Sater also seeks funds from Genbank and VTB Bank, both of which are also under U.S. Treasury-imposed sanctions, though again nothing materializes.
Late 2015: Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe gives $675,000 to the political campaign of Jill McCabe, wife of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. McCabe is in charge of investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private server for classified communications.
Nov 2015: FBI conducts nebulous ‘about’ searches on Americans whose names ‘incidentally’ appear in searches of counterintelligence targets, fails to use minimization safeguards designed to protect people’s privacy from unconstitutional searches and seizures, and allows private contractors such as Fusion GPS access to raw surveillance information. || Source: FISA Court ruling of April 2017: ‘The FBI had disclosed raw FISA information, including but not limited to Section 702-acquired information,…to private contractors. ‘Private contractors had access to raw FISA information on FBI storage systems. Contractors had access to raw FISA information that went well beyond what was necessary to respond to the FBI’s requests…. The Court is concerned about the FBI’s apparent disregard of minimization rules and whether the FBI may be engaging in similar disclosures of raw Section 702 information that have not been reported.’
Nov 13, 2015: President Obama declares ISIS ‘contained’. || Source
Nov 13, 2015: ISIS executes a series of terror attacks in Paris, killing 130 people.
Nov 22, 2015: U.S. State Dept memo to VP Joe Biden summarizing goals of impending meeting with Ukraine President Poroshenko lists the first goal as ‘removal of Prosecutor General Shokin’. Viktor Shokin is investigating illicit payments from Burisma to Board Member Hunter Biden.
Dec 2015: Dennis Montgomery, the CIA contractor who built a mass surveillance tool in 2003, delivers 47 computer hard drives of illegally-harvested surveillance data to DOJ (Holder) and FBI under two limited immunity agreements.
Dec 8, 2015: New York Times article reports that Ukranian prosecutor general Viktor Shokin is investigating Burisma holdings and oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, who received five billion dollars from Government of Ukraine.
Dec 10, 2015: Former DIA Dir Lt Gen Michael Flynn, speaks at RT event in Moscow, is paid $45,000. Putin is seated at same table.
Dec 15, 2015: President Obama issues Executive Order placing hand-picked members of the Senior Executive Service in key positions throughout Federal agencies, including:
Department of the Air Force – 182; Department of Labor – 200; Department of State – 204; Department of Transportation – 231; Department of Interior – 258; Department of the Army – 261; Department of the Navy – 326 Department of Veterans Affairs – 357; Department of Agriculture – 361; Department of Commerce – 425; Department of the Treasury – 458; Department of Health & Human Services – 468; Department of Defense – 478; Department of Energy – 490; Department of Homeland Security – 639.
[The years 2010 – 2013 saw the formation of a secret alliance between the United States and an officially designated terror organization, the Muslim Brotherhood. The purpose of the alliance was to convert street protests in Mideast capitals into regime change, supported by weapons smuggling, terror, and propaganda. The Muslim Brotherhood took over Egypt and Libya, and in collaboration with the U.S. State Department and CIA, was seeking to do the same in Syria and Lebanon. The techniques of regime change in Egypt and Libya were later applied in Ukraine, and to the United States itself, as will be seen in §9 of this timeline. Thus DEA and Treasury continued their investigations of criminal racketeering by Hezbollah, unaware that their investigations would ultimately be shut down. Chinese payments to the family of the Vice-President, bought immunity from espionage charges.]
August 2010: Presidential Study Directive 11 (PSD-11) declares secret U.S. alliance with Muslim Brotherhood to change governments of Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya. || Source
2010: British Ex-spy Christopher Steele meets FBI agent Michael Gaeta, concerning investigation of FIFA corruption. Gaeta is in charge of investigating Russian organized crime. However, ‘Steele did not have any role in the [FIFA] investigation itself, he did not provide court testimony, and his information did not appear in any indictments, search warrants, or other court filings.’ Nevertheless Steele’s FIFA role is cited by the FBI later as grounds for his reliability on other matters. || Source: IG Report.
