The Kamakura Print Collection, Photogravure Etchings by Peter Miller

Hadrian’s Wall

Built by the Roman Emperor Hadrian, this wall marked the northern extent of the Empire, yet its form suggests the limitless expanse of the Scottish border.

ID 221 「Hadrian’s Wall」
作品サイズ W 20 cm × H 15 cm | 用紙サイズ W 28 cm × H 23 cm | インク Carbon Black


Categories:1. Paper・紙: Fabriano・ファブリアーノ, 2. Series・シリーズ: Beyond・向こう, 3. Mood・気持: Dynamic, 4. Texture・地肌: Rough・凸凹, 5. Place・所: Britain・英国, 6.19 Exh: Are We There Yet?, 2015, 6.22 Exh: Wayfinding, 2013


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