A boy materializes out of incense mist to summon the gods by ringing the bell at Chionji, a temple near Amano-hashidate, Japan
ID 177 「Waking the Gods」
作品サイズ W 13 cm × H 19 cm | 用紙サイズ W 25 cm × H 28 cm | インク Cool black
Categories:1. Paper・紙: Rives BFK・リーブ BFK, 2. Series・シリーズ: Play・遊び, 3. Mood・気持: Intimate・密接, 4. Texture・地肌: Granular・砂的, 5. Place・所: Kyoto&Nara Japan・京都・奈良, 6.11 Exh: Mystères Momentanés, 2018, 6.17 Exh: Sakyukan・砂丘館, 2016, 6.18 Exh: 和紙と銅板, etching on washi, 2016, 6.21 Exh: Reach For the Sky, 2015, 6.23 Exh: Clairvoyant, 2012, 6.24 Exh: In Praise of Shadows, 2010, 6.40 Book: Dappled Things
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