So renowned is bamboo for its protean growth that it is the object of many legends involving the birth of children to old couples. Bamboo leaves transubstantiated from light-on-dark to dark-on-light impart a marvelously luminous quality. Snow edges the roof of Kosokuji Temple so as to resemble the rough deckle edges of etching paper.
ID 90 「Bamboo Story(竹取り物語)」
作品サイズ W 35 cm × H 27 cm | 用紙サイズ W 47 cm × H 38 cm | インク Carbon black
Categories:1. Paper・紙: Ganpi・雁皮, 2. Series・シリーズ: Temples・寺, 3. Mood・気持: Now・只今, 4. Texture・地肌: Linear・線, 5. Place・所: Kamakura Japan・鎌倉, 5. Place・所: Shonan Japan・湘南, 6.22 Exh: Wayfinding, 2013, 6.50 Coll: Yokohama Museum, 6.60 Coll: Houston Art Museum, 6.61 Coll: Kamakura Museum of Modern Art
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