Sept 21, 2010: China embargoes exports of rare earth minerals to Japan in reaction to Senkaku dispute. ‘Most rare earths are not actually rare. But China dominates world production because the rare earths in its major ore deposits are unusually easy to extract for geological reasons.’ || Source
Oct 5, 2010: DOJ AG Eric Holder requests, and IRS sends FBI 21 disks constituting a 1.1 million page database of information from 501(c)(4) tax exempt organizations; purpose not stated. || Source1 , Source2
Oct 8, 2010: IRS official Lois Lerner meets with DOJ Election Crimes Prosecutor about criminal prosecution of Tea Party groups for political activity contrary to their tax-exempt status.
Oct 22, 2010: State Department and Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (an inter-agency committee including AG Eric Holder) unanimously approves partial sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to Russian nuclear firm Rosatom, giving Russia control of more than 20 percent of America’s uranium supply, with holdings in four Western states. || Source
Nov 23, 2010: Sec State Hillary Clinton proposes in a staff meeting to execute a drone strike on Julian Assange in London, in order to silence Wikileaks, which had published embarrassing secret State Dept cables. She suggests that since Assange is a ‘soft target’, a drone strike would be easy. An assistant, suitably named Anne-Marie Slaughter, assesses this and other options in a followup memo on ‘legal and nonlegal strategies’ to stop Wikileaks.
Dec 22, 2010: Iranian General Qassem Soleimani allows Nuri al-Maliki to become Prime Minister of Iraq, on condition Jalal Talabani become President and that U.S. forces leave Iraq. The pro-American secular leader Ayad Alawi who had won a plurality but not a majority of parliamentary seats, is told by VP Joe Biden to abandon his effort to form a government. || Source
Jan 2011: Wanxiang founder Lu Guanqiu, a close associate of future Chinese leader Xi Jinping, meets President Obama.
Jan 25, 2011: Muslim Brotherhood leads revolution against Hosni Mubarak in Egypt.
Feb 2, 2011: President Obama announces U.S. support of regime change in Egypt.
Feb 2011: U.S. Treasury files civil action against Beirut-based Lebanese Canadian Bank, Hezbollah’s central money-laundering and drug-trafficking bank, and later seize $102 million, forcing it to shut down and sell its assets without admitting wrongdoing. DOJ fails to file criminal charges, and blocks investigations into other financial institutions and individuals that DEA Cassandra agent David Asher targets for RICO case. RICO convictions enable severer penalties. One network, that of Ayman Saied Joumaa, launders $200 million/month through U.S. used car dealers shipping cars to Benin.
Feb 17, 2011: Muslim Brotherhood leads revolution in Libya.
March 2011: Secretary of State Clinton announces U.S. support for Muslim Brotherhood-led rebels in Libya, appoints Special Envoy Chris Stevens to direct US operations in Benghazi.
April 5, 2011: Washington State requires all 39 counties to conduct elections by mail.
April 22, 2011: White House Counsel Judity Corley writes to Hawaii Health Director Loretta Fuddy requesting two copies of Obama’s original Certificate of Live Birth. || Source
April 25, 2011: Hawaii Health Director Fuddy writes back granting April 22 certificate request. Attorney Bob Bauer claims Corley returns to White House with the certificates on the same day, April 25. || Source
June 2011: IRS expands scope of special-scrutiny from ‘Tea Party’ by adding search terms: patriot, government spending, government debt, taxes, making America a better place to live, education on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and challenging Affordable Care Act or Obamacare. IRS continues targeting Republican groups throughout 2012, as admitted by Lois Lerner in Congressional testimony May 10, 2013. || Source
August 14, 2011: Iran Quds Force leader Zanjani transfers 1.9 million Euros to Benghazi construction company via First Islamic Investment Bank in Labuan, Malaysia and Banque Intercontinentale Arabe in Paris. || Source
August 18, 2011: Executive Order 13583 establishes a coordinated Government-wide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the Federal workforce, and launches race-conscious ‘micro-agression’ sensitivity training and indoctrination throughout the military and all agencies; resulting in the firing of almost 200 senior officers.
Oct 3, 2011: Obama Admin expands scope of permissible spying to include domestic communications of Americans through the NSA all-inclusive database. || Source
Oct 20, 2011: Muslim Brotherhood takes control of Libya.
2011: NSA discloses to FISA Court that it had misrepresented the nature of its ‘upstream’ collection activities under Section 702, and that it was actually acquiring not only communications to or from the targets of surveillance, but communications that simply mentioned certain information about them, some of which had nothing to do with the target.
Dec 15, 2011: Preet Bharara and DEA Administrator announce civil suit seeking $483,142,568 from Lebanese Canadian Bank (LCB) and others for a money laundering scheme to finance Hezbollah through sales of U.S.-purchased used cars and resale in West Africa, in violation of International Emergency Economic Powers Act.
Dec 2011: Obama Admin grants temporary work visa to Vadim Mikerin, who had been engaged in a uranium-trucking extortion scheme in the U.S. since 2009. || Source
2012: U.S. intelligence officials become aware of Chinese Govt hack of Office of Personnel Management (OPM). || Source
2012: China National Natural Science Foundation funds research led by Xu Jianguo on ‘discovery of animal-delivered pathogens carried by wild animals’, seeking organisms that could infect humans. || Source
Jan 27, 2012: In internal meeting, VP Biden opposes U.S. raid on Bin Laden compound.
Feb 19, 2012: Hunter Biden’s Seneca Global Advisors arranges for GreatPoint, a US energy technology startup, to receive an equity investment of $420 million and project funding of $1.25 billion from Wanxiang Group, to jointly-develop a coal-to-natural gas facility in Xinjiang.
April 2012: U.S. Amb to Libya Cretz formally requests, in a cable to Sec State Clinton, more security for the Benghazi mission. In cable bearing her signature, Clinton refuses. || Source: House Armed Services, Judiciary, Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Oversight and Government Reform Committees report, April 23, 2013
April 2012: Michael Horowitz appointed DOJ Inspector General after President Obama revokes authority of all agency inspectors general to require information pertinent to OIG analyss.
April 17, 2012: President Barack Obama nominates Lt Gen Flynn to be Director of DIA.
June 20, 2012: Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Morsi wins presidency of Egypt.
2012: FISA-702(16)(17) ‘About’ (nebulous catchall) queries of NSA database are initiated. 85 percent of these are later determined by NSA audit and FISA Court judgment to have been ‘non-compliant’ with procedures to minimize inadvertent disclosure of names of unrelated people, in violation of their Constitutional Fourth-Amendment rights.
June 2012: U.S. intelligence and security officers in Benghazi and Tripoli warn their superiors, including Ambassador Stevens, that Iranian preparations for a terrorist attack on the US compound in Benghazi are in progress. Green Beret Colonel Andy Wood, head of security for Stevens, sends a cable to his commanding officer that Iranian militia group Ansar al Sharia had received funding from Iran.
July 2012: CIA/State Dept operation with Obama presidential covert action finding authorizes secret weapons smuggling operation from Benghazi Libya to ISIS forces in Syria.
July 1, 2012: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton uses unsecured personal email domain to email President Obama from Russia, contrary to law and security protocol.
July 20, 2012: Uranium One pays Podesta Group to lobby State Dept and other agencies on ‘international mining projects’. || Source
July 25, 2012: DIA chief Lt Gen Michael Flynn discovers newly developed Stinger missile is fired by Taliban at U.S. Chinook helicopter. CIA (Brennan) and State Dept (Clinton) had arranged for delivery of missile to Qatar for Libya but instead it was diverted to Taliban, according to serial number recovered from missile casing. || Source
July 25, 2012: Google’s Jared Cohen partners with Al-Jazeera to broadcast information into Syria, using data on defections from the Assad regime tracked by Google. Acting under the aegis of the U.S. State Dept, the purpose of the defection-tracker is to encourage more defections and to overthrow the Assad regime. || Source1 ; Source2: Jared Cohen message to State Dept officials Burns, Sullivan, Ross: ‘visually representing and mapping the defections, which we believe are important in encouraging more to defect and giving confidence to the opposition’.
August 12, 2012: DIA issues secret report, by Lt Gen Michael Flynn, that an Islamic State will be established in eastern Syria, led by the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda.
Sept 11, 2012: Libyan terrorists attack U.S. mission in Benghazi Libya. State Dept Operations Center alerts White House Situation Room, DNI, and FBI. Sept 11, 4:05 p.m. ET State Dept. Operations Center sends alert to government emergency watch lists including White House Situation Room, DNI, and FBI. Entitled ‘US Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack’, the alert reports ‘approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well’. Special Operations Forces prepare to fly from Tripoli to Benghazi during the attack, but is forbidden to do so by US Special Operations Command Africa.
Ansar al-Sharia claims responsibiilty on Facebook and Twitter. President Obama does not convene emergency meeting of Counterterrorism Security Group, issues ‘stand down’ orders to not mount a rescue mission in response to the attack. General Carter Ham, head of U.S. Africa Command, prepares a rescue mission in defiance of this order and is fired. Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans are murdered by terrorists. || Source: CBS News’ Sharyl Attkisson reports
Sept 15, 2012: In talking points explaining Benghazi attack, Obama Admin removes references to Al Qaeda and other Islamic extremists, describes armed hostilities as a ‘demonstration’. CIA Director Gen David Petraeus continues to call the attack an attack, contradicting Obama talking points. FBI Dep Dir Andrew McCabe instructs subordinates not to call the Benghazi attack an act of terrorism when distributing the FBI’s findings to the larger intelligence community, despite knowing the identity of the attackers. || Source: House Armed Services, Judiciary, Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Oversight and Government Reform Committee Report; Rep. Ron DeSantis Dec 2017 interview of a retired FBI supervisor.
Oct 14, 2012: NSA collects more than 250 million email contact lists from free email services such as Yahoo and Gmail.
Nov 6, 2012: Obama elected to 2nd term as president.
Nov 9, 2012: CIA Dir Petraeus resigns.
Nov 30, 2012: U.S. State Dept and Smithsonian Institution pay Chinese pyrotechnician Cai Guo Qiang $250,000 to blow up a Christmas tree on the National Mall, a few weeks before Christmas. U.S. officials, apparently unaware of the symbolism of the stunt for Chinese seeking to avenge Western humiliation, also award Cai the first-ever State Dept Medal of Arts. Cleaning up the detritus of the explosion takes two months.
2012 – 2015: Uranium One retains Podesta Group as lobbyist for fees totaling $180,000. || Source
Jan 2013: Russia’s Rosatom acquires majority control of Uranium One, with uranium mines in Kazakhstan and the United States. Frank Giustra and other Uranium One investors give $130 million to Clinton Foundation.
Feb 1, 2013: John Kerry becomes U.S. Secretary of State.
March 7, 2013: John Brennan confirmed as CIA Director.
March 2013: CIA awards $600 million contract to Amazon Web Services for cloud system enabling 17 intelligence agencies to share information.
March 2013: Igor Danchenko, later the source for Steele’s dossier, is charged in Greenbelt Md with public drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Rod Rosenstein is the prosecutor. Danchenko is released from jail on condition he undergo drug testing and ‘participate in a program of substance abuse therapy and counseling’, as well as ‘mental health counseling’.
March 28, 2013: Congress issues subpoena for Hillary Clinton’s server, after which a computer technician employed by her deletes her emails from the server.
Placing delayed revelations in their actual time-sequence reveals the U.S. election fraud of 2020 growing out of Hugo Chavez’s software investment in 2004, Chinese military advances derived from their hack of DOD in 2007, alliances between spies and an ambitious political candidate dating back to 2008, and the beginnings of a failed campaign to take down the Hezbollah international drug-trafficking empire.
[Much of today’s dissolution grew out of actions and policies little-noted when they occurred, decades earlier. They were either not newsworthy, not salient to people other than those ‘in the know’, or intentionally concealed for fear of the negative reaction they would provoke.]
[Long gaps between action and consequence lead to collective amnesia, a sort of brain-fog about how things came to be the way they are. That in turn induces passive acceptance, as if current circumstances were not contingent on prior causes. So here in the early 2000s, visible but unappreciated, are several of the features of contemporary life that loom so large now — mass surveillance, election fraud, and Chinese espionage.]
Dec 14, 1999: Port Angeles (Washington) Customs Inspector Diana Dean thwarts Al Qaida plan to blow up Los Angeles airport by questioning Algerian terrorist Ahmed Ressam, part of a sleeper cell based in Canada.
Jan 28, 2000: An application for a patent on a spike protein virus vaccine for canine coronavirus is filed with the U.S. Patent Office.
2001: Patent attorney David Martin’s firm publishes a report warning of the dangers posed by the use of coronavirus as a vaccine vector also being used, with no modification needed, as a bio-weapon. || Source
Sept 11, 2001: Airline ticket agent Michael Tuohey checks Mohammed Atta onto Flight 11. Tuohey later recalls ‘I said to myself, ‘If this guy doesn’t look like an Arab terrorist, then nothing does‘. But he lets the terrorists board without any enhanced security screening: ‘I gave myself a mental slap, because in this day and age, it’s not nice to say things like this. You’ve checked in hundreds of Arabs and Hindus and Sikhs, and you’ve never done that. I felt kind of embarrassed.‘ || Source: John Schindler, Top Secret Umbra topsecretumbra@substack.com
Sept 11, 2001: Islamists commanded by Osama Bin Laden hijack four passenger planes, flying three of them into the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York, and one of them into the Pentagon in Washington DC. Passengers take control of the fourth plane and crash it into the ground in southwest Pennsylvania before it could reach its intended target, the White House. An FBI field office had previously sent a report of Saudi Arabian students at a flight school in Minnesota seeking instruction in taking off but not landing an airplane. FBI Headquarters ignored the report. More than 3,000 people are killed in the 9/11 attacks.
Oct 4, 2001: In response to 9/11 attack, U.S. Govt authorizes spy agencies to do warrantless mass surveillance, that is, to spy on ordinary citizens without obtaining a warrant stating a reason or ‘probable cause’ of suspicion, in effect repealing the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution. In 2002, the first full year of operation, the total number of people in the U.S. subject to such surveillance is 500 or less. || Source
April 19, 2002: National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Dir Anthony Fauci, and Christopher M Curtis, Boyd Young and Ralph Baric apply for patent on a recombinant (chimeric) DNA means of producing an infectious replication-defective coronavirus specifically targeted for human lung epithelium. The 2002 patent application specifies the ACE-2 binding domain for the S-1 spike protein, exactly as it later came to be known in SARS-CoV2. The pathogen had been created by Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, under NIH NIAID Grant #GM63228. NIAID exercises the U.S. Government’s ‘march-in’ right to acquire ownership of any research it funds. The patent on this pathogen is later granted as U.S. Patent #727-9327. Dr. Shi Zhengli and Wuhan Virology Institute colleagues increase infectivity by combining an HIV pseudovirus with SARS-CoV-1. || Source
2003: Russian oligarch, aluminum magnate, and Putin associate Oleg Deripaska retains law firm Alston & Bird, where Johnathan Winer is a partner. Putin seeks major share of world uranium resources. Winer later joins State Dept, acts as conduit for dossier prepared by British ex-spy Christopher Steele.
April 25, 2003: U.S. Patent Office rejects, for lack of novelty, a CDC application seeking to patent the SARS coronavirus genome. 35 U.S.Code § 101 prohibits issuance of a patent for a naturally occurring substance.
April 28, 2003: Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, whose holdings are later acquired by Pfizer and J&J, applies for a patent on ‘antiviral agents of treatment and control of infections by coronavirus’. || Source
March 10, 2004: With the warrantless spying program (called ‘Stellar Wind’) set to expire, and Attorney General Ashcroft in hospital in intensive care, Acting Attorney General James Comey and FBI Director Robert Mueller threaten to resign rather than approve an extension. Ashcroft, Comey, and Mueller all state their belief that the ‘Stellar Wind’ component on Internet metadata violates the Constitution. They inform President George W Bush that a mass resignation of DOJ lawyers would ensue, imperiling his re-election later in the year. Bush extends the program without the metadata component, over the objections of VP Cheney, averting any resignations. A secret FISA Court decision re-approves Internet metadata spying in June 2004. || Source: George W Bush, Decision Points, and Source
May 28, 2004: Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez buys 28 percent share of Bizta, a venture developer of voting machine software.
Jan 2005: Hunter Biden, Chris Heinz, and Devon Archer establish Rosemont Capital. The firm is named after a Heinz family estate in Sewickley Pennsylvania. Heinz, heir to the food-processing conglomerate, supplies the capital, is the step-son of Senator John Kerry.
March 2005: Smartmatic purchases Sequoia Voting Systems for $16 million.
Nov 2005: CIA veteran John Brennan appointed CEO of The Analysis Corp (TAC), whose products are pattern recognition and data mining software for U.S. Government’s terrorist watchlist database called TIPOFF.
Dec 2005: Eric Lichtblau and James Risen reveal in New York Times the ‘Stellar Wind’ program of unconstitutional warrantless domestic spying and unauthorized NSA collection of Internet metadata, which had been in operation since Oct 2001. || Source
2006: Oleg Deripaska agrees to pay $10 million annual compensation to Paul Manafort to improve Putin image in U.S. Payments continue through 2009.
May 4, 2006: Rep Carolyn Maloney (D, NY) writes to Treasury Secretary John Snow, asking whether Venezuelan company Smartmatic had complied with CFIUS regulations in its acquisition of Sequoia, a U.S. voting machine company. ‘As you can imagine, having a foreign government investing in or owning a company that supplies voting machines for U.S. elections could raise concerns over the integrity of elections conducted with these machines.
Aug 2006: Hunter Biden and uncle James Biden purchase hedge fund Paradigm Global Advisors. James Biden tells employees Don’t worry about investors. We’ve got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden. Non-U.S. persons could provide money to such companies without campaign-finance or foreign-agent reporting requirements. || Source ; Independent CPAs Briggs, Bunting & Dougherty report to SEC on July 25, 2008, cites Paradigm for ‘failure to reconcile reimbursements, cash accounts, and other accounts’. || Source
October 29, 2006: Smartmatic and Sequoia Voting Systems deny Venezuelan Govt ownership, seek CFIUS review, claim no national security risk and no substantiated allegations of tampering with voting results.
Oct 31, 2006: San Francisco Mayor (later California Governor) Gavin Newsom installs Dominion voting machines in SF. || Source
2007: Hackers from Chinese military unit Technical Reconnaissance Bureau, in Chengdu, on behalf of China’s Aviation Industry Company (AVIC), hack into DOD and contractors’ computer systems, stealing 50 terabytes of data on U.S. F-35 aircraft design, including engine schematics, radar, electro-optical system for missile warning, navigation support, and night operations, turbine cooling system, engine heat reduction, and other elements of stealth design. According to NSA estimates, Chinese hackers conducted more than 30,000 cyber attacks into DOD and contractors including Lockheed Martin and Norhtrup Grumman. AVIC subsidiary Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group uses the stolen data to design and build the J-20. Photos posted on Chinese military forums on Jan 17, 2014 show the J-20 with F-35 features. || Sources: Snowden files and Source1 , Source2
June 8, 2007: DOD contracts with Dynology to help U.S. military graduate from dropping leaflets from airplanes to micro-targeting psychological warfare via social-media. Dynology, headed by Gen James Jones, develops methods of influencing groups politically according to their religion, ethnicity, demographic profile, anxiety, and personal background, and retains these algorithms for later commercial use.
Sept 5, 2007: Hunter Biden and James Bulger establish Thornton, a government relations consultancy specializing in U.S. ties with China. Taiwan-born, Yale-educated Michael Lin also participates in Thornton.
Oct 25, 2007: By Executive Orders 13224 and 13382, State Department designates Qassem Soleimani and Quds Force (Iranian-trained militia) and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as terrorists. Treasury designates IRGC-Qods Force under E.O. 13224 for providing material support to the Taliban and other terrorist organizations, and Iran’s state-owned Bank Saderat as a terrorist financier. || Source
§2. Monetization of U.S. Foreign Policy, 2008 – 2010
[With the prospect of a Constitutionally impaired president, the spy agencies vastly expanded the reach of their surveillance and the scope of their influence. Future CIA Director John Brennan and future President Barack Obama formed an alliance whose first overt act was the cleansing of the latter’s passport records. This was followed by legislation repealing the Constitutional protection against ‘unreasonable searches and seizures’, while the U.S. economy was in full meltdown after the bankruptcies of the fourth- and fifth-largest investment banks. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) courts established by the stealth legislation later operated as a parallel though secret Supreme Court, enabling illegal investigations by the FBI on its own initiative, driven by its officials’ personal biases and political preferences.]
[These years also saw atomic deal-making with Russia in which the national security of the United States was secretly exchanged for donations to a personal political foundation. When later revealed, these deals proved extremely embarrassing, though prosecution was averted. Treasonous relations with Russia were later attributed to another person first by fabricating evidence, then reifying the fabrications by having the spy agencies solemnly pore over the suspicious details contrived for their investigation. Even the purported details from a widely circulated ‘dossier’ were provided by a ‘sub-source’, one Igor Danchenko, an employee of the Brookings Institution who had offered jobs in the incoming Obama Administration to his co-workers. Future Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein was acquainted with him by virtue of having arrested and prosecuted him for disorderly behavior in public. Federal officials considered ‘the consent of the governed’ subordinate to a ‘higher calling’ to use newly-available mass-surveillance resources for their own political purposes. The Russia story that first took shape during these years unraveled a decade later, having served its purpose, while far more ruinous penetration of the U.S. government by Chinese spies remained unreported.]
[During these same years, as revealed more than a decade later, Chinese Government agencies paid billions of dollars to the family of the then Vice-President, in exchange for official non-prosecution of illicit technology transfers through industrial espionage. The timeline grants us retrospective foresight by placing these later-revealed consequences in the actual order they occurred.]
[Organizing a new Administration typically takes one-and-a-half to two years. During that initial period, some agencies not ‘in synch’ with policies that cannot be discussed in public continue operating as before. So it was with the Drug Enforcement Administration, whose officials thought they were supposed to round up drug smugglers. They launched an investigation of Hezbollah’s billion-dollar drug-smuggling empire, unaware that the entire investigation would fall victim to a nuclear deal with Iran.]
2008: Johnathan Winer joins APCO, a lobbying and political influence firm.
March 14, 2008: A contract employee of TAC, formerly a retired State Department employee, gains unauthorized access to the passport records of Barack Obama, John McCain, and Hillary Clinton. Neither the employee nor the motive are identified or investigated. The passport files may have contained original copies of birth certificates and records of Obama’s 1981 travel to Pakistan. Source: State Dept Inspector General’s Report.
March 16, 2008: Bear Stearns, the 5th-largest investment bank in the U.S., collapses, bankrupt, and is taken over by JP Morgan Chase for the fire-sale price of two dollars per share.
April 19, 2008: Police find Lt Quarles Harris Jr, 24, shot dead in a car in Northeast Washington DC. Harris had cooperated with federal investigation into March 14 breach of State Dept passport files. || Source
June 2008: Obama campaign releases short-form birth Certificate.
July 10, 2008: Congress passes Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), authorizing National Security Agency (NSA) under Section 702, operating inside the United States, to collect communications of foreigners overseas for foreign intelligence purposes without a warrant. The law (110-261) substitutes a general warrant from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for the individual warrant required by the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment prohibition of ‘unreasonable searches and seizures’. Because this surveillance inevitably sweeps in domestic communications, NSA is required to minimize such collections by defining its search queries as narrowly as possible. || Source
Aug 2008: Former Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General Philip Berg sues in Federal District Court to obtain Obama birth certificate. || Source
2008: DEA launches Project Cassandra to investigate Hezbollah’s and Iran’s billion-dollar drug and weapons trafficking organization. DOJ refuses to prosecute Hezbollah’s Iran envoy Abdallah Safieddine for drug trafficking. Obama Admin refuses to designate Hezbollah a ‘significant transnational criminal organization’, due to prioritizing of nuclear deal with Iran. || Source
Aug 23, 2008: Joe Biden named as Democrat candidate for Vice-President.
Sept 15, 2008: Lehman Brothers, 4th-largest U.S. investment bank, goes bankrupt, starting an international credit freeze-up, meltdown of the U.S. economy, and insolvency of major commercial banks and insurers. Bankruptcy of ‘too-big-to-fail’ financial institutions is only averted by transferring newly issued Federal Reserve currency, at taxpayers’ expense, to them.
Oct 2008: John Brennan’s The Analysis Corporation (TAC), CGI, and Global Strategies Group consult for Illinois Sen Barack Obama on Internet influence operations.
Nov 2008: Brookings employee Igor Danchenko, later identified as the primary source for the Steele dossier, offers two Brookings co-workers that if they ‘did get a job in the government and had access to classified information, and wanted to make a little extra money’, Danchenko knew some people to whom they could speak. This offer by a possible Russian spy is reported to FBI several months later. Source: FBI Overview of the Counterintelligence Investigation of Christopher Steele’s Primary Sub-source, declassified Sept 23, 2020.
Nov 4, 2008: Barack Obama elected President, Joe Biden elected Vice-President.
2008 – 2010: Canadian mining company Uranium One seeks to ensure validity of its mining licenses in Kazakhstan, following arrest of Kazatomprom President who granted the licenses. Chairman Ian Telfer and former Ur-Asia investor Frank Giustra donate $8.65 million to Clinton Foundation. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton accompanies them to Kazakhstan.
2009: FBI begins investigation of Transport Logistics International for $2 Million bribery in and money laundering in relation to transportation of Russia’s uranium around the United States. Robert Mueller is FBI Director.
2009 – Jan 2012: Rosatom Tenex head Vadim Mikerin ‘did knowingly and willfully combine, conspire confederate and agree with other persons… to obstruct, delay and affect commerce and the movement of an article and commodity (enriched uranium) in commerce by extortion’. FBI in 2009 collects eyewitness evidence backed by documents, of money-laundering, blackmail and bribery by Russian nuclear officials, all aimed at growing Vladimir Putin’s atomic-energy business inside the United States in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Mikerin pleads guilty in U.S. court in 2014 to orchestrating more than $2 million in bribe payments through shadowy accounts in Cyprus, Latvia, and Switzerland. || Source and Nov 2014 indictment
2009: Rosatom subsidiary ARMZ acquires 17% stake in Uranium One; they seek an initial Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. (CFIUS) review.
2009: President Obama appoints former Muslim Brotherhood official Aimen Mir as CFIUS Staff Chair.
2009: FBI Director Robert Mueller and agent Andrew McCabe request assistance of Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska to retrieve former FBI officer and CIA resource Robert Levinson who was captured in Iran in 2007. Deripaska spends $25 million of his own funds but fails, due to State Department backing out. || Source
June 4, 2009: President Obama apologizes at Cairo University for colonialism and for the U.S. slighting Muslim interests in pursuit of Cold War rivalry, attributes 9/11 attacks to extremists ‘exploiting these tensions’. || Source
June 10, 2009: U.S. Sec State Clinton meets with Kazakh dictator Nazarbayev to secure Uranium One’s ownership of uranium in Kazakhstan after arrest of Kazatomprom President Moukhtar Dzhakishev, the official responsible for selling the uranium mining rights to Giustra’s company. Rosatom subsidiary completes acquisition of 17 percent of Uranium One.
June 25 2009: Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz form Rosemont Seneca, which partners with the Thornton Group run by Devon Archer, and the Bank of China, to form Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) in China. Devon Archer is the nephew of Whitey Bulger, head of the Boston Irish mafia who received federal protection under FBI Director Robert Mueller as an informant.
Sept 15, 2009: NSA and Britain’s GCHQ agree to share data, surveillance assets, and conclusions.
Oct 4, 2009: U.S. citizen Allen Ho, under direction of China General Nuclear, seeks assistance of U.S. nuclear scientists surreptitiously to enable China to design and manufacture its own nuclear instrumentation systems. Hunter Biden’s BHR later invests in China General Nuclear (CGN) in Dec 2014. || Source: DOJ indictment April 14, 2016
Nov 27, 2009: First kickback payment by Mikerin to trucking company for transport of enriched uranium documented by FBI.
April 2010: APCO (Johnathan Winer) executes contract with Rosatom to ‘create and promote a new image of State Atomic Energy corporation Rosatom supporting the interests of Rosatom in the USA’, and to overcome ‘existing political and trade barriers’.
June 2010: Rosatom, via ARMZ, seeks 51 percent ownership in Uranium One, which requires CFIUS approval. Uranium One Chair Telfer donates additional $250,000 to Clinton Foundation while CFIUS review pending.
June 29, 2010: Bill Clinton delivers speech at Renaissance Capital in Moscow, receives $500,000. || Source